Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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< .5
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> .9
Calvary Bible stores me to flip Ian's chapter 2. Philippians chapter 2, as we continue on and our study of the church today, we look at Christ, the model of our ministry.
What we ought to be doing that just as a church.
But as individuals because this building is a building, the church is the individuals.
We are the church, you are the church, so what God is guiding us and directing us to do as we have noticed in Galatians in Ephesians.
Now here in Philippians and we get through Philippians will go on to Colossians continue this theme as we continued on in the responsibility that you and I have We live in a society today where I think it's easy to pass responsibility onto other people.
We don't want to be responsible for any, we don't mind other people being responsible but we don't want to be, we don't even want to be held responsible for anything that we may do wrong.
We just want to do it and move on and forget about it, but that's not the way life Works.
In fact, Christ, as our model in Ministry is one who says, here's how you need to live your life.
Last week, we saw that in Philippians 1:21 for me to live is Christ.
And to die is gain soap for you.
And I are as Believers.
If we are going to to live we need to live is Christ and I keep saying last week, I didn't preach last week, Pastor Duke did right?
I'll remember that eventually.
But we got a great message on the lordship.
We want Christ as our savior that gets us into heaven.
But he is your lord.
He can be our savior without being our Lord, but he cannot be our Lord, without being our savior.
A lot of people.
Yes, I'll believe I'll check just so I can do it just way.
Miss hell is if that's our true reason for believing it.
So we don't have to go to hell.
You might want to recheck that connection because there's some spotty connection right there within that, I use this illustration and the early service how many you have a cell phone.
How many feel like throwing yourself home from time to time, right?
They don't always work the way you want grade invention, take it with you, wherever you go, but how in the world, did we survive 40 years ago?
Without those things, right?
You didn't have a cord on that phone, a long enough to go across town, maybe do the back of the house.
I seen those cords that are rolled up there.
Got a real him back in, like, you do a holes in the garage, they be stretched for the house, but we now, we take him everywhere.
We want to go it and we drop a call, we miss this, we met at things, and then they freeze up on us.
I'm probably not your phone.
You probably got the nice expensive ones, but mine froze up yesterday and I got to make some phone calls today and say, hey I'm sorry I didn't get back to you my phone froze, it sometimes that sounds like a poor excuse but this is the truth.
Then we have that thing called the internet, right?
And we had that thing called cable television, when they don't work, right?
Our life is sort of falls apart.
How do we survive?
Well, we better get used to it because I think as we go forward I'm not sure it's going to get any better.
You know I'm saying in fact in the last days there's going to be perilous times and heartaches and hardships and difficulties and we'll see what comes forth from that and if we can't handle what we go through now, The way God wants us to how we going to handle it, then if we can't run with the horses.
Now we're not going to be able to do it later.
So let's look at see what Paul has to say.
Here's the Church of Philippi in Chapter 2. What are you saying?
Is every one of them?
You need to look out.
That's my first point this morning, look at look what he says in verse 1.
Through verse 11.
Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any Fellowship of the spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfil my Joy by being like-minded.
Having the same Meaning of one Accord enough, one Minds.
So I'm thinking and verse one.
He's giving us some ideas of what we ought to be doing is Christian's with this comfort with his fellowship with this affection in Mercy.
He says, if you have that if you're doing that, fulfill my Joy by being like-minded bursary, let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit but in lowliness of mind letting each esteem others better than himself.
Is that the society we live in today?
Know your number one.
Been going on like that for years and forever.
I'm number, it's all about me.
First before you let each of us esteem, others better than better than ourselves.
Let's look at the needs of others.
Before we worry about itself, is not saying we shouldn't worry about ourselves.
We need to take care of this vessel that God has worse.
But, you know what?
We, we put so much on this vessel that we don't have time.
For other sometimes, Let each one of you look out, not only for his own interest, so they're taken care of self, right?
But don't just worry about yourself.
Also worry about others.
Also for the interests of others, are you concerned about others?
Do I take care of my family Osbourne, No More.
What you need to go further than that.
It needs to go deeper, then I'd be on just us and our own interest.
We need to be concerned and caring about those around us.
Those in need Those who may not have the hope that you and I have if we truly have this hope of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, then we know that when we look out for the interests of others, he's going to bless that.
He's going to provide for you as you need.
As we think we need.
We not, we've got more than we really need, man.
You, I bet I can go to your house and I can probably find food Galore.
Where we can go in some places in this world and people are wondering what they're going to eat for the next meal.
Not just tomorrow with the next meal.
What am I going to eat?
What am I eating today?
I mean, all throughout the Bible, God has told us how he would provide how he'll take care of us.
We just have to have faith and that Faith doesn't mean we're going to get it the way we want it.
That Faith tell.
This guy was going to provide what we need.
If we get everything we want, we're going to be very spoiled.
Are we not?
I don't want everything I want while I do want every, that's why I want it.
But, you know, I don't need everything I want.
I do need the things I need.
I need breath.
I need my heart to beat.
I need the blood to continue to flow through my veins, so I can continue to do and be what God has called me to do.
And me, even if my legs don't work correctly, I can still do and be what God has called me to be in whatever situation I am.
And that's what God is asking us to whatever situation we are in there for to be content.
We don't have to like it but be content be content that my legs don't work correctly, but I can still minister Christ is a model for Christian.
This is what Paul is trying to share with the people of Philippine.
He is a model for Christian Life is a model for Christian service because he thought of others first not himself.
Let's go on to read what he says in verse 5. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
So put on the mind of Christ is what he's telling us who being in the form of God.
Did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation.
Taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men and being found in appearance.
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