Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
[Hold a stone] What is this?
What can you tell me about this piece of rock?
What if I told you this is a marriage proposal?
If we look too closely, we won’t see how this rock is part of a bigger story.
If we look too broadly, we won’t notice the story the rock tells.
Some could look at this and see only pastures, ponds and roads.
The same thing is true in our study of Scripture.
We can view the same item from either a microscope or a satellite, and we will observe different things based upon our perspective.
Some people know a quote or two from the Bible and they think they know what it contains.
Others become specialist on one or two ideas and thing that is all the book contains.
Have you heard, “The main message of the Bible is that God is love and we ought to love each other”?
Have you heard, “The God of the Old Testament was cruel”?
I believe both of these oversimplified statements come from looking at the Bible too closely or too broadly.
We need to both walk in the pasture and sometimes step back for a bigger picture.
One person may look at Luke’s art and conclude, “that piece has blue stone” and somebody else may say, “I see red when I look at it”.
They are both accurate, truthful statements, but they are missing something about the flowing lines of the project as a whole.
Each stone of Ann’s mother’s ring is a unique color referring to each child, but only when the ring is viewed as a whole do you get a fuller picture of her motherhood.
By covering 4 chapters of the Bible in one sermon, my goal is to notice the theme that may be lost if we are either too close or too far.
What the stories in these chapters have in common is that 1) they don’t happen in private and 2) they happen in the center of the community where the Apostles were living after the Resurrection.
The Truth of Resurrection cannot be ignored; it is either silenced or proclaimed
The Early Church determined the resurrection could not be silenced.
(3:12-26; 4:2-21; 6:8,10)
People who were amazed at the power of God to heal in Jesus’ name needed to hear the power of God to forgive in Jesus’ name.
a. vv.12-16 described how Jesus died and rose
b. vv.17-26 described why Jesus dies and rose—sins may be blotted out (v.19) & turning every one of you from your wickedness (v.26)
2. The power structure most opposed to resurrection talk tried to silence the Disciples.
They knew they couldn’t silence the crowds who observed compassion in practice.
They tried threats, beatings and imprisonment, but the Early Church recognized a higher authority.
Peter and John’s response is recorded as a rebuttal…
The Church’s response is recorded in a prayer…
3. Chapters 5 and first part of 6 focus on some “inside the family” issues, but even one who was chosen to do some of the work so that the Apostles could focus on preaching the Word, Stephen did both practical workand 6:10 describes his words.
· Doing good with your life does NOT prevent sharing the Gospel with your words!
The Sadducees had already been convinced that resurrection talk must be silenced.
During the life of Jesus, He encountered 3 groups of Jewish leaders who were opposed to His ministry: The Pharisees desired to dot all the Is and cross all the Ts of Moses’ law; The Herodians wanted everyone to go with the flow and not upset the Romans; The Sadducees denied that there was life after death so their goal was to make this life as comfortable as possible.
Any claims that a person had come back from the afterlife, or hope that forgiveness could lead to life after resurrection had to be silenced immediately.
The hingepin of the Disciples’ message was that Jesus had resurrected and is coming back.
This was 180 degrees opposed to the Sadducees claim that your best life now is all you can hope for.
In today’s 4 chapters we don’t hear anything from the Pharisees or Herodians, but the Sadducees are leading the attempts to silence the Christian messengers.
Those who are most adamant about silencing the Judeo-Christian morality, those who are most threatened by religious liberty, are those obsessed with your best life now.
Those who claim a morality that is larger than the individual are labeled phobic, hateful, or -ists of any sort.
The core of the Christian message is that your decisions and lifestyle are NOT primarily about your life now, but your existence both now and for all eternity.
Transition: If you chose, as the Apostles did, that witnessing is better than silence, I cannot guarantee that everyone you talk to will be pleased with the discussion.
The Truth of Resurrection spawned 4 responses
Those who needed Christ were blessed
Lame beggar – a 40+ year old man (4:22) needed healing that nobody else seemed to be able to offer.
The needy received assistance– (4:35)
The sick were all healed (5:15-16)
Those who opposed Christ became bitter
Annoyed (4:2)
Jealous (5:17) – God was doing something (winning over the crowds) that they couldn’t accomplish.
Enraged (5:33) They had threatened and jailed them, but an angel released them and told them to go talk about it.
By morning when the priests gathered Peter and John had already gathered a crowd
The Lord’s work done the Lord’s way will never lack the Lord’s supply.
I’m not saying your testimony will always be received with rainbows and unicorns, but we have a promise that God uses His Word to accomplish God’s purpose.
Written from a prison, Paul still attests
Those who tried to manipulate Christ were disciplined (5:1-11)
Ananias – voluntarily sold some property, voluntarily gave some proceeds to the Lord’s work, arrogantly lied about the sale price to make himself look better in the eyes of others.
Sapphira – 3 hours later claimed “that’s our story and we’re stickin’ to it.”
1 John 5:16 states that some sins lead to death, and some do not.
4. Gamaliel admitted,
Those who heard about Christ believed.
5000 men (4:4)
Multitude (5:14)
Disciples increased (6:1) to the extent the 12 couldn’t manage both teaching and benevolence.
Disciples multiplied greatly (6:7)
Multiplication means that the Apostles are not adding to the church, but the ones whom they added are now adding others.
How many hours would I have to invest bringing the 2700 citizens of Chase County to the Lord?
I’m willing to spend the rest of my human days working toward that Goal.
But if 1/2 of us each made 1 disciple in the next 2 years, then 50% of the new disciples plus the 40 of you made a disciple between years 3 and 4, and multiplication continues, we could see every citizen in Chase County saved by the time I’m 70.
If believers in addition to us share in a disciple-making mission, or we ever had more than ½ of disciples actively making a disciple in 2 years, it would only happen quicker!
Many priests (6:7) – some who first responded with increasing bitterness came around to belief!
Never give up just because someone you tell about Jesus responds negatively the first time!
2022 Application:
Compassion & Truth must be seen in our interactions
o Healing
o Widow provision
o Ananias & Sapphira
Bullies cannot win our silence
o Sadducees tried to manipulate their own power through intimidation
o Hated & fear are labels used to intimidate and manipulate
Faithful testimony focuses on Jesus, not results
o Make disciples, not size
§ Increase is a by-product of a healty mission
o Make disciples, not wealth
§ God can effectively motivate His people to resource His mission
§ The Lord’s Work has never halted because He failed to supply
o Make disciples, not power
§ We saw in our Revelation study that Political Power and Religious Clout will collapse, but those who personally remain Faithful to God will persevere.
We must speak and not allow ourselves to be silenced.
One way that we speak for justice is through voting.
I hope all of you express your voice in this way.
Part of being a disciple of Jesus is to NOT vote for a party or personality, but to vote for positions that reflect your discipleship of King Jesus.
Nobody will ever be accepted or denied access to Heaven based upon ballots in an election, but elections have results and one of those results is an environment where people can live long enough in a culture where they can be exposed to the Gospel of the Resurrected and Returning Jesus.
We must be passionate and compassionate in our testimony in the public square about the one who sends us on Mission.
Song of Response #379.......................... “Take My Life and Let It Be”
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9