The Challenge of New
The process of new • Sermon • Submitted
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“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV
Isaiah 43:18–19 (The Message): Forget about what’s happened;
Don't keep going over old history.
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new.
It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it?
There it is! I’m making a road through the desert,
The Challenge of New
Background of the text
The text is written by Isaiah to the chosen people (the children of Israel) Isaiah begins speaking of what some calls the new exodus.
He encouraged them that even through everything they went through God was still with them.
and they should embrace what God was about to do in their lives.
My brothers and sisters just as God was with the children of Israel after all they have been through. We can rest assure that God is still with us even after everything we have been through on last year.
God introduced himself as the Creator of heaven and earth in 42:5; he introduces himself as the Creator of Israel (43:1). Just as in the past he had brought their ancestors through the waters of the Red Sea and the Jordan River (43:16), he was ready to perform similar miracles for his people once again They might falter and fail, but the true God cannot and will not fail.
In order for the children of Israel to progress and move forward to what God had in store for them, they had to first forget about the things that happened in their past .
True enough they had been through a lot,
The experience of being captured by Pharaohs as well as.
Being enslaved in Egypt
As a matter of facts the books of Genesis to Duetoronomy gives details as to how the Israelites had their trials and not only that but their victories.
However, God still tell them to forget about the past.
My brothers and sisters too much attention to your past will hinder your focus progress.
If we are not careful we will go into 2021 with little to no expectations simply because of all the challenges that 2020 have given you.
Can I suggest to you today even though we have been through that you are coming out of 2020 better than when you went in.
You are coming out wiser then you were when you went in
There need to be some sort of growth between were I was last year then where I'm at now.
Isaiah 43:18 tells us to remember not the former things neither consider things of old.
The word ‘remember’ means to treat with inattention or disregard.
My brothers and sisters don't keep considering and dwelling on things that happened on last year that you miss out on everything that God have for you on this year.
The bible says in Isaiah 43:18-19 and behold God will do a new thing in you Shall ye not know it It’s shall bring forth much fruit I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”
Not only will he do something BRAND NEW but
1-He will make a way in the wilderness
It's evidenced that he will make a way in the wilderness in Exudos when the children of Israel were stuck in the wilderness when they escaped Pharoah, how God had delivered them with a high hand. But God hardened Pharoah’s heart, and he chased after them in the middle of the wilderness, and the children of Israel complained to Moses that it was better for us to serve the Egyptians than to Die in the wilderness, They were trapped with Pharoah and his army behind them in the wilderness and the red sea in front of them, God said to Moses, be still, the Lord will fight for you if you only hold your peace. Moses tells the people fear ye not, Be still and see the salvation of the lord which he shall show you this day and Lord asked Moses to lift the rod up in his hand stretch it over the sea and divide it and Moses stretched out his hand and caused seas to dry up and the seas were divided and the children of Israel walked out of the wilderness into dry land,
God made a way in the wilderness.
I believe I'm speaking to somebody that knows God will make a way in the wilderness.
To somebody that can say there were times I didn’t know what to do but God made a way.
The songs say he made a way, when Our back was against the walls and seemed as if it was over, he made a way and we are standing here today only because he made a way. It says he moved mountains, he caused walls to fall, with his peers performed miracles.
In a sense 2020 almost seemed like a Wilderness, however we are getting ready to crossover to the other side, Moses used what he already possessed in hand to help him cross over, can I just encourage you that you already have what you need to get through this sea, you have to use the lesions leaned in 202 to help you get through 2021
Not only will he make a way in the wilderness but the Bible said that
2-He makes a river in the desert
Many times we pray for God to deliver us out of the desert.
Nobody wants to be in the desert
Think of a desert, it’s hot, dry, there is not one drip of rain in sight.
When I’m the desert, man of not supplied with the adequate amount of water could die of thirst.
In a natural sense.
My brothers and sisters God may not deliver us out of the desert, However, he will give us rivers in the midst of our desert.
For may not have delivered us from the Pandemic desert, However, he blessed us with rivers of blessings in the midst of it.
Some of us have seen blessed this year even in the midst of a Pandemic.
Somethings God may not deliver us from, But he will bless us while we are in it.
Im here to testify that God will make a river for you even in the desert. I come to encourage those who may even be in a dry and thirsty desert spiritually.
Pleasures do not satisfy that thirst, material possessions does not satisfy that thirst, However this thirst is only quenched by the outing of God’s spirit, this thirst is only quenched when we taste his spirit, and in return it satisfies our soul.
David said it like this, taste and see that the lord is good.
To those who seems as though they are in a deserted land, God said I will make a river in your desert.
When you belong to God he will give you not only a drop of water, he will give you an unlimited supply, a river.
Is there anybody that can agree that every dry place in my life in 2022. God is going to supply an unlimited supply.
Everything I struggled with in God is going to supply a non- supply of support.
He said he will supply all of my needs according to his riches in Glory.
It Seems like a desert at times. However, God made river in what seems like desert.
Isaih 41, 17-18
I the God of Israel will not forsake them.
18 I will open rivers in high places,
And fountains in the midst of the valleys:
I will make the wilderness a pool of water,
And the dry land springs of water.
My brothers and sister Don’t give so much attention to you Desert the you negate the River. Dont focus so much on your problems the you ignore the Blessings and New things that God is going to do in your life.
I would like to encourage you Embrace Brand New, Embrace the new things that God is going do in your life.
If you don’t know christ or you would like to get a closer walk with christ. What better way than to go into than brand new.
How can I say that because the Bible said if any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are past away and ALL THINGS BECOME NEW.
Every person that Jesus met in the Bible became Brand New.
The woman with the issue of blood was sick for 12 years, she said if I may touch the hem of garment I will be made whole, she touch the hem of his garment and immediately she became NEW.
In 2021 Don’t go back to the same old same old. But challenge yourself to go in with a new mindset, A new, spiritual person. Challenge yourself to embrace the new thing God is doing in your life. Challenge yourself to embrace the new heights that God is taking you to.
Jesus himself had to challenge those around him to embrace NEW.
The Story of the Bible embraces NEW, Thats why God gave us the OLD and NEW testaments, If OLD testament could suffice for mans sins then we would need NEW. Because the blood of goats and animals could not bring man back to his rightful place with God said I have to do something NEW, before the NEW there was a veil that mans could not go into the Holys of Holys, However God said I need to do something NEW so that Man can come in close contact with God. All of the OT elation is hence expressed in terms of future expectation of a new condition, a time when nation shall no longer lift up sword against nation (Is 2:4) and when the lion shall lie down with the lamb (Is 11:6). The idea of the new encompasses more than Israel: it involves God’s whole creative purpose for all that he has created. Both Isaiah (43:19) and Jeremiah (31:22) speak of the “new thing” to be done in the nation’s history.. In contrast with the old, this new covenant will be written upon the heart, not on tables.
Jesus was that NEW Thing He was the brand NEW. God said since the blood of Animals can not suffice I need somebody to go down in human form to become a living sacrifice. I believe he searched the old for someone that could be that sacrifice. He could not find anyone. So he said prepare me a Body and Ill be that Sacrifice. He didn’t come in the form of an old Body, He wanted a new body, so he chose Mary to give birth to this brand new Body, without sin, without blemish. God came into the earth through Jesus and he was the NEW that Isaiah was speaking about.
Jesus concerns attempts to put old wine into new wineskins
Definition of New-NEW Different from one of the same which existed before; made fresh. Scripture expresses God’s concern for persons and the larger creation in the broad categories of a new act and a new relationship
Jesus came on the scene and broke the law to heal, in a sense he was saying I’m doing a new thing.
There was a women at the well, and Jesus being a Jew should not have even had any dealings with her but he gave this women something to drink he was saying I’m doing something new.
Woman with the issue of blood who was sick for 12 years she she met Jesus. She immediately became new.
Blind Batarmaus was blind but he yelled out Jesus thou, sound of David, Have mercy on me and he immediately received his sight and became new.