The Gospel is For Everyone!

Date: September 18, 2022
Scripture: Ephesians 3:4-7
Theme: Because the Gospel is for everyone, we must proclaim it to others
Introduction: Back in the Spring, we began looking at this letter written by the Apostle Paul. Paul writes to us about the blessings of salvation: 1) Transformation Eph 1:4; 2) Adoption Eph 1:5; 3) Redemption Eph 1:7; 4) Union Eph 1:10; 5) Inheritance Eph 1:11; and 6) the Holy Spirit Eph 1:13-14. We also learned that God has sought to rescue us from the penalty of sin that separates us form God and others by sending Jesus to save all who would put their trust in Him (Eph 2). At the Nerf War in May, we considered that Paul as the prisoner of Christ Jesus must always proclaim a message that he received from the Lord that he referred to as a mystery. Tonight, we’re going to discuss what he means and it is my hope that we understand … Because the Gospel is for everyone, we must proclaim it to others.
There are 2 things that Paul wants for us to do with this mysterious message; First … Understand that the Gospel is for Everyone Who Believes (Eph 3:4-6)
You are Invited to Understand that the Gospel is for Everyone Who believes (Eph 3:4 “By referring to this, when you read you can understand my insight into the mystery of Christ,”)
Don’t you love invitations?!
When you’re invited to something, it’s because someone thinks that it’s special to have your presence at a special gathering.
Invitations are a privilege!
This is an invitation from God through Paul to all who have trusted in Christ to save them!
Paul received this invitation first.
Then Paul passed it on to us.
Because Paul has passed it on to us by writing it down according to the Spirit’s purpose, the Lord wants us to know and believe this truth!
This invitation is not an invitation to a party or a gathering, like we’re used to; Instead, it’s and invitation so that … You can understand
This is an invitation to grow in your knowledge of the meaning of something.
Because we’re invited to understand something better, then that means that it’s intended for all of us to know the meaning of what God has put before us.
In other words, God is not trying to hide something from us.
Instead, because He wants us to understand more about Him and His purposes, we are encouraged to trust Him more (Illus.).
Question: According to Ephesians 3:6, what are we invited to understand about the Gospel?
Answer: It is for everyone who believes, regardless of your background!
Dig Deeper Idea: Ask “If the Gospel is for everyone who believes, then can anyone be excluded?”
Answer: NO
Ask “Then who needs to hear the Gospel?”
Answer: Everyone!
As a suggestion, you may want to ask the CLUB-bers if there is someone that the Lord has brought to mind that they can share the Gospel with and maybe ask the CLUB leaders to pray by writing their name on a prayer slip and put it in the Jesus Can
Rely on the Holy Spirit to Understand that the Gospel is for Everyone Who Believes (Eph 3:5 “which in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit;”)
Understanding this message cannot come from just anyone.
Sometimes, we can try really hard to learn something and then we understand (ex. playing the piano; playing baseball; math; etc.)
No matter how hard you try, this is not something that you can just learn on your own.
The reason being is because this is not knowledge that comes from people.
Instead, this is knowledge that can only come from the Lord; therefore …
You need to have the Holy Spirit in order to help you understand the Gospel is for Everyone Who Believes.
This means that the Holy Spirit needs to live inside of you.
The only way that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you is if you have received Him in your life as one of the blessings of being saved.
In order to be saved, you need to trust in the Lord Jesus (perfect life, death, resurrection) to save you from your sins.
Then, with the Holy Spirit working in you and through the Church, will you be able to being to understand the Gospel and all of God’s Word.
Thus, if you’re going to understand any part of God’s Word, the Gospel or otherwise, you need to rely on the Holy Spirit.
If the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, one way that you can rely on the Holy Spirit to help you understand the Gospel and God’s Word is to pray to the Holy Spirit to help you to understand.
Question: As we read the Gospel in God’s Word, Who can we ask in prayer to help us understand?
Answer: The Holy Spirit
Dig Deeper Idea: Since you need the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Gospel, and all of God’s Word, then you need to have the Holy Spirit in your life. What is the only way to have the Holy Spirit in your life?
Answer: by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Savior
As a suggestion: This would be a good place to review the Gospel with the CLUB-bers at your table - Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins and was raised from the dead never to die again and offers new life as God’s child and forgiveness of sins to all who trust in Him
Understand that Everyone Who Believes in the Gospel is made a Fellow (Eph 3:6 “to be specific, that the Gentiles are fellow heirs and fellow members of the body, and fellow partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel,”)
The idea of “fellow” means that we’re joined together with something.
Like a team on which you play a sport or otherwise.
Much more than a sports team, every Christian is united together in Christ and has.
An heir has an inheritance, something that they will receive.
According to Ephesians where we read about the Blessings of Being saved, the Christian’s inheritance is God’s Kingdom, being with Him in heaven someday!
Therefore, United together in our expectation that we will go to heaven (goal: win)
United together as God’s people, the Church (Union)
United together in having received the Holy Spirit that was promised (Holy Spirit)
In Christ
Christ has to live a perfect life, die on the cross for our sins, and be raised from the dead so that all who believe in Him might have this incredible union!
Without Christ, we would not have these wonderful gifts of inheritance, incorporation, and Holy Spirit.
Therefore, we ought to be thankful for what Christ has done.
Question: Who is the One that has given every Christian an inheritance in heaven, united them with every member of the Church, and the Holy Spirit?
Answer: Jesus Christ
Dig Deeper Idea: What did Jesus have to do in order to make it possible to give every Christian these things?
Answer: live a perfect life of obedience, die on the cross for our sins, and be raised from the dead in triumph never to die again
As a suggestion: you may want to ask the CLUB-bers to repeat these items to you
Proclaim the Gospel in God’s Power (Eph 3:7 “of which I was made a minister, according to the gift of God’s grace which was given to me according to the working of His power.”)
God has graciously not only supplied the Gospel message to share but also the power to proclaim the Gospel message!
What if Mr. Chad or Mr. Jared said to you, go play balloon pop but didn’t give you a balloon?
You would know that you need a balloon.
But if you don’t have a balloon, you wouldn’t be able to participate in the game!
God has told us the message but in His super abundant goodness and kindness has also empowered us by His grace to tell others!
Question: Who has empowered all Christians to proclaim the Gospel to others?
Answer: God
Dig Deeper Idea: How has God empowered all believers to proclaim the Gospel?
Answer: by His grace
As a Suggestion: You may want to encourage the CLUB-bers to regularly thank God in prayer for His grace to proclaim the Gospel and ask that God would help them to use His grace to share the gospel more!
Now that we all understand through the Spirit that the Gospel is for everyone that believes, this is news to share with everyone!
It does not matter if they are physically different from you.
It does not matter if they came from another country.
We share this news with everyone because God has made it known to us and we want to please Him.
We share this news with everyone because God has empowered us by His grace to proclaim it to others.
Conclusion: Memory verse review Ephesians 3:7 “of which I was made a minister, according to the gift of God’s grace which was given to me according to the working of His power.” (repeat X3)
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