Lesson 2: Equipping the Saints: Authority

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Welcome to lesson to equipping the Saints for Spiritual Living. This lesson will be discussing Authority. Our first passage of scripture, they will be analyzing is found in Matthew. Chapter 21 and verse 23 as usual. I suggest that you have a Bible app in or pencil and a notebook to take notes into marking your Bibles when it is necessary. If you have any questions, make sure that you write down those questions and send them to me and we'll do our best to answer those questions on the very timely basis. Let us pray. Our Father, we come to you asking that you be with us, throughout our Bible study as we look into your word and discuss. This idea of Bible Authority. as we look to see from where or what source we get Authority from If it is Authority, that comes from you or authority, to comes from man. And how we make decisions when it comes to spiritual matters, we pray that you open up our minds and that you open up our hearts. They're not allow us to study in, to accept that what your word says, it is in the name of your son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we pray Almond, Matthew, 21 and 23. The scripture says that when Jesus entered the temple area, the chief priests, and the Elders of the people came to him, while he was teaching and said, By, what Authority are you doing these things and who gave you this Authority? You see, even these religious people in the days of Jesus were concerned by what Authority 1. What Authority and true word. Jesus. Derived this Authority. Why was he doing the things that he was doing like healing? And Peach who gave him this Authority. Where did it come from? And that is our goal in this study. To learn about our need for a 40 and the source of authority in religious matters. Now are worth study is indeed a sortie know if you look at the word Authority, the first few letters spells out the word author, author. And when you think about a book, If you look at the author of Who wrote the book and that's the same idea when we look at the Bible who is the author of the body. Sure, we know that men wrote the Bible, but the scripture says that all scripture is inspired by God. That is that God wrote the Bible that these men were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the body. So the author or the source of the word is God. So, when we talked about from where or the source of authority, it is the author of The Bible that is God and Authority. Simply means power. Or write and when they asked Jesus from where do you get this authority to say and do to teach and to heal to instruct and to even Resurrect The Dead like he did with Lazarus or jairus's daughter as we'll see in some other lessons when Jesus perform some wonderful Miracles. Jesus simply could have answered what? Like it the authority from myself because I am the son of God. But Jesus doesn't do that right off the bat. He goes on in and teaches them, some things to be able to prove to them where he gets this Authority. So, that's what we need to understand. God is the author. He is the source of that Authority and will learn through scriptures that God is omniscient in the word. Omni means everything and means he is all-knowing. He is omnipresent. That he is everywhere at all times and he's omnipotent, which means that he is all-powerful. So therefore, that's where we get a 40 from now. In every one of our lessons, it will be studying in this series of equipping, the Saints will have a memory verse and please write down this memory verse and commit it to memory. And our memory verse for this lesson is Proverbs 14 and verse 12. In Proverbs 14, verse 12 says, there is a way which seems right to a person. But its end is the way of death again, notice there is a way which seems right to a person. But its end is the way of death. And this is a very important passage of scripture for our lesson on Authority, because many people in the religious World, believe that there is a way that seems right to them. And it is their own way, their conscience, their Traditions, how Mom and Dad raised them their pastors with their pastor, says what their Church of the family says? But God says the end is the way of death, the way of Destruction. Because if God didn't say it, if God didn't teach it, it doesn't really matter. What man says, what we must always be interested in when it comes to matter of spiritual things or matter of religion or church is, did God say it? Did God authorize it. In other words, is God, the author of that instruction.

Does it make a difference in whether or not we have Authority for what we do in service to God? That's the question one of the questions that we're going to be analyzing and looking to the scriptures for an answer. Again you will here throughout our entire lesson and through every lesson that we study, does it say this in the Bible? So doesn't make a difference in the service to God, whether what we do or we don't do and does it make any difference? What we use? As a source of authority, another words I know sometimes people will say that they heard this voice or that they saw a dream or that that that their mother or grandmother told them what they ought to be doing as far as religion is concerned. But look again, if the word Authority, who is that author? Is it, their Pastor, is it? Their parents? Is it the tradition of the family or is it God? And we were thinking about where we're going to spend our eternity? That is the rest of Eternity forever and ever. Do I want to go to the stores? That is God to figure it out, figure out where I'm going to spend an eternity or do. I want to go to a dream, a better than felt Feeling by, or, or or to what my friends or my family tells me, I'd rather I think I'd rather want to go to the author of The Bible God.

Let us examine what the Bible says about the 40 regard, regarding our work for and worship of the god of Heaven. We need to recognize. Our need for end of Thor.

Matt needs Authority in the religious realm. Imagine. What would happen? If people didn't have the source of authority and religious in the religious round. Well, I can tell you what's going to happen. I can't say what has happened. We have all kinds of different religious churches by different names, believe different things, and we have religious chaos. We need to recognize a need for Authority in the home, in school, in business, and in the nation and indeed religion needs. It also out of 40 is defined by the dictionary as power to influence or command thought opinion or behavior. A Bible dictionary, defines the word Authority as jurisdiction, power, write in strength. So the point that I want to make is that we must recognize that there is a an absolute need for authority and then we need to respect it. Once it has been established. Again, imagine a home a home without a Thor t It's chaos. A school without Authority or Business Without Authority. Or even our nation with the authorities. It's all chaos and the same thing happens in the religious world when there is no source of authority. And Matthew chapter 21. The passage that we began with in our introduction. The chief priests and the elders. I recognized this when they asked, Jesus by what Authority are you doing these things? When he entered the temple area of the chief priests? And the Elders of the people came to him while he was teaching and said about Wyatt's. But by what Authority are you doing these things and who gave you this Authority? Bejesus. Responded and said to them, he see Jesus understood that the reason they were asking him this wasn't because they really wanted to know who had given him this Authority. But they were trying to trap him. but Jesus asking this question,

I will also ask you one question, which if you tell me, I will also tell you by what Authority I do these things.

The baptism of John and he's talking about John the Baptist the baptism of John was from what source? Was it from heaven or from Men?

They began considering the implications among themselves. Saying, wait a second, if we say it was from heaven. That he's going to say, do us. Well, then why didn't you believe in John the Baptist? but if we say from Men, Then we're going to have to deal with the people, we fear, the people for they all regard, John the Baptist as a prophet. And answering Jesus. I said well, we do not know. And he also said that they will neither my going to tell you by what Authority I do these things. So, here is a deal. They wanted to know they wanted Jesus to tell them. Point Blank. Are you from God? Are you God? Tell us right now. If you stay, if you are equal to God because of you tell us that you're equal to God, we're going to Stone you and kill you. That was a point. That was what they're trying to do, if he was blasting me and Jesus wasn't ready for that confrontation, because he still had a couple of more years to go in his in his Earthly Ministry. So Jesus, just turns the table on them and says, wait a second people. Now, listen, when John, the Baptist came and he was baptizing, a preaching. A baptism of repentance for the Forgiveness of sins, you people didn't believe John. So, let me ask you. This was his baptism from heaven or for men. And they want to Condrey in the quandary. They they were stuck between a rock and a hard place ever said. Well it was from Heaven. That he's going to tell us why didn't you believe John? I want you baptized and we say it was from men that we got all these other Jews over here that did believe in John because they believe he's a prophet and we have to deal with these people. Going to have a riot on our hands. So you know what the best thing to say is, we don't know and they lied and Jesus as look, I'm not going to tell you where I got my authority from you. Just figure it out on your own. So it was a question of authority.

In Jesus, what he does here, he reveals the two sources of authority. There is a Divine Authority, and a human authorities.

And when it comes to religious things, when we are depending on the human source for Authority, we're going to get in trouble.

But when we rely on the Divine source for Authority, we can never go wrong.

And this is why Jesus puts it this way to them? When man realizes that in religion. There is the Divine Authority that is what, counts, not the human Source then we'll be right. Notice and John chapter 14. John chapter 14 and in verse 6, in some deny that the need for divine Authority, for all that we doing religion, but notice what Jesus says, and John 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the way. And the truth. And the life.

No one comes to the father, except through me.

Do you see what Jesus just said? He is the way and the truth and the life. How many ways and how many troops and how many lives are there in order to get to the father? There's only one way, one truth and one life.

And the only way we get to the father is through Jesus.

So, whenever we talk to religious people that tell as well, you know, there are many different ways to get to God, many different ways to get to heaven, doesn't matter which way you, at which way you choose long as you live a good moral life. And you know, you're nice to people. You take care of the poor and you give to the United Way and give a little bit of money to the Salvation Army on Christmas and during the Christmas season long as you don't kick the dogs and take care of the cats long as you live a good moral life. It doesn't matter what path you choose. You'll make it to heaven. But what did Jesus say? No, no no no. I am the way, the truth and the life. There's only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus. So let's not listen to the gurus of this Earth. Let's not listen to boo'd up or, or to Muhammad or or any other sources out there. There's only one source of authority, only one way to get to heaven and that is through Jesus.

Jesus said to him again. Let us reiterate. How many ways to the father? There is only one one way.

And there's only one standard of measurement in other words, to get to heaven. And I asked the question here and I can we build a proper house with different standards of measurements? And the answer is, no, there's only one standard of measurement and that is Jesus. That is the word of God. So, what I mean by this standard of measurement is is this if if there's four or five construction, people that are going to build a house and each one has a different type of a tape measure in that, you know, it's not the same standard, will that house will not be built properly, OB cattywampus, and crooked It just won't be properly built.

if some people say that that I like to follow my conscience, Hi. I like to to do what the majority does, you know, some people say that, you know, there's there's a church down, the road that has 5,000 members and the largest church in town can't be wrong with the majority can't be wrong. Well, let's look at Matthew 7:13. Jesus says, enter through the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is broad, that leads to destruction and there are many who enter through it. Isn't that Jesus saying that? The gate that leads to heaven. Is Niro. And the gate that leads to hell is wide. There are very few that will find the gate that leads to heaven. And there are many that will find the gate, that leads to hell. So it's not the majority. That decides who goes to heaven is not the majority that decides what is, right? And what is wrong, first 14 for the gate is narrow, and the way is constricted, at least the life, and there are few who find it. And he also says, and Luke, 13 and verse 23, and someone said to him, Lord, are there just a few who are being saved? and he said to them,

Strive to enter through the narrow door. Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able.

And again, some would say, you know, I just follow my conscience. I think the following my conscience is a Bestway. If if I if I do something that I feel is right? Make me feel good. How can I go wrong? Will Paul set in 1st Timothy 4:2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars. Seared in their own conscience as what they branding iron. So, you know, your conscience isn't always. A good, a good source isn't always a good guide. I should say. Because here Paula saying to Timothy that there are many Liars who are hypocrites and that they have lied and been Hypocrites for such a long time that their consciences have been seared as with a branding iron that they're conscious no longer bothers them and it was even Paul and that's 23. And first one that that's said that when he was persecuting Christians and taking them to jail after being Christians, he says brother and I I live my life with a perfectly perfectly, good conscience before God after this day. He said I did these things with the good conscience. I thought I was doing what was right. It wasn't until he met Jesus on the road to Damascus, that he realized that he was wrong. Even though his conscience told him that persecuting Christians and even killing them was the right thing to do. He realized later that he was wrong, that his conscience was wrong. Others would say that. I trust what my family Pastor preaches. And this is what we have always believed and says, this is what we've always believed. How can we be wrong? How can my Grandma and Grandpa and Great? Grandma and Great, Grandpa be wrong.

well, Paul says, in 1st Corinthians 2 and verse 5, So that your faith. Your face. Did you see that? So that your face Would not rest on the wisdom of mankind. But on the power of God.

What, or where, or upon what should my faith rest? On the power of God. Not old man's Wisdom. So matter-of-fact Jesus address this this way. He says, the one who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. And the one who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. You see, Jesus. Understood that they would be some of us. Good place, more stock, more importance, on family that on him. and Jesus said, if you going to place more importance, on your family than on me than on God, Then you're not worthy of Heaven.

So trusting what our parents or the traditions of our family or family. Pastor preacher teaches instead of what God teaches. That that's not good.

We have to rest our faith, not on the wisdom of mankind, but on the power of God is what Paul says in 1st Corinthians 2. a spy and yet there are those that say when we discuss religious matters, they said look You have your truth. And I have my truth. Truth is not. Absolute truth is relative. They say Another words, I feel that I'm right. You can feel that you're right. You do your thing and I do my thing. Another words what they're saying is this?

Your truth is your truth. And my truth is your truth in the end. We're all going to be. All right.

But our memory verse remember was Proverbs 14 and verse 12. There is a way which seems right to a person. Your Truth, my truth. But it's the end of the way of death. It is not your truth and my truth that we need to be concerned about. We need to be concerned about God's truth.

so, my way, and your way that's not But we need to be worried about.

What do you be worried about God's way because my way my truth and somebody else's truth, according to Proverbs 14:12, the end is way of death, Jeremiah 10:23. The prophet said, I know Lord that a person's way is not in himself, nor is it in a person who walks to direct his steps. That's not. Up to me to decide. Or to make up the law of God, it's gods. Wright and his authority in his power to make up his law. It is my responsibility to submit myself to his law. If I don't do it, then I'll face of consequences as Proverbs 14 verse 12 says the end. Is a way of death.

and then, there are those who say, look,

I just follow the ten commandments. And by keeping the Ten Commandments. How can anyone go wrong following the Ten Commandments?

What when we say this? Or even keep the Ten Commandments. We're ignoring that. We're no longer under the Old Testament. We're not under the Ten Commandments anymore and we ought to be thankful that we're no longer under the Ten Commandments, but we're under the law of Christ, which is the law of freedom and liberty. Galatians 3, Paul says, in verse 24, therefore the law, which is The Ten Commandments has become our Guardian to lead us to Christ. Another translation says, has become our two-door Tudor. Our tutor to lead us to Christ so that we may be justified by faith. If you under the Old Law, you weren't justified by faith. The Jews were not justified by faith. They were justified by keeping every letter of the law that were justified by works not by faith. They have to keep every aspect of the law and perfectly and no one was able to do that.

So it was the law of Moses that became our tutor or Guardian that let us to cry so that we may be justified by faith. Notice verse 25. But now that faith has come, we're no longer under a guardian so we're no longer under the Old cat. Now the Old Testament does give us examples that teach us the need for divine Authority and it is the Old Testament that tells of the things, Romans, 15 verse for the things that were written before we're ready for our example, for our learning, for our teaching, for our instruction, for example, Let us read some of these examples, like Cain and Abel. In Genesis chapter 3, we read where these two boys were instructed to bring an offering to the Lord. Genesis 4 verse 3, it came about in the course of time. They came brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the ground. Able on his part. Also brought an offering from the firstborn of his flock and from their fat portions and the Lord had regard. That means they accept bed. Abel's offering.

But for Cain and his offering he had no regard. That means he did not accept Cain's offering so K and became very angry and his face was gloomy. Then the Lord said to Cain. Why are you angry? And why is your face gloomy? If you do well while your face not be cheerful. And if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door and its desires for you but you must Master it.

So, what happened?

Kane, didn't offer a proper sacrifice.

Abel did got accepted Abel sacrifice and he was happy with them. In case you didn't offer a proper sacrifice and that was not happy with him and eventually Cain killed Abel.

You might have noticed. Didn't our reading here in Genesis 3. It didn't mention. That God specified. What he, what kind of offering he wanted? And if you notice that you're right, it didn't mention any specifics on what he wanted, as an offering or sacrifice. But you have to read more in the Bible. To see what happened and to that or four that we go to Hebrews, 11 verse 4. Nippers 11 verse for the Bible says by faith Abel, offered to God, a better sacrifice than Cain. Through which he was a tester to be righteous in God, testifying about his gifts and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks. So now we know inverse for if Hebrews 11, that Abel offered to God, a Sacrifice by faith.

So where does faith come from? Romans 10:17, says faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. So again, we don't know exactly what God commanded these boys to offer, but we do know that since it was done by faith and that Faith since it comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ, that these two boys were told what God wanted another words. God told these boys that he wanted an offering and he specify what offering he wanted one obeyed and the other one disobeyed. so, when it comes to Authority,

One obeyed. God to the letter. And the other one disobeyed. So does it matter? How we worship God? And the answer is, yes, of course it does. But yet we have another example, And that is of made a panda by Hugh. These were two priests sons of

Aaron, let's read about these two young men and Leviticus chapter 10. Verse 1. Not made a deep and abiding few. The sons of Aaron took their respective fire pants after putting fire in them. Placed incense on the fire and offer Strange Fire before the Lord, which he had not commanded them. Not notice what happens here. Part of the job or the duties that the priest had ways to burn incense to God on behalf of the people and they were to take their fire pants, And then they were to take some cold, some hot burning coals. And then, sprinkle the incense on it and the smoke will go up into heaven and God will accept that as a pleasing aroma. But the problem here was that they offered Strange Fire. That God had not commanded them. So the issue was that they obviously took Kohl's from a place that God said he didn't or rather from a place that God had not command. So as a punishment notice what happens and fire came out from the presence of the Lord and burn them up and they died before the Lord. That sounds quite drastic just because they disobeyed God in offering Strange Fire. God from them up.

Well. Let's read where God told him to get far from. In Leviticus 16:12, this is the instruction that he had given to the priests. He shall take a fire pan, full of coals of fire from the altar before the Lord and two handfuls of finely ground, sweet incense, and bring it inside the veil. So apparently these two boys didn't go and get fired or cold from the altar before the Lord. They were lazy. I guess. I don't know. But these two examples illustrate for us how God when he gives us instructions, he expect us. To obey him to the letter. That is what's called Divine Authority. And Romans 15:4 for whatever was written in earlier times. That is in the Old Testament was written for our instruction so that through perseverance. And the encouragement of the scriptures, we might have hope we will learn to obey what God has sad. So now, let's look at some questions from what we have studied. first of all, what does the word authority mean?

Please answer these questions as we go through them. What does authority mean?

Does it make a difference in whether or not we have Authority for what we do in service to God?


Does it make any difference? What we use as a source of authority as we tried to serve God,

number for,

is it reasonable to use our conscience as a guide for Authority, in spiritual matters? Why, why not?

Remember Proverbs 14:12 our memory verse.

Are the Ten Commandments the true guide for religious Authority in the New Testament?


And why not?

Answer these questions and submit them to my email address.

And stay tuned for lesson. Number three. Thank you. And God bless.

Recording stopped.

No, I don't think I will.

My mask.

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