Messiah is Coming...Are YOU Prepared? Shalom, I discovered...
Messiah is Coming...Are YOU Prepared?
I discovered your blog through Google Alerts when I was researching more on "Messiah". I was wondering if you'd do me the honors and check out my website and blog.
I thought you might be interested in purchasing my book called, "Prepare for the Coming of Messiah". You can read more about it on the reviews, endorsements, and through my video.
I teach and minister at Congregation Beth Yahshua (House of Jesus) in Greenville, NC. I’ve been given a mandate by our Creator to be a watchman on the wall for our final generation—an honored position to spread God’s word while the foundations of our society are quickly shifting. I passionately warns others of the catastrophic events that are coming to planet earth, but yet we have so many blessings and I’m left with an uplifting hope. I’m so thankful for the restoration—all those who believe in Jesus Christ as their savor.
This is what some of my followers are saying about my book:
“This book is solidly based on the Bible, and Perry has filled the pages not only with a deeper understanding of the mysteries of these end times, but also a comprehensive and compelling overview of God's entire redemptive plan for His people. I have never read one single book that answered SO many of my questions, and finally cleared up so many of the things in Scripture that had remained a mystery to me.” >Kelly Ferrari, Door Keeper Ministries<
"Prepare for the Coming of Messiah" is indispensable to the library of those seriously seeking a deeper walk with our Lord Yahshua. Highly recommended!" >Rhonda Kendle, Spokane, Washington<
I’ve spent 26 years of collaborated research of the prophets. I’m proud to share the messages and deep in my heart is a burning passion for ALL those to read, “Prepare for the Coming of Messiah”. Through his latest book called, “Prepare for the Coming of Messiah”. You will gain the message of love, restoration, warning, and hope, a theme you will never tire to read over and over again.
If you know of others who would benefit from this book, please pass on this information. I'd much appreciate your extra servant duties.
“This is a must have end-of days book! Perry Ennis has a critical message for these end-times when the clock is tick-tick-ticking. Ennis gives a thorough breakdown of prophecies that help piece together and make sense of often difficult to understand Revelation prophesy. He gives excellent teachings on our Hebraic roots and the pertinent significance of Holy feast days such as Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Pentecost, to name a few.” >Rhonda Kendle, Spokane, Washington<
God bless;
Perry Ennis
Expert in Prophetic Analysis
Inspirational Author of “PREPARE for the Coming of MESSIAH”
Please follow me on twitter:
Direct Purchase Link:
Sermon text with italics and bold and John 3:16 and v. 20.
Heading 2
Text with an outline.
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