Day 3
God creates the seas and dry land.
God creates the seas and dry land.
Where did the dry land come from?
Did it preexist?
Did God transform water into land?
2 Peter 3:5 “For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God,”
Dr. Russell Humphreys used this theory to propose a theory of the origin of magnetic fields that has made remarkable verified predictions.
There was one continent (Pangea)
God names
God names
Earth and Seas
It was good
It was good
Now that God is done separating the waters, he declares His work “good.”
God creates plants
God creates plants
Plants serve as the source of nutrients for all of life.
Plants utilize photosynthesis, which man has not been able to replicate well.
Plants provide oxygen and filter carbon dioxide.
Plants were created mature.
Plants reproduced after their “kind.”
A second good
A second good
Again, God calls his creation good.
A third day
A third day
Not “the third day”
A Reminder of God’s provision
A Reminder of God’s provision
God knew that we would need food, and He created an amazing mechanism to provide for us.
God was already providing before we even had a need.
This should cause us to have greater trust in our Heavenly Father.