2 Samuel 22
Sermon Tone Analysis
1-4 5-20 21-28 29-46 47-51
1-4 5-20 21-28 29-46 47-51
David’s Song of Deliverance.
Chapter 22 and Psalm 18 are almost identical and both have the same structure, flow and meaning. Both were written by David and some think that Psalm 18, which is titled “The Lord is my Rock and my Fortress” is an edited rewriting by David of what is in chapter 22. This is a song of praise to God by David and was probably written near the end of his life as a general summary of his deliverance from his enemies by God. Verses 1-4 are a praise to God as his savior and deliverer from his enemies. Verses 5-46 are the reasons for his praises broken up into three parts, 5-20 describe how God delivered him from his enemies, 21-28 describe why God rescued him from his enemies, 29-46 describe what extent he was delivered. The song then concludes with more praise to God and thankfulness for his promise of bringing the savior of the world, Jesus Christ, from Davids descendants.
Like I sad earlier this song was probably composed nearer the end of his life after God had saved him over and over again; from Saul, Absalom, the Philistines etc., and had also given David his promise, the Davidic Covenant, that from his offspring the eventual messiah and savior of the world would come.
David describes how he has called out to God when he was in times of trouble pictured as floods and the snares of death and Hell.
He goes on to picture Gods power as earthquakes, volcanoes, and mighty storms and forces of nature as God came to his rescue
He ends this section with how God delighted in him, meaning the Lord was pleased with David.
We know from what we have read that David was not sinless and blameless in the most strictest way, but David had always sought forgiveness when he has sinned and God forgave him because of his faith.
David was obedient to God’s commands and he was blameless when compared to his enemies.
He goes on to say some truths about how God is, showing mercy and compassion on those who are meek and humble and punishing the proud and crooked.
Empowered by God David describes how he gained his total victory over his enemies, both in Israel and through out the nations.
Just as in chapter 21 David’s men said David was the light or lamp of Israel David describes God as his light and lamp, guiding him through darkness.
David describes his victories against his enemies as being crushed and beat down in to the very dust of the streets under him.
He ends this section with a recap saying that God delivered him from his troubles within Israel; Saul, Absalom, Sheba, etc. and all of battles and troubles from outside Israel; the Philistines, Ammon, Syria etc. He also mentions that God provided help from foreign peoples, like the Philistine prince Achish in Gath.
David then repeats near the end of the song his praises to God for be his personal savior and deliverer from his enemies like he did in the beginning.
He then ends the song with a line that praises God for bringing salvation to his King, not meaning himself as king of Israel but the promise from God of the coming messiah, the King of Kings, Jesus and that he would be from David’s offspring, and Jesus will reign forever.