The Wagging Finger
We’ll never forget the wagging finger. Say what you will about his presidency, the thing none of us will forget was the affair with Monica Lewinsky. I’ll never forget when the news broke about what was, then, just a rumor, President Clinton went on national T.V. and with righteous indignation looked the camera and the nation in the eye and said this. “I want you to listen to me. I did not . . .” and then he goes on to lie about what we later came to find out had actually happened. Hey, it was King David all over again. The cover-up was on. The lid was put on the scandal and he thought he had defeated the vast right wing conspiracy, but truth has a way of blowing off the lid, and the whole thing ended in disgrace.
And it cost him. Bill Clinton was presiding over one of the best economies in history. He was one of the most talented men to ever hold the office. Whether you agree with his politics, you can’t deny his brilliance. I’m sure he had many things he wanted to accomplish while in office, but he sacrificed it in a cover-up that cost him his integrity and the respect of the American people. Cover up will cost you!