Staying Saved
Read 2 Peter 3:17-18
Backsliding refers to any degree of loss of commitment, fervor, spiritual priorities or testimony, with apostasy as a final consequence if uncorrected. Viewed as a process, backsliding begins with neglect of the means of grace or light, and leads to sin, broken fellowship with God, a defiled conscience, spiritual indifference and hardness of heart, unbelief, and apostasy.
1. Beware:
2. Growing
Growing in Grace
How well I remember a board meeting in a metropolitan parish. Concern was voiced that we were not reaching a sufficient number of persons for Christ. We were in general agreement as to what should be done, but no one was willing to commit himself to the task. There were searching moments of silence. Then, quite unexpectedly, a prominent physician stood and said, “I don’t know much about evangelism, but I love Christ and His church. Pastor, if you will teach me how to become an evangelist and if you, the members of this board, will cooperate, I will head up our evangelism program for next year.”
It was an exciting statement! Like a blood transfusion, he injected new life and enthusiasm into the group. We experienced a great ingathering of souls that year. Moreover, the physician grew in Christian grace and loyalty, as did the congregation.
Peter wrote his letters to Christians in the Roman provinces of Asia and Bythynia (compare 1 Pet 1:1; 2 Pet 3:1). Half a century or so later the Roman governor of that area was impressed with the believers there and made notes on what he observed, saying that the Christians “sing a hymn to Christ as God” (Pliny, quoted in Green 1987:165). God used Peter’s letters to make those Christians steadfast in knowledge of Christ. Peter had strengthened his brothers (Lk 22:32)!