The Weight of The Conscience
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2 year anniversary!
How many of us have been here for 6 months , 1 year , 18 months 2 years.
Allot has happened in this ministry in such a short time.
We had our first Baptism
Our first baby dedication
We ordained a Pastor Melvin and appointed two deacons.
We went through some drama,
Remember the Pastor who didn’t want us here.
The women's retreats , the mens outing
Just want to thanks all those who are helping with the youth ministry
Those who help keep us safe
Praise and worship team. Those who handle the finances of the ministry
The Weight of the Conscience
The conscience is that inner voice that tells you right and wrong, and we all have it. Romans 1:21
Also the conscience reveals to us our depravity in our need for God.
But when we neglect our conscience it can get seared. The longer you neglect your conscience you are no longer sensitive to it.
1 Tim 4:2 “speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,”
Thats why its easier for a young person to get saved then an adult. because usally the older a person gets the more seared conscience is.
Social media can sear your conscience it desensitizes you to sin. And they normalize it
Thats why our youth are under attack and we don’t even know it.
Satan is searing the conscience so people who see there need for Jesus.
But the conscience isn’t the Holy Spirit. Because the Holy Spirit gives us the power to overcome our sin. The Holy Spirit lets us know Whos we are. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to live for God.
“In the essential things unity, in the non-essential things liberty, in all things charity.”
There are essential things in our faith that we all should be unified on.
The Deity of Christ
The finished work of Christ on the cross.
The Triune nature of God
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit of every believer.
But there are non essential things that each believer has unity on.
Like gambling, I don’t see any concrete example that gambling is inherently evil. ( I can give you examples how it could be unwise.)
Like which days you should worship. ( Sunday or Saturday) thats a non-essential, be led by God do not neglect your conscience.
Like tatoos, is tatoos okay or not
Who you should vote for
How someone should dress
Some people like sugar in there grits, some like salt
In Romans 13 its full of allot of verses that encourages us to live for God.
Put on The Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh
Honor the government
Speaking about being prepare for Christ second coming.
When you first come to Christ maybe you would be excited ready to go. And you begin to ask yourself what things have been a stumbling block to me.
Its almost as f Paul is slowing us down. and saying before you start ridding yourself of people places and things theres something you need to know.
We as Christians have various backgrounds, different attitudes and we need to like harmonious with other believers. In order for us to do that we need to stop judging others.
Turn to
Romans 14:1 “Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things.”
Romans 14:2 “For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables.”
Romans 14:3 “Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him.”
Romans 14:4 “Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.”
This message is for two people
(1) toward those less instructed or of weaker faith than ourselves;
(2) toward those with greater knowledge, and liberty of conscience, than ourselves.
Those that are weak its not as though they don’t have faith. they have true faith. Its just weak faith and not in every aspect. What makes takes a believer weak.
What can make a Christian weak?
Living in traditional or legalistic teaching
If you say pharses like “we’ve always done it this way” Or but the Pastor said
- Maybe you went to a church where women where told not to where pants. ( Maybe you grew up in a church that says you have to sing hymns and no other music) (Maybe you grew up in a church service where the Pastor yelled all day and you believe thats preaching .)
2. Receiving satan accusations about your past sins
Maybe you go on social media and you began to compare yourself to friends. and satans in your hear and saying why can you be more like this family or this person or that person. and you become insecure. so you say I’m deleting social media
3. Not grasping the fact of their death with Christ and their present and eternal union with Him.
understanding that you have died. You are no longer your sin.
You will eternally be with Christ when this life is over.
I can become weak when I don’t know my identity in Christ.
When I’m living in constant fear that God will be angry with me.
4. Habits of introspection and self-accusation, or even through unsubdued sin
Maybe sin you been struggling with for years. You can seem to shake it experientially, in this particular part of our lives we are weak.
What ends up happening is the one with the great knowledge can become proud. and puffed up
1 Cor 8:1 “Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.”
My liberty in Christ can be judged by another mans conscience.
1 Cor. 10:29 ““Conscience,” I say, not your own, but that of the other. For why is my liberty judged by another man’s conscience?”