The General Epistle of Jude

The General Epistle of Jude  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Contending Earnestly Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 3-4 Observe 1. The author's design. His purpose was to write of their common salvation. 2. Necessity's directive. Necessity directed a defense of the faith. See what he identifies: 1) Certain men. Through the ages men have sought to delude, deny, and destroy the truth. 2) Ordained of old. These are those within the providence of God; we must not forget that all things are under the design and directives of God. These men shall not prevail. 3) Ungodly men. How many times does Jude say it? These are not men of God. They are charlatans, who have the appearance, but nothing of Christ. 4) Lascivious men. They are of the flesh. They have no sense of holiness. 5) Denying the only Lord God. Their ultimate end is to denounce the Almighty. 6) And our Lord Jesus Christ. The Doctrine. As error is ever stealthily about us, we must stand in the truth. I. Satan's schemes are myriad and oft, deceptive and enticing, shrewd and crafty. Gnosticism, Donatism. Nestorianism, Romanism, Montanism, adoptionism, Sabellianism, Arianism, Pelagianism, there are many. They have come around time and again. 1) It is by stealth. Like in Israel, idolatry crept in unawares. So through the ages has error seeped in like mold or rot unseen. 2) It is by light. It comes looking like the truth. At times the devil is enraged and pours his fury forth to subdue openly, but mostly he comes by stealth. 3) It is by enticement. It comes urging men to pursue their lusts. Like the garden of Eden, he seeks our alliance. 4) It is by sternness. It yokes men heavily. A weight like a millstone about the neck to send us to hell. II. The truth's defense is necessary and profitable. First we must know it. Next we must affirm and live it. Last we must guard and cherish it. Use We must know the truth, we must love the truth, we must not yield to error. Look at the churches at the close of the apostolic error. Which do we resemble? 1) Ephesus: a storied past, but a waning love, they had lost their first love. What good is your religion without an unsatiable love for Christ? Their religion needed love! 2) Smyrna: persecuted, stressed, tried, languishing, who must persevere for the crown. Ten days remain! Live like there is not tomorrow! Greatly engaged in tribulation, this church needed the image of Christ as He which was dead, and is alive. They needed to set their eyes above and beyond this world in hope! 3) Pergamum: like those Jude speaks of, men have crept in! Beware! Repent! Leave the world and hold to the truth! Pergamum needed the image of the sword, as in her midst was Satan's seat and the sword was needed for battle against those foes. They needed God's word! 4) Thyatira: a storied past as well, but Jezebel has wed them and is about. Romish heresies, damnable lies, things of the world are all about and within. Suffer her not! Her heresies and seductress ways! She was commended for her latter works but warned by her tolerance. So often, it is the case that good intentions are used to poison the whole lot. The church of Thyatira was like the ecumenical and social gospel movements of our day, which for the sake of peace will compromise truth and exchange purity with error, all for the sake of peace. It was Jezebel that brought idols of Tyre into Israel by way of marriage, and it were those in Thyatira who had brought the idols of the day into the church. Heresy cannot be tolerated. It is a poison that slays. It is that which leads many down the path of fornication with the world for the sake of ecumenic peace and ultimately death and a darkness like the setting sun. Thus is Christ presented as the morning star that shall arise in their midst as truth and light. They need the truth not the world's fellowship! 5) Sardis: Claiming to be alive, they are dead. A few remain within. Watch, strengthen, repent! Rich in the world, worldly, godless, dead! While a few remained that were the Lord's, the visible church itself was but a cold, callous graveyard, filled with those that Christ has nothing good or bad to address. There are no words of specific concern, no hated things, no cherished things, but only this, Sardis had a reputation for her works. To the world the church of Sardis lived, but to the Lord, she was dead. How often the church in history has had such a reputation, as though alive to the world but dead to the Lord. His analysis is abrupt. His words callous. His directions cold. She is to know Him as a thief shortly. Yet those that endure until the end shall know Him as faithful and true, for 716 their names are written in the book of life. This church needed a reformation! 6) Philadelphia: A little strength, have kept the word, overcome! She is in need of His strength. History has often seen the vestiges of the seemingly feeble church, which to the world is not strong, but in Christ shall overcome. Christ speaks to her gently, speaking of keeping her from further tribulation, even that which is sure to come. How amazing that she stood in the shadows of churches like Ephesus and Sardis, yet she had persevered while they had not. It is Philadelphia that is promised to be a pillar in the temple of the Lord and to bear the name of our Lord and His city forever. Such words were not only a great encouragement to the feeble church of Philadelphia, but also to those throughout this age that have been feeble but beloved. The Lord our God shall keep us and bring us safely through. Philadelphia needed faith, faith and strength to believe that all was not lost, despite the woes all about! 7) Laodicea: the most repulsive, lukewarm, indifferent, no hint of godliness of truth. No affections and no affect of grace! Beware! See who stands without knocking! Laodicea needed Christ! They were not Christian!
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