ABCs of Biblical Leadership (Availability)
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The Necessity of Availability
The Necessity of Availability
Good morning and welcome to the gathering of Champions! We’re launching or brand new series this morning called the ABCs of biblical leadership and today we’re discussing the Necessity of Availability.
We recognize that God is omnipresent, which means he’s everywhere all the time. Though we are created in his image and likeness, we are limited by our earthen vessels to exhibit this reality of our divine nature, but it does not excuse us from God’s expectation that we be available to him whenever he desires to use us for his glory.
You don’t have to be a follower of Christ or even a believer for this to apply to you but we know that things tend to go a lot smoother when we do follow Christ because all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. We’ll talk more on that in a moment.
But first, if you’re new here we’re certainly glad you came. I don’t know where you are on your spiritual journey, but I want you to know that whenever you’re at the gathering, you’re at a safe place because we are not here to judge and condemn you but our hope and prayer is that by the end of this service you will hear, see, and experience something that will draw you closer to Jesus Christ.
At the end of today’s service I’d like to meet all of our first and second time guests so if you don’t mind, once I’m finished preaching, grab your belongings and meet me in the foyer where we have prepared a few items such as coffee, fruit and pastries just for you.
I know we live in a digital world where many churches sign you up for robocalls and mass email lists but I still like to get to know people the old school way. To be translucent, Meeting you this way is much better for me because I’m horrible at sending and checking email.
My wife looked at my email account last week an I had over 22k unread messages. My bad email habits have caused me to miss preaching opportunities, free samples on things, discount sales, and even job opportunities.
I’ve missed out on a lot of good things all because my failure to respond communicated to people that I was unavailable.
Have you ever missed out on a great opportunity because when the invitation came to you, you were unavailable? Maybe you missed a party because you had homework. Or maybe you partied so much you missed out on college!
For the single brothers and sisters, what if God sent your future spouse to church last week but you were unavailable for this divine appointment because you chose to sleep in? Have you ever spoiled your appetite with a mediocre burger only to find out mamma just cooked your favorite meal?
And now you have to choose between two sins: gluttony or envy. Because we know better than to overeat, but if we don’t eat we’ll be jealous of those who do!
And if you would’ve told me you were cooking that, I would have left some room. If you would have just called first, or sent a text, or email I would still have space available in my belly!
But we don’t read emails and text messages and we rarely answer our phones for certain people, so that probably wouldn’t have helped if we’re honest.
And this makes me wonder about that man in Luke 2, You know, the inn keeper. The one that turned away Mary and Joseph all those years ago.
Was he not a reader? Did he not have a bible app on his phone? Had he not read the text message in Isa 7:14
14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
I mean, this prophecy was well known. Even the Magi had not only read about it, but they waited for it. They were looking for it. They had an expectancy. And these guys were from out of town!
Surely the inn keeper heard the rumors about this young couple claiming to carry Yahweh's baby. And now that we say it out loud, and I’m just speculating here but, maybe that’s the real reason he told them no room was available for them.
Look at this! Luke 2:1-7
1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.
2 (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)
3 And everyone went to their own town to register.
4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.
5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.
6 While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born,
7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
That’s very specific. Pay attention to what’s being said here because this text leaves us with a lot of questions. For instance, Luke just told us that everyone went to their own town to register for taxes. In first century Israel, these types of journeys were a 10 day trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem because there were no motorized vehicles.
Journey’s like this, especially with a pregnant wife could be pretty dangerous when you consider the fact that it’s a desert with wild animals, thieves and other types of criminals who could be lurking around any given corner.
So these types of journeys were usually traveled in groups. Which means there were most likely a few close relatives and friends on the road with them. Some of whom may have had property in town. Yet, no one had available space for Mary & Joseph?
There might be room for others who are with child that actually have husbands.
There might even be room for a MARRIED couple with a newborn, but for you who claim to be the virgin that birthed the child of God while only engaged to this man, yeah, there’s no room for you here!
Now, Luke says because no one had space available for them, because no one wants to be associated with this scandal, because the very existence of Jesus has always been a scandal, Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger! That’s a horrible thing in and of itself but at the same time it tells us something about God. It tells us that
God can use the humblest of vessels to usher in the greatest of things as long as they are available.
I imagine that if the inn keeper would’ve let them in, that hotel would’ve made history. There would still be a million people a day trying to make reservations to stay there.
The owner’s name would be as famous as Julius Caesar and his legacy would be that his place was the birthplace of God!
But unfortunately for him, his inn was not available to the King of kings. Because when the Lord of lords knocked on his door, his place was unavailable.
Champions, do you know that God wants to use you to usher in his presence? Do you understand that he wants to illustrate his glory into your business, your family, your ministry, and into your life?
Have you not read that verse in Rev 3:20 where Jesus says Rev 3:20
20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
And if Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever then that means the same God who would take residence in a dirty, little old manger would not resist us either, no matter how small, or dirty, or useless, or old we thing we are.
What God is looking for in this world is not the best of us. He’s looking for those who are available because
God can take the available and make the available the best!
A few years ago, on our trip to Israel, people came from all over the world — not to sleep at the best hotels, not to eat at the fanciest restaurants. They came to see the place where Jesus was born. They wanted to walk where he walked and eat where he ate.
They came to sip wine in Cana and pray where Jesus prayed. They came to worship where he died and see the grave that he rose out of. And what excites me about that is, None of these places were worth anything to the world until they became available vessels for God.
And that’s what God wants for you today. He wants to add value to all who are available to Him. He wants to turn nobodies into somebodies. He wants to turn the worthless into the priceless but he will only use that which is willing. He won’t force himself on those who are unavailable.
When Adam hid in the bushes, God put him out of the garden. When Elijah hid in the cave, God replaced him with Elisha. After Judas betrayed Jesus to his own demise he was replaced with Matthias.
Why Matthias, because Matthias was faithful in his availability to Jesus from the beginning. What about you?
Are you available to Him? I’m not asking if you’re perfect or skilled, I’m not asking if you’ve been a Christian your whole life or been to seminary.
I’m asking if you are available. Have you accepted his finished work of love into your heart. Do you know, have you read, have you heard that God loves you so much that he gave...
That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe...
Do you realize that while you were yet a sinner, Christ died for you and for me?