Worship in Spirit and Truth 2
Encountering His Presence in Worship • Sermon • Submitted
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Sermon Tone Analysis
Emotions… Feelings… Faux Worship
We examined worship in Truth, which is an authentic genuine worship that requires the knowledge of Jesus and requires a posture in which we give to Jesus the very best of what we have.
When we survey the field of worship we note some congregations have performers play loud music with lots of instrumentation even so, then congregants are unsure of how to respond; do I lift my hands? is it ok to shout with joy? Should I express what I am feeling?
In other congregations at this very moment they are opening to an old hymn book. They reach back into the history of the glory of yesteryear hoping to rekindle an old spark.
Still other congregations they have some pre-recorded songs playing, and you’d better not so much as sneeze or you’d be considered super charismatic.
It leads to question, what then is worship in the Spirit?
I recently heard a prominent speaker say “This is so basic and easy to understand, I thank God we are not like those churches who make up experiences with Spirit. I thank God we rest on tradition so that no one would think that we are making up something new”
What I never heard him speak about was what worship in the Spirit was, instead he denies the work of the Holy Spirit, and suppresses anyone who would do anything that is different than what he has deemed as appropriate worship.
Perhaps worship merits a greater look to better understand this concept.
Worship in the Spirit is The Work of Presenting All of Who We Are To See the Will of God Complete
Worship in the Spirit is The Work of Presenting All of Who We Are To See the Will of God Complete
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.
Thirsting for the Spirit
Woman at the well is offered water that would quench this thirst…
Jesus is offering a fresh well from which we can drink
The Father is SEARCHING for those who would worship Him in Spirit and Truth
There are only a handful of verses that speak to the Father searching for (People)
The Creator of Heaven and Earth is searching for us who are willing to worship Him in the Spirit
The word Spirit is mentioned three (3) times, in two (2) short verses
Contrary to what the prominent speaker stated it would seem that worshipping God in the Spirit has a significant value to the Lord.
God is Spirit
God is Spirit
God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Simple Statement Complex truth
The nature of God reveals what kind of worship is acceptable.
In His search He will not settle for partial worship… and will not share… and
It is not enough to just worship in Truth
Worship in Spirit is an imperative (non-negotiable)
The command then is to worship Him in Spirit
I have not yet defined what worship in the Spirit is...
Worship in the Spirit is Not an Emotion or Experience
Worship in the Spirit is Not an Emotion or Experience
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Nicodemus is being taught a heavenly principle with more than salvific implication
Full immersion into the Spirit of God
In the immersion into the Spirit of God we actively participating in What God wants and denying our own desire
Fleshly Worship
Living for what God can do for me
“I didnt get anything of this church service”
God doesnt worship me, I am here to worship Him
Leads me to do things that are appear to manipulate God
Being birthed into the Spirit means I am willing to hear the heart of the Father and present my worship as He desires it.
David - Carrar - he would stop at nothing to give God his everything
Abel sought to give the best of what he had to please the Lord
Sounds, Instruments, Banners, Dancing, Spiritual Warfare, obedience to His voice
Worship in the Spirit is a Life Modeled After Christ
Worship in the Spirit is a Life Modeled After Christ
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
Our Flesh Will not Suffice… more than singing songs, and momentary experiences
Jesus makes Clear it is His words that are the Spirit and Life we need to pursue
In John 4 we understand that to Jesus it was doing the will of God that brought fullness, what could we then present worship apart from
being sensitive to the will of God
Worship in the Spirit is Doing the Will of the Father
Worship in the Spirit is Doing the Will of the Father
I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Note the thing missing here is the Flesh
the work of surrendering
Not waiting until a later time but in this life denying myself and giving all of me to Him is my Spiritual Worship
Today the church has a backward perception of how we to worship… we look to imitate the world and thereby attract that which is dead to present to God as our worship
Deny the self not conforming to this world but
renewing our mind by His word
we will be tested and come to know
Discern the will of God
This is the spiritual worship that God will receive from us… “good acceptable and perfect”
Charge you to elevate your worship from a posture that leads us to the worship of self (“I don’t know this song, I don’t like how long the sermon is”)
or Worse… where we have to change how we worship to meet the demand of this world…
Empty yourself pick up what the Lord is placing in front of you… in the corporate setting it is taking even your anxiety or the distraction and placing it on the altar.
If you find yourself shouting at the top of your lungs, prostrate on the ground, on your knees hands lifted… yes even if you dont know the song. Press into that space
Grab onto the Holy Spirit and refuse to let go… not for the encounter but for the relationship that will be established...
this relationship will lead you to make decisions in your life that do not conform to this world and may seem ridiculous but are right where the Lord is being exalted through your life as you remain a living sacrifice for Him… until we see His will complete