Revelaton Bible Study #31 Recap
Revelation Series #31
--- Recap of Chs 1-22
Revelation Series #1
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Revelation 1:1-3
Now let me work backwards through this with 7 observations for us about This Revelation
#7 The Time is Near
#6 - Blessed those who Read, Hear, and Puts into Practice
#5 Made Know by Angel to John who Testifies
#4 Must Soon Take Place
#3 To Show his Servants
(bond servants, broken and grateful)
#2 Which God Gave Him
#1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ
A. Revelation - apokalupsis - laying bare; making naked - disclosure of truth, instruction - concerning things before unknown - things which before have been removed from view are made visible - manifestation, appearance
B. Jesus Christ -
Let's lay the groundwork right now about what the center of the Book IS and IS NOT
If you are coming to this study for …
Ø2 … revelation of the End Times - you might be disappointed at times - while we will learn about the End Times - YES - but this is NOT the Revelation of the End Times
Ø3 … revelation of the Antichrist - You will not get complete disclosure of truth or manifestation of everything that is hidden because while you are going to learn about the Antichrist, this is NOT the Revelation of the Antichrist
Ø4 … revelation of the Tribulation and Rapture of the Church or the Millennial Reign of Christ … you are going to learn some things about those events … but this is NOT the Revelation of the Tribulation, Rapture, or Millennium
Ø5 … This is NOT even The Revelation of John as even I have called it
Ø6 … This is The Revelation of Jesus Christ
2 Jesus Christ will be laid bare in his person, purpose, and position
3 Jesus Christ will be disclosed in truth/instruction
4 Jesus Christ will be seen in ways that may have been previously unknown about him
5 Jesus Christ will be manifest in every part of this Revelation and HE ALONE will make his appearance taking center stage in the culmination of HIS STORY - History is and always will be HIS STORY
Revelation Lesson #2 Chapter 1:1-19
Grace and Peace To You
This is more than just "hello" - grace and peace - this is a proclamation of the greatest need we have in our lives today and the greatest need that this Revelation will fulfill in our lives, that is GRACE and PEACE
I will go a step further and say that if you come to Revelation without realizing and seeking Grace and Peace you will probably come up short of being full of what you need, desperately, from this book.
Today we are going to see the Outline, the Purpose, The Provision
Simply in vv19, 17, and 18
I see the Outline
1) Things which you have seen
2) Things which Are Now
3) What will take Place
I See The Purpose
To Dispel Fear
Be Not Afraid
I See the Provision
The Christ (or God) John Knew vv4-8
A. We See the Father
B. We See the Spirit
C. The Son
The Christ John Heard vv9-11
The Christ John Saw
John needed a fresh look at Jesus
this is NOT the baby in the manger
this is NOT the teacher on the hill
this is NOT the helpless lamb being slaughtered
this is NOT even the glorified body rising into the Heavens
V 18 Let me Give you Reasons NOT to Be Afraid
Let me Give you GRACE and Peace
Remember the Outline <WRITE IT OUT>
The Things you have Seen
The Things which are Now
The Things that Will Be
A. God -
1. was (have seen)
2. is (is now)
3. is to come (will be)
B. Jesus
1. I Am the Living One
3. I AM ALIVE for ever and ever -
5. I Hold the Keys of Death and Hades -
6 - Faithful Witness -(was)
7. - Firstborn from the dead (is now)
8. - Ruler of the kings of the earth (is to come)
He has Loved Us
He has Freed us
He Will Sanctify Us
Be NOT Afraid my Child because I AM is In the House
Grace and Peace to You
Revelation #3
7 Stars and 7 Lampstands - part 1
Rev 1:20 - 3
V 19 WRITE - what you have seen, what is now, and what will be
The things you have seen - chapter 1
The things which are - ch 2 and 3 the dispensation of the church that John was a part of as are WE
Things which will take place (hereafter / after these things) - More later but in chapter 4:1 come up here the church is never mentioned again on earth.
V 20 - The mystery of the 7 stars in my right hand and the 7 lampstands is this: 7 stars are the angels / messengers of the 7 churches and 7 lampstands are the 7 churches
7 churches = All / fullness / completeness of the church - he speaks here to ALL the Church
Actual Churches ? YES But these things relate to US as well
These 7 are historically / actual and thus have a pastor, deacons, lay people, servants, etc
7 Real Cities
Ephesus - Western Asia Minor
Smyrna - 30 miles north
Pergamos - 50 miles north 15 miles inland
Thyratira - 30 miles south
Sardis - 30 miles south
Philadelphia 30 miles south
Laodicea - 43 miles southest 100 miles inland from Ephesus.
7 Stars = 7 Angels of the church.
-7 God was using them and their personalities to show us something that the church developing and in history would need to see
-8 These letters are LIKE parables to teach us
-11 These Messages are in a prophesy book so it's not JUST for one church but for all of us
7 Promises in these letters
-1 First - in the Garden the Tree of Life was forfeited - in Christ we regain the right to the Tree of Life
-2 Second - we are afflicted with a curse of sin and death to our souls - but now we need not fear death or the 2nd death in Christ
-2 Third - in the Exodus they ate manna and their names were worn on the breastplate of the priest, close to his heart. Now we are feed the Manna of Life by Christ the bread of life and our names are inscribed on his heart
-3 Fourth - O T victories over enemies - now we are promised victory over the nations
-4 Fifth - the book of life and walking in life and victory yet to come
-5 Sixth citizens of the New Jerusalem and the New Temple - not made with human hands
-6 Seventh - trust him and overcome and sit with the Lord and rule in glory
7 Churches can be seen as periods in Church History and all 7 can be seen in every age of the church and all 7 can be seen in every CHURCH in the members
Ephesus - Waning Love - Church up to 100 AD
Smyrna - Martyrdom - the Roman persecution - Historians mark 10 Persecutions of the Church - "after 10 days" - Church from 100 - 313 AD
Pergamum - Identity with the World - live where Satan has his throne - Seated where Satan rules - Constantine 313 - 500 AD -
Thyratira - dressed in purple - like the harlot - Wicked Church sold out to the World - enticing and adorned with the worlds adornment - AD 500 - 1500
Sardis - men stand to preach - Church during the Reformation - 1500-1700 -
Philadelphia - Open Door - Missionary era - 1700 to present
Laodicea - wealth affluence, self sufficiency - silver and gold - no power, Christ on the outside - Liberal Church of Today the Content Church of Today
The Church at Ephesus - You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore?
Weirsbe calls this the "Backsliding Church"
Remember that JOHN had been the Pastor of this church from 69 AD to before his imprisonment but now with him gone everything had changed. It doesn't take long, no matter how good the teaching for us to abandon truth for
The Church of Smyrna: Suffering for A Little While
Wiersbe calls the Suffering Church
Revelation #3
7 Stars and 7 Lampstands - part 2
Rev 1:20 - 3
3. The Church of Pergamos: The Worldly Church - The "OPEN Minded Church" 2:12-17; the Tempted Church;
Perhaps even a pre-modern / post-modern
4. The Church OF Thyatira: The Church Dressed Like the World, Dressed to Impress, Jezebel in the Chapel, the Unrepentant Church
It maybe seem like the Dark Middle of the Night … but that is Just really the Early Hours of a New Day
And Look to the Horizon …
The Son … The Morning Star is about to Rise … can't you feel him in your hearts … can't you feel him on the verge … Look Within … Look Up … Look to Him
Revelation Series #5
7 Stars 7 Lampstands - part 3
Revelation 3
5. The Church at Sardis - The Dying Church - Wake Up Call; The Wheatfield Full of Tares; The Barren Fig Tree
We can overcome …
Why? Because he has Stars shining in the darkest nights … Souls worthy in the midst of worthlessness
Because the Holy Spirit still lives and moves …
the Spirit of the Lord
the Spirit of Wisdom
The Spirit of Understanding
The Spirit of Counsel
The Spirit of Power
The Spirit of Knowledge
The Spirit of Fear of the Lord
God the Holy Spirit lives in his Fullness with Everything we Need for Life and Godliness so Wake Up!
6. The Church at Philadelphia - The Missionary Church - The Open Door
7. The Church at Laodicea
Some would see this as the liberal church of today or the church without Christ even in the Tribulation - self sufficient church - yet without power - without Christ
Clothed but naked, eye salve yet blind
REVELATION # 6, 7, 8
Revelation Series #6
Front Row Seat to the Beginning of the End
Rev. 4:1
A voice like a trumpet saying "Come Up Here" -
Daniel 12:1 --- A Time of distress … but at that time you people - everyone whose name is written in the book - will be delivered ….
Matt 24:36-44 --- Like the days of Noah … one taken one left … keep watch … he will come like a thief (not in the way he comes in Rev 19 which is openly and boldly and every eye will see)
1 Cor 15:51-58 - not all sleep … all changed … in a flash … a trumpet will sound … dead raised imperishable and we will be changed
1 Thes 4:16,17 - the Lord himself come down … voice … trumpet … the dead rise first … we alive … caught up together with them …
1 The 5:9 - For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but receive salvation … 11 encourage one another
2 Thes 2:1-12 - our being gathered to him … the man of lawlessness must be revealed … proclaiming himself to be God … one holds him back … will continue to do so until "he" is taken out of the way … then the lawless one will be revealed … WHO IS THE RESTRAINER? The Holy Spirit of God … Where does he reside … IN the Church IN the lives and hearts of the Christians … he is a Deposit guaranteeing what is to come … God doesn't TAKE BACK his deposit …
If we are NOT meant for wrath and IF the Holy Spirit must be taken out of the MIDST of the earth before the Antichrist, if the HOLY Spirit GOES … we are going WITH HIM.
Rev 3:10 --- I will keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world …
The church is never spoken of again on earth after chapter 3 … 7 x we hear "he who has an ear let him hear what the Lord is saying to the churches." Never again after chapter 3
God is never called FATHER again after chapter 3 … because it is no longer about the church, but GOD ALMIGHTY judging the earth
Peace I leave with you --- JESUS SAID … not as the world gives … what was the Peace he left us? WHO? The Holy Spirit - John 14:26,27 --- He will not give AND then TAKE away …
So … WHEN … REV. 4:1 --- Open door means someone is coming in or going out … This is the Rapture … Voice like a trumpet … Come up here … At once I was in the Spirit … before … throne in heaven
Revelation Series #7 & 8
First View of The Throne p1,2
Rev 4:2-11
1. God Almighty (The Father) On the Throne …
Precious Stones showing Holiness, purity, wrath, judgment, grace, mercy …
2. 24 Elders Around the Throne
A. How They are -- Seated, clothed, crowned, enthroned, numbered …
B. Who they are NOT --- not spirits (wouldn't be listed and clothed) … not angels (wouldn't be on thrones) elders and angels are separate later 7:11 - angels can't sing of being redeemed
1. who would be numbered? MAN
2. who was created to rule? Man
3. who is seated with him in heavenly places? Redeemed Man
4. who sings? Man
5. who is a victorious overcomer? Redeemed Man
6. Who is Clothed in Righteousness? Redeemed Man
1. 24 orders of priests
2. Daniel say thrones set in heaven … empty looking forward … John sees them full looking back
3. 1 Peter 2 says we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation
4. rev 1:6 says we are kings and priests
5. 24 is a COMPLETE number representing ALL of the priests in all the 24 orders.
6. SO, the 24 elders are ALL the ROYAL PRIESTHOOD … The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ … the Known of God… All of the of Redeemed
E. Crowns
1. they had been through the Judgment / Bema Seat of Christ and rewarded for works …
2. lay the crowns at his feet
F. 7 Lamps - the Holy Spirit - the 7 Spirits of God (Is 11:2)
Spirit of the Lord
Spirit of Wisdom
Spirit of Understanding
Spirit of Counsel
Spirit of Power
Spirit of knowledge
Spirit of Fear of the Lord
G. Sea of Glass --- sea God's holiness … the people stood in the midst of his Holiness before the Throne
H. 4 Living Creatures - represent all of God's creation … human, domestic animals, wild animals, and birds
Around the Throne - 24 Elders
From the Throne - Judgment
Before the Throne - 7 lamps, Sea of Glass, 4 Creatures
In the Father's Hand - A Scroll - Title Deed to the Earth
Jesus is Worthy to Open because he is the Lamb who was Slain - Worship Him
Revelation Series #9
Seven Sealed Scroll part 1
The Four Horsemen
7 Sealed Scroll is Opened - (First 4)
1st Seal - White Horse
Held a Bow - NO ARROWS - peaceful conquest
Was Given a Crown
Conqueror and Bent on Conquest
He will not ride alone … but be followed by 3 that will do his dirty work
2nd Seal - Red Horse
Fiery - red - blood
Power Given
3rd Seal - Black Horse
Scales - famine - measuring out portions
4th Seal - Pale Horse
Rider is DEATH … FOLLOWED by Hades - they have power
¼ of population dies - (sword, famine, plaque, Beasts)
Revelation Series #10
Seven Sealed Book p2
Seals 5 and 6
Rev 6:9-17
5th Seal - Martyrs Under the Altar
- Souls of the Slain
- How Long until you Judge/Avenge
6th Seal - Is the World Falling Apart?
- Great Earthquake
- Sun turned Black
- Moon turns Blood Red
- Stars in the sky fell as figs drop
ALL hid in caves, among rocks, looking for safety
So…. What do I see here?
Revelation Series #11
Four Angels
144,000 Evangelists
Innumerable Converts
Rev 7
A Pause between 6 and 7
144,000 Evangelists and Innumerable Converts
Differences Two Groups Mentioned here
Numbered - 144,000
Sealed on Earth
During Tribulation
Cause - of the 2nd group being included
Gentiles from Every Nation
Unable to Count
In Heaven - Standing before the Throne
After the Tribulation
Effect - of the 144,000
Revelation Series #12
The 7th Seal Opens
Revelation 8 and 9
1. Silence - 8:1
2. THE 7 Angels of God's Presence
They STAND before God
3. Given 7 Trumpets
4. Another Angel … with a Censer
Censer was a device for holding incence
Angel Priests
The Time is NOW for Judgment
5. The Trumpets Sounded
1. First Trumpet
a. hailstones of fire mixed with blood burning 1/3 of the earth, 1/3 of the trees and ALL of the green grass
2. 2nd Trumpet 8:8,9
Here is says he "saw" something that was "LIKE a mountain ablaze" into the sea
1/3rd of the animals/fish of the sea died
1/3rd of ships destroyed, or burned up
3. 3rd Trumpet 8:10,11
"star burning LIKE a torch"
"wormwood" 1/3rd of Freshwater affected
4. 4th Trumpet 8:12
The Sun is struck and 1/3rd of the light from the sun, moon, and stars was darkened
WOE! WOE! WOE! - The eagle cries
5. 5th Trumpet 9:1-12
I saw that a star HAD FALLEN to earth … the star had been given a key to the abyss.
Satan - God gives him authority to release the REST of his fallen angels on the earth.
Then a swarm LIKE locusts come out -- five months
6. 6th Seal - 9:13-21
An army of 200,000,000 strong comes from the east
At the exact TIME known to God alone, the angels are released and 1/3rd of the remaining world population is killed
1/4th were killed in the Pale Horse Seal
1/3rd of the remaining are killed - worlds population cut in half.
YET - Those NOT killed DID NOT REPENT … v20
Revelation Series #13
The Angel and the Book
Revelation 10
Another Mighty Angel
Lays claim to the earth as the proxy of CHrist
Presentation of the Little Book
Same as the scroll in chapter 5
But it is open revealed
1. Take it …
2. Eat it …
3. Proclaim it …
Proclamation of Consummation
Revelation Series #14
Measuring Rod
Chapters 11:1-14
The Measuring of the Temple vv 1-2
Measure God's True People IN Israel
Israel will be trampled for the remaining 42 months of the Tribulation
The Temple will be defiled
Revelation Series #15
Part Two Chapter 11
Two Witnesses …
Two Witnesses no one knows who they are though some believe Elijah and Moses or Elijah and Enoch
But the most important thing is that they are REAL Men, Witnessing to the Coming Judgment of Christ
Jewish law required 2 Witnesses in order to prove anyone guilty so they came in fulfillment of God's law.
I do believe they are in the 1st 3 ½ years of the Tribulation and if so, it didn't rain for that period of time which adds to our understanding of the great Famine and deaths associated with famine in this time
They will prophesy for 1260 days or 3 years and 6 months, 42 months …
A. they are Immortal until they are Finished --
B. When they are finished they become mortal to the Antichrist
C. Bodies are Denied Burial
D. They are Resurrected and caught up to Heaven
Revelation Series #16
Part 3 of Chapter 11
The 7th Trumpet, 24 Elders Worship
11:14 - The second woe has passed; the third woe is coming soon
1. Coronation of a Victorious King
And He shall Reign for ever and ever
2. A Convocation of Praise
>>> The Time Has Come <<<
3. A Confidence in his Faithfulness
Revelation Series # 17
The Woman and the Dragon p1
Chapter 12
2. The Great Red Dragon
a. great red dragon - powerful, exalted, higher
b. that ancient serpent (the garden of eden)
c. the Devil - diabolos /dee-ab-ol-os/ = prone to slander, slanderous, accusing falsely, a calumniator (one who utters false statements, charges or imputations)
d. Satan - adversary
3. The Male-Child
"the woman gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne."
Psalm 2 says - ?6? "I have installed my King on Zion, my holy hill."
The Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, 2nd Person of the Trinity.
4. Michael
He is Israel's great Prince defending her against the Prince of Persia in Daniel's prophesy
He is also an archangel and is the only NAMED archangel … we will talk of him more later … perhaps next week
5. The Offspring of the Woman
these are the remnant Children of God … who they are will be most clear as we define who the woman is ….
1. The Woman Clothed in the Sun
1. Romans 9:4,5 the people of Israel. Thers is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises 5 theirs are the patriarchs, and FROM THEM IS TRACED THE HUMAN ANCESTRY OF CHRIST, who is God over all forever praised. Amen
Israel is seen as a MARRIED WOMAN … to WHOM … to God … to the FATHER …
2. But Israel is a mother, giving birth to children, born to GOD. SO, God is the Father, Israel the mother, and Christ the Son. It is OUT of God's love for Israel that Christ is born through her
The woman is ISRAEL … the Chosen People of God and the Male Child is the Messiah
Revelations Series #18
Battle in the Heavens
Revelation 12
1. Lead Characters
The Dragon and his Angels vs Michael and his Angels. "LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE"
2. Battle on Earth
A. Turns his Anger Toward an "Easier Adversary" the One God loves - Israel in particular all Believers in General
1. remember that we know that Israel will be trampled on for the final 42 months.
2. he Pursued the woman
3. Woman "given two wings of a great eagle" so that she might fly to a place prepared for her in the desert"
4. From the Dragon's mouth will come "water like a flood" …
5. Dragon makes war against the REST of the offspring. either those who have yet to flee, or the 144,000 or against the Jew AND Gentile Believers who are still alive.
Revelation #19
The Beast From the Sea … The Antichrist … Part One
Revelation 13:1-10
We call him the Antichrist … Satan's Opposite of and counterfeit to Christ
What About Nationality / Origin?
a beast coming out of the sea … symbol … MASS of PEOPLE … and THE Sea in scripture is the Mediterranean Sea. … from this we would see him as Gentile …
Daniel 8:8-27 - … he is partially Greek
Daniel 9:26 - … he will be predominantly Roman or of those
Daniel 11:36,37 - Says that he doesn't regard the gods of his fathers … Placed in this context then … he would also be a Jew by lineage -
He is called Antichrist … means he will be an imitation Christ, or an imitation Messiah … Israel would NOT receive a Messiah that was not Jewish … And Israel will receive him, be deceived by him … … COULD come from the Tribe of Dan … Genesis 49:17,18
The Actions of the Antichrist
1. He will Rise to Power
2. One World Government -
3. Dominate World Economy
4. Antichrist's Own Atheistic Religion
5. Covenant with Israel
6. His Death and Resurrection
6. The Ultimate Destruction of the Antichrist
Revelation #20
The Beast from the Sea / The Antichrist - Part 2 and The Beast of the Earth / the False Prophet
Revelation 13:1-10
We are introduced in this chapter to the "UNHOLY Trinity", the "Trinity of Evil" if you will.
The Trinity of Evil, the Unholy Trinity
The Dragon - Satan - The Father of Lies, the Head of all things evil
The Antichrist - Beast from the Sea - the essence of evil on earth, Satan in the flesh
The False Prophet - Beast from the Earth - bears witness to the Son, has 2 horns or authority but is like a lamb - peaceful in appearance - demonic in word - he draws attention to the Antichrist, causes all to worship him, is a witness … hence he has 2 heads
Beast of the Sea … He IS a beast with 10 Horns (Authority) and 7 Heads -
RESEMBLED --- ALL of the previous World Ruling Beasts / Kingdoms of Daniel 7 and 2.
"Death and Resurrection" - The Fatal Wound the Ultimate Deception
"seemed to have a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed"
This is Satan's greatest act of deception on the world through this beast … Either, he DIES and Satan incarnates his dead body to animate it and appear that it has resurrected OR his death is FAKED as is his resurrection.
The fact that it says he "seemed to have a fatal wound" would lead us to believe that the death is FAKED … but remember that in Revelation 5 it describes the Lamb of God, Jesus appears "as if he had been slain".
B. Words -
C. War -
The BEAST of the EARTH / The False Prophet
He is the Anti-Spirit … as the Beast is the Anti-Christ and Satan is the Anti-God
A. 5 Characteristics of the False Prophet - His Role and Purpose
1. Out of the Earth - … perhaps that means he will be Jewish. Perhaps he is an "apostate jew" or one who has secretly renounced his faith …
2. two horns like a lamb - horns mean authority -
3. He Speaks like a Dragon --- or like THE Dragon --- he is a powerful speaker
4. He has the authority of the 1st beast - close relationship
5. He causes the world to worship the Antichrist
B. Supernatural Powers
C. The Mark of the Beast
1. what does it mean? We don't know!!
2. The righteous of that day will know and understand it
3. It's USE it easy to understand … without it they will NOT be able to buy and sell …
6. Why? 666 --- unknown - but 6, remember is the number of man. but 6 is a number that comes up short of the number of God's perfection that is 7.
Revelation Series #21
Victory in Sight
Revelation 14
1. The Lamb and his Firstfruits
A. The Lamb standing on Mt. Zion -
1. I would tend to lean toward those that would see this as a picture or prophesy of the coming victory hence my study title "Victory in Sight"
2. This chapter then is a rainbow of promise in the darkened skies of the Tribulation. Blue skies are just on the other side of the storm
B. 144,000 With Him
1. we have seen them before, so they do not need introduction?
2. a great multitude of believers
3. They are FIRST FRUITS … Firstfruits of those who come to God through Christ in the Tribulation,
2. Three Angels
A. The Preacher - proclaiming the gospel to the world so all are without excuse
B. The Proclaimer - the collapse for Babylon
C. The Pronouncer - he pronounces Judgment before the fact
3. The Harvest of the Earth
Again as we look forward to what is coming and get a glimpse of the Victory that is in Christ Jesus
A. Son of Man Seated on a White Cloud - Harvests his Own
B. Another Angel with a Sharp Sickle
Gather them the grapes are FULL / RIPE … they were trampled outside the City and blood flowed as high as the horses bridles for 1600 stadia which is about 180 miles
This will be a great bloody battle … it says that the blood will flow as high as 4 feet ….
Revelation #22
7 Angels and 7 Plaques
The 7 Final Bowls of God's Wrath
Revelation 15 and 16
Song of the Tribulation Saints -
They are - Victorious
They have - Harps given by God
They Sang - The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb
1. The Song of Moses Song of Victory over the Foes of Life
2. The Song of The Lamb - Song of Victory over Sin and Death
Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony - Holy of Holies
Out of It
1. 7 Angels with 7 Plaques
2. Dressed - Clean shining linen CLEAN and JUST these are priestly angels
1st Bowl - v2 - On the Land - Loathsome Sores - Boils
2nd Bowl - v3 - On the SEA - Turned into blood LIKE a dead man's
3rd Bowl - vv8-9 - On the RIVERS and SPRINGS - Became Blood
4th Bowl - vv8-9 - on the SUN - intense heat - power to scorch
5th Bowl - vv 10,11 - on the THRONE of the Beast - plunged into darkness
6th Bowl - vv12-16 - On the EUPHRATES River - Water dried up to Prepare the way for the Kings of the East (literally kings from the sun's rising)
3 Messengers of Evil - I saw three evil (unclean) spirits … looked like frogs
perform miracles and wonders in order to convince the kings … they will gather for "the Battle on the Great Day of God Almighty"
they will gather at Armageddon
means "Valley of Megiddo" or the "Plain of Esdraelon" -
7th Bowl - vv17-21 - Poured INTO the AIR - "It Is Done"
Lightning Flashes, Rumblings, Thunder, SEVERE Earthquake (worst ever in History)
The Great City - Jerusalem as matching.
a. split in 3 parts -
b. the Cities of the Earth though are destroyed - Babylon gets a FULL cup of God's wrath,
Every Island Fled away - either disappeared or MOVED
Mountains not Found whether some or all doesn't matter
Hailstones of 100 pounds fall on the earth taking out men ---
Revelation Series #23
The Woman and the Beast.
Revelation 17
17:1 - False Religion seen as a prostitute carrying people toward unfaithfulness
She rides the Beast and causes the nations to commit spiritual adultery with her
All the Great Empires have followed here from beginning to end. Every generation has followed her
The 10 kings of that day will follow her and will make war at Armageddon only to be defeated
People will learn to hate her because she has led them astray
Revelation Series #24
Fallen Babylon
Revelation 18
Babylon is fallen … Babylon has historically led people away from God
1. The Sins of Babylon
A. Influence
B. Infidelity
C. Inhumanity
1. ignoring the poverty / needs of the world in favor of gaining all riches for herself
2. luxury and excess while the world starves - a "let them eat cake" mentality
3. Killing of Saints
4. The commerce of "the bodies and souls of men." ---
(dehumanization of humans)
2. Judgment on Babylon
A. Swift -
B. Severe -
C. Sufficient to Finish her
3. Lament For Babylon
A. Kings of the Earth - vv9-10
B. Merchants - or Producers / Manufacturers vv11-17
C. Sea Captains and Sailors / Deliverers vv17-20 - Transporters / Deliverers
D. Every Aspect of Life Mourns - the Consumers vv22-24
All the normal things of life are no more
Revelation Series #25
Chapter 19:1-10
Wedding Day
1. Hallelujah4
"Cubed" (to the 4th Power)
A. Hallelujah! Praise Be to God
B. Again THEY shouted Hallelujah! - over babylon's judgment
C. "Amen, Hallelujah"
1. I Know that's right! ---
2. The 24 Elders and 4 Creatures fall down and worship
D. "Hallelujah!"
Voice from the THRONE
The Throne is saying "Everybody in the house say YEAH … Hallelujah"
2. The Bridegroom and the Bride
For the Wedding of the Lamb Has Come and the Bride has made herself ready, linen was given her to wear
A. Bridegroom - The Lamb
B. The Bride - The Church from Pentecost to the Rapture - she will be dressed in the white garments made with her righteous acts
3. The Wedding Ceremony
Nothing is said of it other than to rejoice in the fact
But couples were promised FAR in advance and then the Groom would go to the Bride's house and GET the Bride and bring her to his house for the ceremony
4. The Wedding Supper
This is OF the LAMB so this is for those who know and relate to the Lamb
Guests -- The Old Testament Saints and the Tribulation Saints - and the are Blessed --- valued special, rewarded in sharing in this FEAST that would be a part of all marriage celebrations
READ Psalm 72
Revelation #26
Victorious White Horse Rider
Revelation 19:11-21
1. Heaven Opened as Prophesied
2. White Horse Rider
A. Called Faithful and True
B. With Justice he Judges and Makes War
C. Eyes burning like fire
D. On his Head … Many Crowns
E. Unknown Name - written on him - no lineage or background
F. Dressed in a Robe Dipped in Blood
G. Name is The Word of God -
H. Leading the Armies of Heaven following Him - that's includes US!
I. Out of His Mouth - the Word of God
J. Name … King of Kings and Lord of Lords
3. The Battle Ends
When Jesus shows up, the Battle is OVER …
4. Come and Eat
to all the Birds … Vultures, Carrion Eaters … "… to all the birds flying in midair … 'Come, gather together for the great supper of God, eat the flesh of kings, generals, mighty men, horses and riders, all people, free and slave, small and great" and then verse 21 finishes this scene "the birds gorged themselves on their flesh"
5. A Gathering for War Cut Short by Victory
A. Beast and Kings armies gathered together to make war Bride, against his Heavenly Armies …
1. The Beast is "captured" --- seized … with the Other Hand Snatches up the False Prophet …
2. They are THROWN ALIVE into Hell
Revelation #27
Incarcerated Adversary, One Last Stand, and the Second Death
Revelation 20:1-3, 7-15
1. Incarcerated Adversary
the dragon - thrown in the abyss for 1000 years
a. The Abyss --- This is NOT Hell, nor is it Hades … there were
1) Hell - is the final place for all demons, the dragon, beast, and false prophet, and those who reject Christ … no one is there now
2) Sheol - Hades … is the place of the dead … before Calvary it had two places The place of Torment and Paradise separated by a great gulf. After the Cross Christ lead all those believers away and took paradise to Heaven … the Father's Presence today
3) Hell is real but it is yet to come
2. One Last Stand
A. Devil on the Loose
After 1000 years he will be loosed and deceive some who have been born during the Tribulation
B. A Battle?
again they gather around Jerusalem BUT (God) Fire came down from heaven and Devoured them
C. Satan's Final Judgment
The Devil -- Thrown into the Lake of Burning Sulfer … Ghenna, Tophet, HELL
3. The Second Death
A. A Great White Throne ---
B. Him Seated on it --- Jesus
C. A Resurrection
souls and bodies joined from graves, and ocean depths, from Hades, they stand before God the Son; Small and Great …
D. Books are Opened - works etc. -- Another Book was Opened --- The Book of life 20:15 If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire
Death and Hades are thrown in there too
Revelation #28
"The Glorious Honeymoon"
Revelation 20:1-6
1. This is a Fulfillment of MUCH Prophesy
1000 years with Christ as Ruler and Satan bound
2. This is a Time of Reclamation of the Earth
3. This is a Time of Celebration
Remember that the wedding celebration was measured by the wealth of the groom or his family's wealth …
Only the Bride and Groom and their " friends" will enter into the Millennium.
4. This is a Time of Resurrection
We will be like him …
Christ is the firstborn of the dead
The church is the firstfruits of the resurrection - at the Rapture
But the Old testament saints then will also be resurrected … Before 1000 years
The Tribulation Saints will receive resurrected Bodies
The saints of God from every age enter the Millennium with new bodies, eternal bodies.
It also seems from reading the latter verses as well as the prophesies that there will be those who are born in that era who will die.
5. This is a Time of Reigning and Serving
A. Serving Him as Priests
B. Reigning with Him
6. This is a Time of Preparation for Eternity
7. A Time of Telling, Sharing and Warning
Revelation Series #29
The New Jerusalem
Revelation 21
1. John … saw
A. a New Heaven and an New Earth - I believe this will be a reborn, or regenerated, re-genesis of Earth and the Heavens (atmosphere and galaxies)
B. No Sea of Separation
C. The Holy City, The New Jerusalem
1. coming down out of Heaven
2. Prepared as a Bride Beautifully
2. I Heard a Loud Voice from the Throne
A. Proclamation
1. Now the Dwelling place of God is with men
2. FOR THE OLD ORDER HAS PASSED AWAY --- it's a new order, a restored order
B. Pronouncements
1. I am making everything NEW … not different, but new … fresh …
2. write this down … because it is TRUSTWORTHY … TRUE …
3. It is DONE … the plan of God the restoration of all things, sin, is gone
C. Promises
1. thirsty ones … will drink …
2. "those who overcome" will inherit ALL THIS …
3. I will be their GOD … they my SONS
3. John was Shown The Bride, the Holy City
A. The Bride / Wife of the Lamb
New Jerusalem descends -- The Beauty of this Holy City will be an Eternal Picture of WHO the People of God now ARE through the will of God and the sacrifice of Christ and the working of Holy Spirit.
B. Description
Cubed … 1500 miles --- bright … shining like a golden diamond … 12 stones in the foundation, 12 gates made of a solid pearl … streets of clear gold … 200 ft thick walls … gates never close
9. Missing Things in Eternity's Heaven
a. No Temple --- because God is with us
b. No Sun or Moon to Shine - because God is our light
Revelation Series #30
the New Jerusalem -part 2
Revelation 22:1-6
Think of stepping on shore and finding it heaven:
Think of grasping a hand and finding it God's;
Think of breathing new air and finding it celestial;
Think of feeling transformed, and finding it immortality;
Think of waking up and finding it home.
[Robert E. Selle]
1. The River
- this is a crystal clear river - from the Throne of God and of the Lamb -- water of life.
2. The Tree
Most likely TREES of the SAME KIND on both sides of the river flowing throughout the city
produces 12 types of fruit on a monthly rotation
leaves provide health
3. The Curse is Dead
What curse? SIN and DEATH
- his name will be on their foreheads - we will be on his team again and forever …
4. The Glorious Repetition
God is on the THRONE
We will Serve Him
The greatest administration we will have in that kingdom is that we will have administration over sin,
What are we going to do in Eternity? You are asking the wrong question.
The question is WHO and WHOSE will we be in Eternity.
We will be Holy, Consecrated, Authoritative, Servants belonging to the Most High God, at his disposal, available for his instruction, serving in joy and gratitude.