Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Peter has been talking about false teachers, and how they will bring swift destruction upon themselves
some things to think about concerning God’s judgement
verse 4 is talking about what happened in Noah’s days
if Peter’s verse sounded familiar, not the only similarity to the book of Jude
So these verses are talking about what happened in the days of Noah, where they left heaven and pursued after the “daughters of men”
sinners on earth will not escape judgement
God cannot tolerate or be in the presence of sin
We know that God is consistent, and that He is not a respecter of persons
we know that He’s the creator of the world, of humans, and of the angels, so He has the right to judge
“messenger”, so these are God’s created heavenly assistants, workers, and messengers
they often delivered some of the greatest news in the Bible, think about the announcement of Christ’s birth, of John the Baptist’s birth
it seems in the Bible that they may have various other duties as well
so in Noah’s day, it turns out you have these angels who sinned
so look at where the angels are compared to what we are
they are in a far greater position than we currently are, but God is still willing to judge them
so if God judged these angels, then humans will most certainly be judged, unless you have been born again
Status did not matter when it came to their judgement
this is one of the great things about God, the reality is that God deals fairly with us through His rules, and we can all expect equal scales
So we talked about the angel side of things, now Peter turns to the human side of things
he starts by mentioning the “old world”
so we have the humans, who did not have to cohabitate with the angels, they sinned as well and unleashed many problems on earth
the human/angel mixture, sin abounding, as sin abounded the earth plunged into
one thing about the flood
noah’s family was the only one deemed worthy of being saved by God - 8 people
not very many people and frankly points to the character of Noah and his family, the literal rest of the world had gone down the tubes
but he said I’m still going to follow God anyway
the entire rest of the earth had gotten to an awful place, the wheels came off with regard to sin
the verse speaks of “the world of the ugodly”
in a way it really kind of was the world of the ungodly, of course it always has been and always will be God’s world,
so not only can status not help you under God’s judgement, but a multitude cannot shield you either
Let’s talk about Noah as a preacher of righteousness for a moment
So Noah lives in this world, believes God, and starts building the ark
as you can imagine, there was probably a lot of ridicule, jeering, etc. directed at noah
he’s going against the grain of the entire world, people would have thought he was insane
but Noah didn’t care, he cared more about what God thought than what anyone in this world thought
he was willing to make a stand, even against the whole world, he had his work cut out for him!
he was strong, and did not let people get in his head
we all would do good to learn from the example of someone like him
one of the most memorable examples of God’s judgement
ensample = example
So Peter tells us that this story was an example to sinners, telling them that judgement will be coming, and that they will certainly not escape
by doing this, God’s given us a great visual example so that we will never forget or think light of the judgement that well be receiving
considering that sin is just rebellion against God, our creator, the sinner has judgement coming
we can think of other examples of flashy judgement in the Bible too, such as the plagues of egypt
in fact, Jesus tells us that some of the people of His day will face less bearable judgement
talking about people who rejected Him
basically this is saying that God delivered Lot who was vexed with the sinful behavior of the people of Sodom and gommorah
think about the world today, we have in many ways it’s a lot like sodom and gommorah
there is a lot of sin going on, people seemed to have lost their moral compass completely
it should pain us to see the state of this world
to see sin abounding in the way that it does, to see a world that is so far removed from what God would want
we want to be conformed to the image of the Son, and we certainly know that sin grieves God, and as we are more and more conformed to the Son’s image, it should be grieving us as well
we talked a bit about judgement this morning
we saw a few examples of judgement in the Bible, and can probably think of a few more
there is a lot at stake for each individual person on earth, they all are made in the image of God, they all have souls that will outlive the body
God loves these people, and we should love these people as well, no matter what section of society they’re in
there should be a sense of urgency, we need to show people the love of God
the highest form of love is telling someone the truth about the gospel, lest they should end up on the bad side of God’s judgement
this is something that could change their lives eternally, and even if they don’t thank you now, sharing the gospel is the best thing you could have ever done for them
not only is it the highest form of love, but we are commanded to do
think about the lengths that some of the Biblical figures went to spread the gospel
think about all that Paul went through, the beatings, the shipwrecks, being jailed, etc.
but look at all the fruit, look how many people’s souls were saved from hell
not only that, but the gospel was spread to new areas, which stuck until the very day
Think about what Peter went through, being killed for spreading the gospel, making the ultimate sacrifice for others
Think about what John went through, he got exiled to Patmos for spreading the gospel, what a hopeless situation
Consider what some of the old testament prophets went through, people like Jeremiah and some of the minor prophets
John the Baptist went through a lot, he was imprisoned and beheaded for doing the right thing
as Christians, we’re called to a self-sacrificial love, we might suffer for doing the right thing
but just as God judges for doing the wrong thing, we will stand before Him for everything we’ve done in our life
we want not only to be not judged for doing bad, we want to be able to have some good to show too
we are followers of Christ, and our time on earth should be used for the mission that God has given us
We know that Paul said that we’ll never be in a situation where we’re tempted without a way of escape
sometimes we might wonder, “why am I having such a hard time, but the ungodly are out here seemingly doing great?”
we have to understand that God is above all things, He knows all things, and God has a plan
we should accept the fact that hey, God is a lot more wise than I am, and He’s in charge of everything
in short, we just need to have faith and defer to God in these situations, as He knows what’s best for all of us.
we also have to remember that a day of judgement is coming
so whether or not someone was punished for their sins in this life or not, they will be eventually
all things will be made right eventually, so we need not be shortsighted, everyone will receive their just desserts
Job’s friends had been saying that he must had done something wrong for all of this stuff to happen to him
Job insisted that he’d done nothing to warrant what happened to him
Job had gotten a bit frustrated with how things were going for him
so God took him up in the whirlwind and told him these things
God is saying, “look, I’m above all, I created everything, I’m in charge of the world, trust me that I know what I’m doing and it’s all happening for a reason”
Remember how we talked before about being thankful for the hard times that come our way?
if we’re getting chastised, it’s God’s way of showing love to us and trying to make us better people
if it’s other hard times we can rejoice in that as well as it’s an opportunity to learn, to become better and stronger
we talked about being conformed to the image of the Son, Jesus suffered greatly in this life
so when these times do come our way, we just need to have faith, and believe that God has a plan and knows what He’s doing
we should do our best to be happy with His will, because if we aren’t in line with His will, that’s kind of an issue
BUT CHIEFLY, but especially, but firstly
those that walk after the flesh… - so this is someone who is hedonistic, and pretty brazen about it
they live for their fleshly lusts, what a terrible way to live
when you talk to someone like this, they may say “oh you’re wrong, i love my life”, but sometimes people delude themselves
other times they are totally empty inside, and are just too prideful to admit it
our life is a puff of vapor, and living according to the flesh just gets you nowhere, you spin your wheels and have no true purpose
Theyre walking according to the flesh, the world, of evil, they need to walk according to the light in Christ
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