Exudus 2 1-11Trusting God's hidden agenda
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Exudus 2 Trusting Gods hidden agenda
He’s pulling you out. 2 1-11
My Brothers and sisters I believe each one of us can look over our lives and say that 10 years ago you wouldn’t know if you be where you are today. My brothers and sister that’s why its important to Love people, have heart for the people because the truth of the matter is we don’t know who will be their for tomorrow. We have to understand that everything that happen in our life rather good or bad, and the truth of the matter is we all attempt to try and figure it out on our own. However my brothers and sisters if you don’t consider God and consult with God before we make a move we would be like a ship without a sale.
My brothers believe it or not everyone that’s connected you has an agenda. Some people have agenda’s that we already know their plan and their purpose for our lives so. However there are some people in your life that if we are not sure of. However God is often one..He does not give us the exact details as to how our life pans…out.
His agenda is hidden, that’s why our faith requires us to believe but we can’t see, the Bible says faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
I can’t see it but I can trust his heart when I can’t grace his hand
Background—Moses an Israeleite adopted into an Egyptian family
Levite woman,
Levite Man,
She saw the good in him..
Hebrew was not supposed to have too much to do twitch the Egyptian, Jieeger not only did Moses find favor with an Egyptian but with the Pharaohs daughter.
What was once fatal, is about to bring you favor.
Had a child- hid him for three three months because during this season the Egyptians were killing all male Israelites because they feared the children would reproduce.
However they saw something special about this young child.
So they hid him for 3 months until they could no longer hide him… Sometimes its good to hid somethings from some people until the proper time. However sometimes your gift and you call get to a point to where you can’t help but tell somebody, Somethings you don’t have to brag on it just gets so big that people can’t help but see it.
Three characters in this scene, we have Moses only a baby, His older sister, and Pharaoh’s daughter
She understands she out in the Nile but it was water proof.
This mother took a chance on God. There was only two things that could have happened, they could have did to him as they did to the other young boys..However, she understood that if God placed him in the right place at the right time a miracle can happen.
Sometimes we have to learn how to take a chance on God, God Im trusting you.
The kings daughter saw him while he was floating
Even though he was a Hebrew baby and was supposed not be alive but found favor with the kings daughter.
He broke the rules so that you could live.
Kit was his sister that asked pharaoh’s daughters. If she could find someone to nurse him.
She brought back the
Pharoas daughter named him Moses which means pulled out
Moses mother was paid for what she would have been for free….
The mother before I kill it I’ll give to God in a sense she trusted God..
(To most of it would seem crazy and…. However, the Bible says trust in the lord with all thine, heart and lean not to thine own understanding)
The sister was the one that kept track Moses and followed him until he arrived in the right place at the right time to meet Pharoas daughter.
Pharoahs daughter—-
We don’t understand what was intrigued about Pharoas daughter,
Maybe she suffered from infertility, however whatevrmjrrmlllkk she went…
Moses mother meant well but she understood that there no way henc could stay with her or he wild die.
Some people are just sent to prepare you’d next move.
Moses Later down the road neglects to be Pharoas daughter son. Once he found out who he was.
One interaction- turned Moses from being the lowest rank worthy of death to being the highest rank thenadooted child of pharaoh,
Your life can change at any moment.
Your getting ready to be in places that you don’t belong…
(the Bible states that your gift will make room for you and place you with greater men)
Because you been called out—-Moses means called out
When God calls you out he has a plan he has a man agenda that he often hides from sis..
But we can rest assure that it’s working for our good.
Romans 8:28 says and we know, that all things work together for the Good of them that love the lord and those who are called according to his purpose.
Jeremiah 29
The tenderness of a mother’s love led to desperate measures to preserve Moses’ life
Kevin D. Zuber, “Exodus,” in The Moody Bible Commentary, ed. Michael A. Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2014), 117.
the ark was placed near the spot where a royal princess came down to bathe at the Nile
Kevin D. Zuber, “Exodus,” in The Moody Bible Commentary, ed. Michael A. Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2014), 117.
Moses who later found how his natural family was living after living in the king’s palace for a while because now he learns that he must balance with natural born family and his adopted family.
Its amazing how God called uses Moses to experience the life of royalty but yet still go into Bondage with a call.
Apparently, while still living in the privileged position as the son of an Egyptian princess, he was nevertheless aware of his Hebrew lineage and knew them as his brethren (2:11; noted twice in the text). No doubt their hard labors, in contrast to his life of relative privilege, aroused an acute sense for injustice in Moses (cf. Heb 11:25). On one occasion, Moses saw an Egyptian abusing a Hebrew and his sense of injustice was provoked. This incited a misguided and rash act—Moses
Kevin D. Zuber, “Exodus,” in The Moody Bible Commentary, ed. Michael A. Rydelnik and Michael Vanlaningham (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2014), 118.
The Nile was regarded as sacred, and its water as health-giving and fructifying (Strab. xv p. 695). Her maidens. Egyptian ladies of high rank are represented on the monuments as attended to the bath by a number of hand-maidens. As many as four are seen in one representation (Wilkinson, l. s. c.). Her maid is her special personal attendant, the others being merely women attached to her household.
Ver. 6.—The princess herself opened the “ark,” which was a sort of covered basket. Perhaps she suspected what she would find inside; but would it be a living or a dead child? This she could not know. She opened, and looked. It was a living babe, and it wept. At once her woman’s heart, heathen as she was, went out to the child—its tears reached the common humanity that lies below all differences of race and creed—and she pitied it. “One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” This is one of the Hebrews children.
H. D. M. Spence-Jones, ed., Exodus, vol. 1, The Pulpit Commentary (London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1909), 24.
Moses had an older Brother-Aaron ,who did not have deal with or handle the death and killings of sons….
Moses just so happened to be born in a difficult period or times. Therefore…
It almost seemed as it was unfair to Moses…
How many know that it’s
Eyes have not seen ears has not heard the good things that God has in store for you…
When his plan and his agenda is hidden
It’s not that we don’t have a gift, it’s not God don’t have a plan, sometimes we just needs to be nursed before we can get to pharaohs house.