Limping between two different opinions.
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Elijah said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions?”
Elijah said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions?”
When Ahab invokes the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel for the challenge that was on Elijah’s table. We see Elias supposedly speaking God's people and he asks them this question. 1 Kings:18:21
And Elijah came near to all the people and said, “How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him.” And the people did not answer him a word.
The church is faced with a similar challenge.
The more I think of the country we live in and the double standard we see, the more it upsets me.
You don’t mix religion and state. (why is it okay to mix other groups that aren’t religion)
I get it you can mix other view and state, as long as it is not religion. You guys don’t see the attack on church?
The LGBTQ+ agenda for the LAUSD.
First let me talk about this group and the forming of this group.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer.
+ (Plus): The 'plus' is used to signify all of the gender identities and sexual orientations that are not specifically covered by the other five initials.
+ (mas): El 'más' se usa para significar todas las identidades de género y orientaciones sexuales que no están específicamente cubiertas por las otras cinco iniciales.
Could + mean that if I am attacted to animals, it is in my nature therefore, it should be oka.
Drug, Addicts, smokers, Alcoholics, Marriage between family members, Brothers, Sisters.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
The way/El camino - La manera de su conducta/The manner of his/her conduct.
Ilustracion, cuando sembramos los arboles de la iglesia hubo necesidad de una palanca para ayudarles a crecer para arriba y no doblarse para los lados.
Quiero mostrarles como el mundo quiere que enseñemos este versiculo.
Instructs the child in the innocence of LGBTQ, instructs the child in the racism of Christian families in the pass, so that when they are old they will not depart from them.
1st. Book of the Blind 22.6
The LGBTQ+ community was hard at work this summer. They where strategizing their attack on the church.
That attack is leaving the parents with very little to do.
One thing I know, they can try to shut our voice, but they will never shut the voice of God. They are not fighting the agenda of the church, it’s the word of God and what He has said. Even if there is only one Elijah, one Daniel God can use this bridge for the next generation.
Están aprovechando a los débiles y vulnerables. Así como ellos están acusando a la iglesia de alimentar el racismo, están haciendo lo mismo tratando de etiquetar a la iglesia como opresores. Están oprimiendo a los niños.
This is what they have come up with this year. Esta es su agenda escolar este año.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
They have an approach to Elementary School.
They have an approach to Elementary School.
I want to summarize some books that are now in the Children’s library for them to check out to read for school work or during their leisure reading.
“The Bravest Knight whoe ever lived”. This is about a brave young man who was brave, they are so pleased with his courage that they make him a knight. They are so please with him that the princess wanted to marry. The brave knight at this asked to marry the Prince instead. They lived happily ever after.
“El caballero más valiente jamás vivió”. Se trata de un hombre joven valiente que era valiente, que están tan satisfechos con su coraje que lo convierten en un caballero. Están tan contentos con él que la princesa quería casarse. El valiente caballero pidió casarse con el Príncipe en su lugar. Vivieron felices para siempre.
“Red, A Crayon’s Story”. This is a story of a blue crayon that they had put a label that he was red. He tried to be a red crayon, always to fail. He tried to paint a red strawberry, but it came out blue. They tried all source of things to make him Red, but had no success. Finally, someone needed a blue sky and asked that crayon form help and He painted a beautiful Blue sky. They realized that he was blue and from that moment on they said, He was a blue crayon. The End.
“Rojo, la historia De un crayón”. Esta es una historia de un crayón azul que ellos habían puesto una etiqueta que él era rojo. Trató de ser un crayón rojo, siempre fracasar. Trató de pintar una fresa roja, pero salió azul. Intentaron toda la fuente de cosas para hacerle rojo, pero no tuvieron éxito. Finalmente, alguien necesitaba un cielo azul y le pidió que el crayón le ayudara y pintó un hermoso cielo azul. Se dieron cuenta de que era azul y desde ese momento en adelante dijeron que era un crayón azul. El fin.
The final story I want to share is called “I am Jazz”
Jazz was born a boy that had all kinds of problems with her family, friends and even some of the teachers in school. She could not live up to their expectations and for that reason she was miserable. Until their parents finally let him live as a girl and let him change his name to Jazz and did all the girly things right. Her mom got pregnant and told her parents that they where having a baby. Jazz, told her parents not to label the new bay girl or boy. Let the baby figure out what the baby wants to be.
Jazz nació un niño que tenía todo tipo de problemas con su familia, amigos e incluso algunos de los maestros en la escuela. Ella no podía vivir a la altura de sus expectativas y por esa razón era miserable. Hasta que sus padres finalmente le dejaron vivir como una niña y le dejaron cambiar su nombre a Jazz e hizo todas las cosas girly bien. Su mamá quedó embarazada y le dijo a sus padres que estaban teniendo un bebé. Jazz, dijo a sus padres que no etiquetaran a la nueva niña o niño de la bahía. Deje que el bebé decida lo que el/ella sera.
Do you think this is going to confuse many elementary kids?
What is a parent to do, when they message in school is completely contradicting what Christian parents tell their sons and daughters.
The approach to Middle and High Schoolers. El acercamiento a los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria.
The approach to Middle and High Schoolers. El acercamiento a los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria.
How are they going about Middle and High schoolers. In order to graduate a teen needs to have completed certain classes. they added two subjects that if they don’t complete them they can not graduate. ¿Cómo van a los estudiantes de escuela media y secundaria? Para graduarse un adolescente necesita haber completado ciertas clases. Agregaron dos materias que si no las completan no pueden graduarse.
The first class is part of history. The class is LGBTQ, The class is based on the history of the movement, how they have struggle to be excepted as normal. The completion of the class is to show them how LGBTQ has triumph over the attack.
La primera clase es parte de la historia. La clase es LGBTQ, la clase se basa en la historia del movimiento, cómo tienen lucha para ser acceptuados como normales. La finalización de la clase es mostrarles cómo LGBTQ ha triunfado sobre el ataque.
La segunda clase se llama “Teoría Crítica de la Raza”. La clase fomenta el racismo, alienta a los grupos raciales a verse a sí mismos como “opresores privilegiados” o “víctimas de las opresiones”. La clase asume que el racismo está presente en todas partes, incluso en el hogar y la religión.
The second class is called “Critical Race Theory”. The class encourages racism, encourages racial groups to view themselves as “privileged oppressors” or “victims of oppressions”. The class assumes racism is present everywhere, even at home and religion.If they don’t take this class and pass, they will not graduate.
What do we do with our values?
What do we do with our values?
Even if it just comes down to Elijah and Daniel. God will keep His plan moving forward.