Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
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Social Tendencies
< .5
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> .9
if you have your copy of the Lord says, scriptures, if you would turn to Philippians, That's where we're going to be this morning.
And we're, we're beginning chapter 4.
As you turn the air.
I want to look at a word.
I wonder how many of just bringing up the word anxiety, creates or stirs within you, some Tightness of the chest.
anxiety is defined this way anxiety is when we feel
when we feel,
When were worried?
When were afraid?
Next week, we're going to be addressing the subject of fear.
So we'll, we'll address that van.
But it's that tense feeling that one has been particularly about things that About to happen.
Things that typically the are happening but things that will occur in the future or even Could Happen.
it stirs within oneself.
The feeling of anxiety.
It's interesting.
As as a pastor, I've seen this, this feeling of anxiety.
Plaguing our culture more and more.
And the church is not immune from anxiety.
It wasn't involved stain.
Or is it immune today?
It is a natural human response when when there is a threat or a supposed threat presented to us.
It can be experienced through our thoughts.
No, wonder scripture says that we should seize our thoughts.
This chapter 4 is an amazing, amazing chapter.
Pertaining to this can be experienced through our feelings and we all know that our feelings are probably the most stable thing there is out there right now.
Yeah, right.
And through physical Sensations, it's amazing.
How many win-win anxiety is is present.
within someone that it has physiological impacts on our bodies, our minds and in our health, It's a very real issue.
And I in no way today, want to belittle the concept or or trouble that there is with anxiety.
It's such a prominent thing that God in his Divine wisdom and sovereignty, put it in scripture as something that we are to deal with.
And the way that he deals with it and we're going to look at that today.
Aren't you glad that?
God deals with real things in his word?
I am.
think about those things that
can bring anxiety.
I mean, the list is forever long, but let's just list a few that could be bills and bank accounts.
Financial situations that you and I deal with.
Have a small possibility of bringing his ID.
Going to the mailbox.
Can in itself.
Bring anxiety, Canton.
What about uncertain health?
And by the way, none of our health is certain okay?
We all deal with this on some level, but certain ones are dealing with this on a greater level.
Known or unknown.
We all deal with uncertain help.
One of my favorites that as a pastor you you get to deal with on a regular basis is strained relationships.
How many of you have ever dealt with a strained relationship?
If you have not yours in a cave somewhere away from anyone, And most likely, you probably have a strained relationship with yourself.
True fact, but it impacts marriage is.
Doesn't it the strained relationship?
It impacts friendships.
Do those friendships that that are strained.
It impacts.
Our children.
It, it's there those strained relationship.
What about unknown circumstances?
I love how we we see about how we serve a God, that knows tomorrow.
We we praise him with Melody and words because he knows tomorrow we have no clue.
We can plan, we think we know.
And then all of a sudden tomorrow is upside down.
Tomorrow, how old is no certainty for any of us?
Turbulent governments.
You know, what's interesting? is the things I just listed there, where all things as Paul writes this letter,
to these Philippian Believers that he loved so dearly,
Those things that I just listed, there are things that Paul was facing as he penned the words were looking at today.
It's interesting.
How all of those things had the potential and I say potential to bring anxiety.
To this man.
This morning, they hold the same potential to bring anxiety to you and I do, they not.
It's amazing that that the things that we faced culture, changes years, changes, politics change.
But guess what?
The things that bring anxiety, the things that are inconsistent, are consistently inconsistent.
And we Face them.
I love that God's word talks about real life.
Got in no way.
Is he gives us his word is unaware.
Of life.
Think about it.
Is he walked this Earth?
Each of those things.
Were things that he himself faced.
And greater.
I love that when we bow our knee before.
Heavenly Father.
We go before.
One who is not on aware.
But very in tune.
With your life and mine.
And all of us face these things.
At different levels.
Addresses for us and some practical ways.
Today, how you?
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