Heavy Hearts, Heavenly Home

Believe: Gospel of John  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  39:22
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Heavy Hearts, Heavenly Home

What do you think about when you think about Heaven?
It’s an interesting question.
And if you asked this question to many people they might talk about a reunion with those who have gone before.
They may start talking about the streets of gold and the marriage feast.
As believers, our hope and goal is to dwell with God for ever.
That is to live in his heavenly home for all eternity.
When we think about heaven, we need to understand that heaven is the dwelling place of God.
So where ever God is that’s where heaven is.
And though it will be nice to see those who have gone before.
To reunite with family and friends who have died.
The goal and purpose of heaven is to spend time with Jesus.
That for all eternity we get to experience the goodness, grace, and beauty of Jesus.
And the promise of this heavenly home is the hope that we cling to as we walk through this crazy life.
That one day when our life is over we get to stand face to face with Jesus.
We get to embrace him and thank him for his grace on our lives.
We know that if we trust in Jesus we get to partake in the beauty of heaven.
So even when we have heavy hearts, we do have a heavenly hope.
And in the passage of John we are going to look at today, Jesus is going to use this promise of heaven to help comfort the disciples.
He is going to use the promise of reunion as an anchor for their sole.
Because at this point in John’s gospel the disciples are a mess.
They are confused, anxious, and doubtful.
So Jesus is going to provide them with hope and comfort them in this time of trouble by pointing them to himself, and the hope that they can hold on to.
John 14:1 CSB
1 “Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

Trust Cures Trouble

Here Jesus comforts his disciples b/c he knows that they are troubled.
They are anxious, confused, and stirred up b/c of what Jesus has been telling them.
Think about it, Jesus told that he is going to be betrayed by one of them.
That he is leaving them.
And when Peter stands up and claims that he is going to follow Jesus to the end, they find out that Peter is, in fact, going to deny Jesus.
This is cause for trouble in the hearts of the disciples.
So Jesus tells them, don’t be troubled.
Don’t be stirred up.
As Jesus is facing the reality of his death.
The trouble in his own heart.
He lays that aside to comfort his disciples.
In fact, one of the things that I want you to notice in Jesus’ farewell to his disciples is that he brackets it with telling them not to be troubled.
Here in John 14:1 “1 “Don’t let your heart be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.”
and also in John 16:33 “33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.””
He knows the road and challenges that his disciples are going to face.
He knows the difficulty that lies ahead.
And Jesus wants his disciples to know that they don’t have to be overcome with turmoil.
They don’t have to be overwhelmed with his leaving, but how do they combat weariness.
How do they fight against being overwhelmed.
They trust. They believe.
Jesus tells them to believe in God and believe in him.
This is an imperative.
In order to overcome trouble, anxiety, and fear they need to trust.
They have already trusted him.
They have followed him around for 3 years witnessing his work.
They need to continue to do what they have already done.
Trust in Jesus.
Even in the darkest of nights we need to trust Jesus.
We can’t deny that the world is full of trouble.
It doesn’t take long watching the news or scrolling through social media to see that this is a troubled world.
The world is filled with physical trouble.
Sickness, disease, death.
Cancer and illnesses.
School shootings and murder.
Aging and other ailments.
What the cure to not being overwhelmed by physical trouble?
Trust in Jesus.
There’s also spiritual trouble.
As followers of Jesus, we encounter spiritual warfare.
We are attacked by the spiritual enemies of God.
There is trouble in our temptations that want to drag us away from godliness.
There are distractions that want to keep us away from prayer and fellowship with God.
We have friends and family that are lost and don’t know the goodness of God.
When we face spiritual trouble, how do we overcome it?
Trust in Jesus.
There is also trouble that comes from being obedient to God.
We can be outcast or shunned by family and friends.
We can run the risk of being defamed or rejected by the world.
We can lose our businesses or jobs for taking a stand on truth.
There are some brothers and sisters that risk being jailed or having their life taken b/c of their obedience to Jesus.
How do we overcome the trouble of obedience?
Trust Jesus.
The cure for trouble is simple.
But it’s not easy.
We need to believe.
We need to trust.
We need to hold fast to who God is and what he has done.
At bible study on Wednesday, we looked at 2 Peter 1:3 “3 His divine power has given us everything required for life and godliness through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”
God has equipped us with his power, and set us up for success to live a life of godliness b/c of his own glory and goodness.
God has never abandoned us.
He has never forsaken us.
and in our trouble he wants to comfort us.
He wants us to lean on him.
To trust in him.
To believe in him.
Because he is our hope.
Now I want you to know and notice, that this isn’t just believe.
This power to not be overwhelmed is anchored in a person.
It is anchored in the object of our belief.
We live in a time and culture where belief is mold-able.
Where its cool to just believe.
Believe in anything.
And the most common thing people believe in is their self.
But Jesus is here telling us that if we don’t want to be overcome with trouble.
If we don’t want to be overcome with anxiety, doubt, confusion, and uncertainty.
We need to believe and trust in Him.
It’s not believe anything and overcome trouble.
It’s believe in him.
Trust in Him.
He is the object of our belief that is the anchor for peace.
Real peace only comes from Jesus.
He is the path to peace.
If you want peace, comfort, and joy in the midst of your trials and tribulations.
You need to trust Jesus.
Lean on Jesus.
He is the rock in the storm.
He is the anchor for our soul.
He is the Path to Peace.
But Jesus doesn’t just stop there.
He doesn’t just say that we should trust in him.
That we should believe in him.
He also tells us that as his followers, we have a glorious hope.
A hope of eternal life.
A hope of being in the Father’s house.
A hope of Heaven.
John 14:2–3 CSB
2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3 If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, so that where I am you may be also.

Hope of Heaven

In these 2 verses Jesus reassures his followers of the hope of heaven.
He promises that there is a place for those who love, trust, and believe in him.
That place is his Father’s house.
What Jesus is wanting them to see is that there is purpose in his departure.
His purpose is to go prepare a place for those who love him.
A place in the Father’s house.
A place with many rooms.
Some translations translate rooms to be mansions, but that carries with it some of its own baggage.
I’ve even heard preachers say that the “mansion” that Jesus is building is going to be specifically for you.
That he is creating and designing a place that fits your personality and desires.
This plays into our western understanding of individuality and personal space.
Where in Heaven we are going to get to live and do what we want. Only in a more holy way. There will be no sin or suffering, but other than that my desires will be fulfilled.
However, the original Greek word here is dwelling place and this dwelling place is attached to the Father’s House.
We don’t get our own homes with the Father.
Instead, our dwelling place is with the Father.
In the ancient world, family members would normally build their own homes.
Instead they would just add a room onto the existing Father’s House.
So if you were a young man about to get married you would add a room onto your Father’s house where you and your bride would live.
So Jesus is telling his followers that he is going to add a place for us to dwell.
That is attached to and based upon the Father’s house.
This is even better than having our own place or mansion.
B/c what we know about the Father’s House is that it is permanent and for his children.
So one of the things that Jesus is trying to get us to see is that our relationship with the Father is going to be taken to a whole new level.
Those who love Jesus are going to as David says
Psalm 23.6...dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live.”
So again Jesus’ departure is purposeful.
Now what Jesus isn’t saying is that he’s in Heaven right now, with his tool belt around his waist and he’s driving nails and framing houses.
Rather, what’s important for us to see is that the way that he is going to prepare a place for us is through the Cross.
Jesus’ sacrifice is the preparation for the dwelling places.
It is through the shedding of his Blood that we have a place in the Father’s house.
And the goal of this preparation.
The Goal of Jesus’ Sacrifice is for our reunion with Him.
That he is coming back to get those he saved.
Those that he called.
Those that believed.
Those that trusted.
We are the ones that Jesus is preparing a place for.
We are the ones that Jesus comes back for.
And we are the ones that get to dwell in the house of the lord forever.
This helps us to remember that this world, with it’s struggles, with it’s brokenness, with it’s pain and turmoil is not our home.
If we belong to Jesus then our home is in the Father’s House.
Every home we have here on earth is temporary.
I kind of chuckled when thinking about it.
In the Last 7 years, my family has lived in 3 different states in three different homes.
So much so, that one of Declan’s Friends asked their mom if they could move to a different state like Declan does.
And even if we do land in a place where we will reside til my dying day, that will still be a temporary home.
But my Forever home will be in the Father’s House and I look forward to that day.
Jesus begins to comfort his disciples with these words, but what we are about to look at are questions the disciples raise when it comes to his teaching.
The first question is going to come from Thomas.
John 14:4–6 CSB
4 You know the way to where I am going.” 5 “Lord,” Thomas said, “we don’t know where you’re going. How can we know the way?” 6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Highway to Heaven

Jesus Tells the Disciples that they know the way they are going, but Thomas isn’t completely sure he does.
He wants to know the way.
He wants Directions to heaven.
He wants the road map to the destination.
However, Thomas misreads or misunderstands what Jesus is saying.
Thomas has doubts and misunderstandings.
But he doesn’t keep it to himself, rather he asks Jesus.
He could have been silent.
He could have tried to figure it out on his own, but he takes his doubts and misunderstandings to Jesus.
The only one that could answer the questions.
It believe that this is a powerful prescription for us as believers.
When we have doubts, questions, or confusion, we don’t need to keep it to ourselves.
Rather we need to run to Jesus.
Because 10/10 times if we try to figure it out on our own, we are going to mess it up.
And Jesus knows the answers b/c he is God.
And notice he wasn’t harsh or mean towards Thomas, rather he was gentle and clear with the answer to the question.
So Jesus clarifies Thomas’ misunderstandings.
Jesus isn’t talking about a road to Heaven.
He is talking about the way to heaven.
And just to clear up any confusion, Jesus tells Thomas, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.
If we want to know the way to heaven, we have to follow Jesus.
This is the 6th of 7 “I am” Statements found in John’s Gospel.
And this statement is profound in what Jesus is saying.
These three categories, way, truth, and life are often taught as equal in value.
But the reality is, is that the primary answer Jesus gives is that he is the way and subordinate to that is that he is the truth and the life.
The only way to truth and life is through Jesus.
This is such an impactful teaching and truth that the early Christian church identified themselves as followers of “The Way”
But let’s not minimize Jesus being the Truth and the Life either.
He is the true and supreme revelation of who God is.
Jesus says and does exclusively what the Father gives him to say and do.
He is the life.
He gives life.
It is through him that resurrection and life exist at all.
All things are created for him and through him, and there is nothing that exists that he didn’t create.
And through him we have not just life on this earth, but life eternal if we believe.
so through Jesus we discover the truth of God and the life God offers b/c he is the way.
He is not a way.
He is the way.
The Only way.
And many are not okay with the exclusivity of Christianity.
Jesus is by his very nature and teaching exclusive.
If we want to get to the father.
That is if we want to have Eternal life.
If we want to dwell in the Father’s house for all eternity.
Then the only way to get there is through Jesus.
A popular saying today is that all roads lead to the same God.
But, if what Jesus says is true, then he is the only way to God.
No one comes to the father except through him.
He is the way to the father.
As followers of Jesus, we cannot compromise on this point.
We have to hold firm to what Jesus says here.
And let’s be honest its not going to make us the most popular of people.
We are seen as both arrogant and bigoted to believe that there is only one way to heaven.
But this is a hill that we must be willing to die on.
If this isn’t true then Jesus’ death is in vain.
If Jesus taught that he is the only way, then he is either the only way or a lunatic.
But his resurrection proves that what he said was true.
And we must hold fast to that truth.
The natural question that comes out of this statement is by what authority does Jesus make this claim.
How can Jesus claim to be the only way to the Father?
Well, he’s going to tell us in the next few of verses.
John 14:7–11 CSB
7 If you know me, you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him.” 8 “Lord,” said Philip, “show us the Father, and that’s enough for us.” 9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been among you all this time and you do not know me, Philip? The one who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who lives in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Otherwise, believe because of the works themselves.

Image of the Father

Jesus just asserted that to come to the Father we have to go through him. v.6
Then he makes the statement that if he is known then the father will be known too.
He then tells the disciples that they know the father simply b/c they know him.
But Philip is confused still and asks to the See the Father.
Why would Philip as such a thing?
B/c it is a natural human longing to have some special and firsthand knowledge of God.
He wants a personal and special revelation of God.
Missing out on the reality that he has already had one in the time that he has spent with Jesus.
We see this all the time in churches and with fellow believers.
And many would not say it out loud, but the reality is for them Jesus isn’t enough.
They need the next experience.
They need a new revelation.
They want a new sign.
They want something other than Jesus.
They are cool with learning from Jesus, but they need that miracle.
This happens when we bargain with God.
If you do this…I will do that.
If you give me this…I will follow you.
If you bless me in this way…I will devote my life to you.
Jesus is good, but I need something more.
Can you see how arrogant and wrong that type of thinking is?
If Jesus isn’t enough nothing will ever be.
If Jesus isn’t enough then you can’t believe that God is good.
If Jesus isn’t enough then you don’t understand the Gospel.
If you belong to Jesus, If you love Jesus, If you follow Jesus, If you pray and seek his face you will find that He is more than Enough.
Jesus tells us.
He responds by telling his followers that the Father and the Son are one.
If you see Jesus you see the Father.
He has stated multiple times in John’s Gospel that he only speaks and does what the Father tells him to do.
His words and works are in complete alignment with The Father.
Here’s the thing no one has ever seen the Father.
The closest that people have come in the OT is Moses seeing the back of him on Mt. Sinai.
There were prophets that had visions of the Father, but no one has seen him.
Why, b/c God tells Moses in Ex 33:20 “...humans cannot see me and live.””
But in Jesus’ works and words, we see God.
We see God’s beauty, mercy, grace, compassion and love in Jesus’ life and ministry.
B/c Jesus is God and he is the fullest revelation of God.
Catching a glimpse at his back Exposed Moses to the the glory and majesty of God.
Seeing Jesus die on the demonstrated his love and grace.
Jesus is the fullest revelation of the Father.
If you want to see and know what God is like look at Jesus.
This is what John said in Jn 1:1818 No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Father’s side—he has revealed him.”
The Life, character, and mission of Jesus revealed or exposed the reality of who God is.
Paul tells us in Colossians 1:15 “15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”
Hebrews 1:3 “3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word...”
We cannot miss this the reason that Jesus has the authority to claim that he is the only way to the Father is b/c he and the Father are one.
When we look at Jesus.
When we sing to Jesus.
When we pray in Jesus’ Name.
We are talking to the Father.
Jesus and the Father have the same mission and desire.
That people would come to trust in Jesus’ Saving Work.
That many would become son’s and daughters.
God’s plan from the very beginning of time was to save people.
Was to redeem people.
And Jesus accomplished that plan through his sacrifice.
Jesus reveals to us the heart and plan of the Father.
Jesus ends by telling his disciples that if they have a hard time believing in the words of Jesus.
That is that Jesus and the father are one, that they should believe b/c of the the works.
The amazing things that they have seen and the things that they will see.
Namely the Resurrection.
But that’s not Where it ends.
The same power is going to reside in those that believe and trust in Jesus.
John 14:12–14 CSB
12 “Truly I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do. And he will do even greater works than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.

Heaven Meets Earth

Verse 12 Gives people fits.
And I’ll be honest it can be somewhat difficult to interpret.
What does Jesus mean by “greater works than these”?
Does he mean that we will raise people from the dead?
That we will feed 10,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish?
Does he mean that we will walk on water?
When Jesus speaks of works he isn’t speaking about signs or miracles.
He is speaking about living out his character in the world around us.
Living in humility, service, love, proclamation of God’s truths, and living a life dedicated to following his example.
Doing the will of the father.
He is speaking about works in scope and quantity and not in quality.
He is speaking about the work of Salvation.
He is speaking about our access through the Power of the HS.
Think about it, when Jesus was on earth he was limited by his earthly body.
He couldn’t be everywhere all at once.
He only could influence those that he came in contact with.
At Pentecost, there were only 120 followers of Jesus.
But after the HS fell on the disciples, 3000 more came to believe.
And think about all those who have come to believe his message over these last 2000 years.
From 120 to millions.
From a small area in the Middle East to believers stretching across the globe even in the most remote parts of the world.
Quantity and Scope.
Many more believe the message of Jesus b/c of his departure.
Because of his faithfulness.
Because people carried his message to the ends of the earth.
You are sitting here today b/c of that message being brought to you.
That’s where the power of heaven meets earth.
We will be able through the power of the spirit to live like Jesus doing things similar to him.
Paul in Romans 1:16 “16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.”
The power of God lies in the message of the Gospel.
That’s is what we as followers of Jesus are called to do.
To carry forth that message so that it’s power will radiate to those around us.
If you want to witness the power of God in your life, preach the gospel.
Share the good news of Jesus with your friends, family, and co-workers.
But the power doesn’t stop there
Jesus also tells us
John 14:13-14 “13 Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.”
Now this is a favorite verse of people when they want to try and manipulate God and his promises.
These statements from Jesus do not give us carte blanche to ask for anything and receive it.
He isn’t a genie.
We aren’t going to walk out of here with a new Maserati or yacht b/c we asked Jesus for it.
So if that’s not what Jesus means then what does he mean?
“In his name” is not a magical or mystical formula that we can say and poof it’s going to happen.
What we have to understand is that when Jesus says “in my name” what that means is according to his will.
According to his character.
Praying in Jesus’ name is having a true perspective on prayer.
Praying in Jesus’ name means that we understand the true essence of his being.
That we understand and see the true nature of who he is and what he came to do.
Praying in Jesus’ name means that we are aligning ourselves with him.
And his answering of this prayer is based solely on that.
If we pray selfishly.
If we pray arrogantly.
If we pray outside of his will.
Then he won’t answer.
But if we pray according to his character, his will, and his revelation then he will answer it.
He will respond to our prayer.
If the thing or things that we are asking Jesus for reflect him, then he will give it to us.
That’s the power of heaven.
That’s the place that heaven and earth collide.
That’s where heaven and earth meet.
When followers of Jesus are living and praying like Jesus.
And not only that when we have aligned ourselves with his life, character, and example.
We will be comforted by him.
When we experience trouble we will be guided by him.
So, Jesus doesn’t leave us alone.
In fact, he tells us how to live our lives in such a way that he comforts, provides, and protects us b/c of his goodness and grace in our lives.
Like that Old Hymn states:
O soul are you weary and troubled No light in the darkness you see There's light for a look at the Savior And life more abundant and free
Turn your eyes upon Jesus Look full in his wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim In the light of his glory and grace
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