Are You Ready?
in Rudyard Kipling’s, The Jungle Book Mowgli, the man cub, asks the animals what’s the most feared thing in the jungle. He’s told that when two animals meet on a narrow path that one must step aside and let the other pass. The animal that steps aside for no one would then be the most feared. Mowgli wants to know what kind of animal would that be? One tells him it’s an elephant. Another tells him it’s a lion. Finally the wise old owl exclaims, “The most feared thing in the jungle is death. It steps aside for no one.”
Its hard to talk about, but life is uncertain
Death is not biased to age, race, or ethnicity
We are not promised our next breath
Death & hell are real and not a joke and not really anything to be joked about. There are people who are in hell tonight and might I say for some of the silliest of reasons.
Hell is Occupied Right Now - We are sitting in a nice comfortable building with friends and family - but right now as I am speaking people are lifting up their eyes being in torment and the blackness of darkness - just getting the beginnings of a taste of the wrath of God.
The young man Sheila went to Bible School with Carla Judas - Pilate for over 2000 years have been tormented in these flames burning right now whose fire is not quenched, and their worm dieth not - where there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
This man had a problem with greed and covetousness. In no way is Jesus saying we shouldn't prepare for a rainy day, but he is saying there are some things more important than earthly material gain.
God in this parable talks to this man in a severe way, Thou fool, this day shall thy soul be required of thee. That would required means, "demanded back"
How would be, if you heard those words right now? What if you had to stand before God in two seconds to give an account for everything you have done? And can I say that at any moment without warning or human reason God can demand your soul.
Are you still under the blood? Anything needing put under? Now is the time to do it Are you not sure where you are? Now is the time to find out
You can put things under the blood here and now, now is the accepted time, then it's too late. What happens if you try to go to the wedding party without the wedding garment.
There was one woman who came to church for thirty years. She would walk up and down the aisles with her hands up and a glow on her face and praising the Lord and nobody ever detected that there was anything wrong in her heart or in her life. But she would walk those floors and praise the Lord… This lady thirty years, thirty years she'd come to church night and night again. One night up in the northern part of the country, blizzard kind of night, the storm was raging this prayer meeting night, the preacher was going to hurry up and get through before the storm got too bad. This lady who had been coming for thirty years was a little late coming in and finally she came in and put her coat off and boots and came about half way up the aisle and said Pastor, I'd like to say something and he said go right ahead. She said, "for thirty years we have had a family feud in our family. I have held grudges in my heart against all of my family. In the last couple weeks, God has been talking to me about that. I've had feelings in my heart against my family, but I want to tell you all tonight I have been going to each one of my family and tonight I am late because I went to the last one and she had a shouting spell. But she said there is a lady here in church I still need to talk to. There was a Sunday School class they went into to talk the rest of them began to pray. After a while they came out and her face was shining like a new moon. She said Preacher I'd like to pray and let God put his seal on this. And God fell and it was all clear. At the end of the service they were all getting their coats and hats and boots she had forgotten her pocket book at her seat and went to get it. She picked it up from the seat where she had been sitting turned around to leave and dropped dead. That woman missed hell by thirty minutes. What would happen to you tonight if God said, Your soul is demanded of you right now?
I want to ask again
How would be, if you heard those words right now? What if you had to stand before God in two seconds to give an account for everything you have done? And can I say that at any moment without warning or human reason God can demand your soul.
Are you still under the blood? Anything needing put under? Now is the time to do it Are you not sure where you are? Now is the time to find out