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Worship Call 0729
Friday September 16th 2022
Happy Birthday Amanda
Prayer for troubled times
And this is another fine day in the Lord.
over the Centuries churches have stood and recited what has been called the "LORD's PRAYER." in good times and in bad. IN the light the persecution that is increasing around the world against those who belong to Christ the Church and Israel, the prayer becomes a pattern for those who are on the front lines of this persecution bringing comfort in prayer. declaring our dependance on our heavenly Father in difficult and perilous times.
Matthew 6:9–13 (NASB95) — 9 “Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10 ‘Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. 11 ‘Give us this day our daily bread. 12 ‘And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13 ‘And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’
“Pray, then, in this way:
προσεύχομαι;: to speak to or to make requests of God—‘to pray, to speak to God, to ask God for, prayer.[1]
How does a large body of believers get this wrong.
How do we not see that The Lord did not instruct his disciples to recite this prayer over and over and over again. Jesus Said pray in this way.
The so-called Lord’s prayer is not the Lord’s prayer but a model of prayer for His disciples. thus, it is the “disciple’s prayer.” If a believer wants to recite it just the way it is, as it is a beautiful and comforting prayer then go for it.
But Jesus had just got done saying;
Matthew 6:7 (NASB95) — 7 “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.
Jesus says, “pray in this way, Pray like this.”
He gives a pattern by which we can pray alone or collectively. It is this prayer that is a timeless prayer in light of and anticipation to the Kingdom to come.
The Kingdom is the restoration of all that God had purposed from the beginning when the Creator created man and placed him in the garden to rule over the world. A world ruled by man, making all the world to resemble the garden in Eden.
When man fell, Man and the dominion fell to Satan who is now the dark ruler of this world. A being that is full of hate and dissension for the Lord and is seeking to have it his way. for the Lord is actively engaged to reestablish the Kingdom to rule over it as the first Adam was to rule and to call to himself a bride as a coruler.
Satan will not just stand by and allow this to happen. Satan’s efforts are escalating as time for Him and his dominion is growing short. And while it may be construed that Satan is winning and is advancing the attack, Satan is actually in desperation for his time is short.
When the church age began Satan sought to destroy the church before it had ever gotten a foothold. Satan would level his aim straight at those who would believe in Christ and seek to destroy them.
Luke 22:31 (NASB95) — 31 “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded permission to sift you (all) like wheat;
Whether the context is just for the 12 or for the whole body of Christ, the Lord in either case has not shut the believers in a wall of protection so that the evil one could never get to them. This is evident at the beginning of the Church age, and it is evident now as the fires of persecution are increasing all around the world as the stage for the coming of the Antichrist is being set and the final showdown between the seed of the woman and the seed of Satan is just on the horizon.
We live in perilous times. IN these times the persecution of the Church and of the Jews are on the rise.
The attacks are increasing against the church with personal attacks and attacks on personal property with little to no investigation or any mention of hate crimes. To this day and per year now there are upwards 200,000 martyrs who die for their faith. Those who die professing the name of Christ. that number will rise. That is coming to a neighborhood near you.
Antisemitism is also on the rise around the world.
And so much more that we could mention that would cover the next few lessons on just how perilous times which if this is the time as we grow closer to establishment of the coming kingdom it will get much worse even prior to the seven-year tribulation.
As far as the sifting goes, to profess Christ in every region of the world is a death sentence.
But as the Lord said to Job, that Satan could not take Job’s life, so it be with the permissive will of God in allowing Satan to be successful and destroying the church or Israel.
Therefore, both will or hounded and harassed to the bitter end. Their bitter end.
I say all this in the light of how it is that how we should pray in times like these. How do we pray in a dark cell all alone. How does the Christian pray when every effort to deny him and his family basic rights to life liberty and pursuit of happiness. When they are being starved out. Cut off from buying or selling that is functioning in society. Having the minimal social score which means that they are ostracized from the community.
Matthew 6:9–13 (NASB95) — 9 “Pray, then, in this way:
Our Father
Remember back when we were little kids. Granted in this day and age it is probably a little different
But back when a child thought that he was being unjustly treated would threaten the other with
“I’m going and tell my father!”
The Father in a Child’s heart was the biggest and the most powerful one of them all. The Child felt that he or she was loved and centered in the hearts and mind of their father. That Father could make every thing right.
Though we grow up and the reality of our earthly fathers is not exactly the same image we had when we were wee young, never the less we have that same image of our Father in Heaven.
The prayer begins with to whom we are addressing our prayers.
It starts with what Pastor Church Messler used to open and close his services out with
“Let us bow our hearts”
We address God in heaven unlike any other religion in the world does. What faith actually becomes so bold, even for Judaism to call God their, “Father?”
12.12 πατήρd, πατρός m; αββα (a Greek transliteration of an Aramaic word meaning ‘father’): (titles for God, literally ‘father’) one who combines aspects of supernatural authority and care for his people—‘Father.’[2]
This is Abba Father.
Who is my Father, the one who I am the center of his Love?
My Father is The sovereign King of the Universe, who is over all including ruler over my enemies.
My Father is Love, He loves me to the depths by which none other could ever love me so deeply and that it is like I am the only one.
My Father is Righteous. He is perfect in every way. there is no wrong that is ever found in Him.
My Father is Just. Perfectly fair. He will not allow his righteous ones to be forsaken.
My Father is immutable never changes.
My Father is All powerful
My Father knows all things
My Father is everywhere present he will never leave me or forsake me.
My Father is eternal there never was a time when he did not exist and never a time when he will cease to being.
My Father is full of mercy, even though I have failed so often he still calls me His.
My father is grace he gives to me that which I do not deserve even a place in his kingdom.
This is my Father. and it does not matter the day or the circumstance this is He who I call upon in good times and in bad.
It is the one whom I cast my anxieties it is the one whom I lift up my Thanksgiving Day after day for his grace and mercy.
This is my Father. How can I avoid crying out Abba Father? How can in the time of need run away from rather than run toward this One who loves me completely infinitely and eternally.
My Father who art in Heaven.
[1]Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). In Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: based on semantic domains(electronic ed. of the 2nd edition., Vol. 1, p. 408). United Bible Societies.
[2]Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). In Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: based on semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition., Vol. 1, p. 139). United Bible Societies.