2 LBCF 1.9-10
The Romish doctrine is, that the Papal Church is the infallible teacher of men in religion; that, consequently, the Church authoritatively determines, (1) what is Scripture; (2) what is tradition; (3) what is the true sense of Scripture and of tradition; and (4) what is the true application of that rule to every particular question of faith or practice.
The Protestant doctrine is, 1st. That the Scriptures are the only rule of faith and practice; 2d. (a) negatively, that there is no body of men qualified or authorized to interpret the Scriptures or to apply their teachings to the decision of particular questions in a sense binding upon their fellow-Christians; (b) positively, that the Scriptures are the only authoritative voice in the Church, which is to be interpreted and applied by every individual for himself, with the assistance, though not by the authority, of his fellow-Christians. Creeds and confessions, as to form, bind those only who voluntarily profess them; and as to matter, they bind only so far as they affirm truly what the Bible teaches, and because the Bible does so teach.