Stupid People
Stupid People
Jeremiah looked into the eyes of kings, princes, priests, and prophets and warned them of a day coming when the peace about which they had preached would turn to war, when their hearts would sink with embarrassment and emptiness (v. 9). The
i. Repentance involves a turning away from one’s self-centered and self-directed way of life and a turning to a life instructed, guided, directed by God.
ii. Repentance involves a turning away from all other gods that compete for one’s loyalty and a turning to God who alone is worthy of loyalty and devotion.
iii. Repentance involves a turning away from the kind of existence that has no fixed center, a life that wanders aimlessly and a turning to God’s presence, which offers stability and security.
iv. Repentance involves a turning away from life without integrity and a turning to truthfulness, justice, and righteousness in one’s relationship with God and the world.
v. Repentance involves a turning away from a useless and wasted existence and a turning to a life that is productive and useful to both God and the world.
vi. Repentance involves a turning away from a closed heart to God and a turning to God with an open heart.
vii. Repentance involves a turning away from God’s wrath and a turning to God’s grace and favor.