Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
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An Apostle’s Prayer.
Have you ever had a question you knew only God could answer?
Daniel story
We have been traveling the Bay Area these past several weeks, exploring each weekend.
Adrienne types in our destination and our phone directs us accurately and efficiently.It is crazy what our phones can do.
Ask any question and within seconds we have accessed a whole world of information.
In fact, I use to joke that I ran a business thanks to youtube.
I was in construction and if there was a job asked of me I would study how to do it and then do it.
And people actually paid me, lol.
The other day I asked Siri- what is God’s will for my life, I did it just to see what she would say.
You know what she said?
“That is an interesting question”.
Later, she must’ve got smart cuz she gave me some songs and articles to read lol.
I suppose you could folow Siri’s leadn through life but she can’t give you
There are some things that come up in life that we absolutely need God to answer.
The title of this morning’s message is- An Apostles Prayer (x2).
And our series is titeld Jesus Christ- King of the cosmos, head of the Church.
And, my question for us is, how much do we value the wisdom of God?
We are in Col. 1:9-10
Examples: John who is studying abroad.
John went to France to continue his education in non-religious studies.
He had graduated from a very conservative Bible College.
FLT (For the Least of These) mission directors.
The government took an Anti-Christian stance
There are times we need the knowledge of God’s will more than others.
There are two reasons for Paul’s prayer- 1.
They are doing a lot of things well.
And 2. They are in danger of being led astray from the faith.
If you remember, the Colossians were doing things really well.
Faith, hope, and love, were flourishing so to speak, as a result of their embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What I didn’t bring up last week, and this was on purpose, was that the church Paul was writing to was in danger of falling away from the faith.
Always where the gospel goes, as we saw last week, faith love and hope manifest.
Likewise, wherever the gospel goes, opposition is close at hand.
False teachers, as usual, had entered the fellowship of the Colossian Church and were peddling their deceptive doctrines.
We often think that false teachers are super easy to spot.
The problem is, they are not always easy to spot.
The fact that Paul prays for the Colossians to be filled with the knowledge of God that they already have tells us these teachers tried to introduce teachings and add something new, something that would make them even more spiritual than what the apostolic teachings were able to do.
This is why Paul told them that Epaphras (vs 7), though maybe he seemed to be simple, just as Paul seemed too simple to the Corinthians and had to say that although he didn’t come with wise and lofty speech he brought them the testimony about God, Epaphras brought a simple gospel message and he taught them the right things.
Apparently the Colossians had bought into the philosophies these false teachers brought and they had begun adopting a way of living that ultimately would have ended in death as a result of these false teachers.
Colossians 1:21–23 (ESV)
And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.
Because they were in danger of and some were already falling away from the true gospel message Paul prays...
The Colossian church then, needed wisdom and knowledge of Gods will, and every Christian since, needs wisdom and knowledge of God’s will.
What does wisdom look like?
The letter from James tells us, Jam.
So wisdom is peaceful, pure, open to reason, not something that breeds jealousy and dissension between people.
To bring God glory.
To see spiritual fruit in our lives.
To please God.
In order to walk out the Christian faith in a way that others can follow and to live lives pleasing to God.
As we go through our lives trying to be good witnesses, things come up.
False teachers haven’t given up deceiving the church.
Our ability to be misled by sophisticated but worldly philosophies is a real danger.
Tough calls have to be made at times, where what is good ain’t best, and we want best when it comes to this life for God.
We need spiritual wisdom to walk in a manner that is worthy of our Lord.
Big Take-away: We win when we let wisdom have the last word.
James encouraged the church facing various trials, James 1:5-6
God is faithful.
God will answer your request for wisdom when you come to the various trials, things like how to move forward in difficult ministry settings, things like how to be good witness to non-believers, things like false teachers.
Be encouraged he has not left us to do this on our own, he will help us walk in a manner worthy of the Lord fully pleasing to him and bearing fruit in every good work.
There are books of the Bible devoted to helping us grow us in wisdom, Proverbs for instance.
We have classified certain books of the Bible as Wisdom Literature: Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, Psalms, and Song of Solomon.
Studying books like these regularly is one way to grow in wisdom.
Studying the life of Jesus is another way.
He is wisdom in the flesh!
Everything He did was in wisdom.
Seeing how He lived His life tells us so much about how we are to be living.
Surrounding ourselves with Christians that are wise, “the old saying show me your friends I will show you your future”.
So why don’t we always walk in wisdom?
We aren’t being filled by the Word of God where wisdom is waiting.
We want things our way but wisdom asks why.
We want what we want and we want it now but often it is exactly then when wisdom say’s wait.
Now this is general life stuff, but it is also applies to spiritual stuff too.
As we begin to walk in a manner pleasing to him and this process of maturity and growing in wisdom takes place, we grow in the knowledge of His will and our lives will be fruitful.
So let’s- Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ to be filled with the knowledge of God so that they may walk in a manner pleasing to him.
And, let us Make wisdom a priority and each seek God personally, and study well so that we know what brings him glory in this world.
Siri, Google, Alexa, they can’t speak into specific situations of our Christian walk.
There are times when only God can do it.
So this week, let’s study his word, and while we do be in prayer and devotion of mind and heart, seeking God for what is pleasing to him and he will as James told us give us wisdom generously when we seek Him for the answers only He can provide.
We win when we let wisdom have the last word.
Would you pray with me.
Benediction: Hebrews 13:20-21
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