


Is there any doubt that the readings today are all about mercy?
Moses pleads on Israel’s behalf, “And the Lord relented from the disaster that he had spoken of bringing on his people.” (Exodus 32:14, ESV)
Saint Paul, “though formerly I was a blasphemer, persecutor, and insolent opponent.
But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief,” (1 Timothy 1:13, ESV)
Prodigal Son, “For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found.’ And they began to celebrate.” (Luke 15:24, ESV)


Jesus’ whole life show us how he lived out God’s steadfast love,
dealing mercifully with the people who opposed him personally, and the Roman oppressors.
And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”… .” (Luke 23:34, ESV)

A Test

As you well know, today is the anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001.
Think about about how you responded to those attacks.
Think, especially, about your attitude toward the attackers, other Muslims
(the vast majority of whom were totally innocent of attacking the US, or even of wishing us ill).
Now think about how our government responded to these attacks.
Did our retaliation in Iraq, in the wider Persian Gulf, in Afghanistan, bring any peace, stop any hatred?
Was it even limited to seeking out the guilty parties?

A Hope

These attacks, and our retaliation happened the way they did.
We can’t undo them; our wishes can’t yield a different result.
What I wonder is, can we believe that mercy practised in our personal lives and in our public policies
can really result in a better world?
One more peaceful and more just than what we now have?
If we really believe all that Jesus did and taught
and truly believe that this is how we ought to live,
then we need to give clear evidence of this faith in everyday life,
personally and as the church.

A Prayer

Lord Jesus,
Give us, we pray, the courage to be merciful to all, as you have been to us.
May your grace empower us to be merciful as you have been merciful to us.