Planted by the Apostle Paul around the year 52 AD, towards the end of his 2nd missionary Journey
After this, the Apostle Paul would journey to Caesarea and Antioch. He went to Ephesus on his third missionary journey. This was an ancient city on the West Coast of what is today called Turkey.
Corinth was a hotbed of immorality and every perversion and wickedness imaginable.
While Paul was there, he made a living as a tent-maker with two other Jewish believers named Aquila and Priscilla. Aquila and Priscilla shared the Gospel with a man named Apollos, who himself became a Pastor of the church their and an Evangelist.
A Christian woman whose home Paul had stayed in, named Chloe wrote Paul about the immorality and shameful behavior among the members of the Church at Corinth.
This letter was Paul’s speaking directly to the problems in the Church at Corinth that had been reported to him.
I love to study Corinthians because we in the US live in a culture that has embraced every form of immorality. The Old Serpent has even brought his lies into the Church!