Acts 16
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what happened last week?
A new phase of the book
more than halfway finished
Second Journey
Second Journey
Silas rather than Barnabas
Picking up Timothy- circumcised because of the Jews
as though it is not a big deal here, will be a large point of Paul’s letters to come
reaffirming all of the churches which Paul had been to previously on his journey
called to go further west this time
mission not to predominantly Jews but to the gentiles
the went where the Spirit willed them to go
Purple and Prison
Purple and Prison
we- Luke happened to be with them- likely where he has gotten most of the story
A Jewish woman named Lydia hears the word and her whole household is baptized
the prayer meeting is not in a synagogue but by the riverside
to and from every day they are followed by the possessed girl until Paul calls the spirit out of her
many theories about the spirit
Jews are not looked highly upon and they have upset some flow of commerce
beaten and imprisoned and singing God delivers them
Paul and Silas stop the jailer’s suicide attempt
he recognizes that they are the ones with the power for salvation
their whole house baptized
the magistrates humbled and the newly founded church encouraged once more
something Garret said a while ago- the 10 lepers
Paul goes on a journey to a part of the world where Jews are less common and Christians even less so
even so, when people of every different background here and witness Jesus they are changed and seek after him
do you ever stop yourself because it seems unlikely that people in your life would really listen to you about this or care?
sometimes tis the person whom you think would be the least likely to change, who needs to hear and see it the most
go preach the word to everyone regardless, and go be the example more than that