02. Prayer & Thanksgiving

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Philippians: Joyful Living For This Earthly Life  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  39:26
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The passage we are looking at today has really given me a new and fresh love and compassion for you my church family.
I have been encouraged by this passage
I have been challenged by this passage
to be a better pastor
to be a better husband and father
to be a better brother in Christ
I have been blessed as I studied and read over this passage over and over!
As I studied… I prayed for you, by name, lifting you up to our Heavenly Father. What an amazing JOY this week has been.
As Paul begins this letter he opens with expressing the joy within his heart, he expresses his praise and thanksgiving for these dear saints, and shares with them insight into how and what he prays for them as he speaks to their Heavenly Father!
I have decided to read this passage in the New Living Translation this morning so as to help us get a sense of Paul’s heart… join with me as we look at Philippians 1:3-11
Philippians 1:3–11 NLT
Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard it until now. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. So it is right that I should feel as I do about all of you, for you have a special place in my heart. You share with me the special favor of God, both in my imprisonment and in defending and confirming the truth of the Good News. God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus. I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Paul’s Joy

It has been 10 years since Paul planted this church. He is in prison, chained to a Roman soldier 800 miles away.
From this distance in location and time, Paul expresses right away of his ONGOING Joy and THOUGHTS… Remembrance!
Church… don’t underestimate the power of remembering someone.
When Paul remembers them he prays for them!!! He makes request on their behalf! (look at examples of his prayers in verses 9-11)
Who have you prayed for?
Have you told them?
Has someone prayed for you?
When Paul prays for these folks… there is JOY!
Not stress and concern, not because of their sin, not because of their backsliding or falling into apostasy… RATHER!
These believers bring JOY to this apostles heart…
NOTICE WHY… Paul is overjoyed by these saints...
They have partnered with Paul! = Close association, active, involved
Not just with Paul but in the work of the GOSPEL!!!
The were recipients in their belief (they got involved RIGHT AWAY!)
They have partnered through gifts and support
They have partnered in prayers and efforts
Their involvement went beyond lip service!
Paul gives an intermission so to speak with verse 6… he expresses his confidence!
Paul lets them know his confidence is IN GOD… working in and through them!
I am sure: 1) God is the One who worked salvation in you and 2) He is still working in you until He returns… GOD IS NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!
I need those reminders some days that God did a great work in me, but I also need to be reminded He still is working
How encouraging, what a blessing
Paul opens up his heart as he expresses his gratitude and love for these people…

Paul’s Thanksgiving

Paul is so open with this church… something we should learn more how to do and be!
“A special place in my heart”
“I thank God for you”
“Special favor with God”
“I love you and long for you”
Paul cannot express how thankful he is for these folks staying with him through thick and thin
Through his imprisonments, through his trials as he would give a defense, as he would share the Gospel and minister
These people were there for Paul and he is striving to use words to express his heart gratitude to them
When Paul can express his heart with no greater words he simply states:
My love goes beyond mere human affection… it originates with the tender love and compassion of Jesus Christ!
“Thank you” just so you know… Christ love within me is what drives my deep love for you all!
Paul multiple times expresses ALL even to go and include the deacons and elders… ALL OF YOU!
Paul had not allowed his situations to cause him to GROW BITTER… RATHER BETTER!!! He finds reason to be thankful and rejoice!!!
Over the next month I want us to find reasons for gratitude
Take time to write down what you are thankful for
As he expresses his heart to them he shares a glimpse of his prayer request for them… Isn’t it nice to know WHAT or HOW someone is praying for you!

Paul’s Request

As you read through many of Paul’s writings you will see glimpses of his prayers he lifts up on behalf of the saints… Often you will find:
Paul’s Prayers:
Love Expressed
Growth Desired
Wisdom & Knowledge
Good Works
God’s Glory!!!
Fruit Lived Out
When I ask people how I can pray for them I usually get a mix of these responses:
Life is good right now / I’m fine
Health prayers (praises or request)
Hard situations to go away or resolve
“I don’t know”
I love how Paul just tells them… “This is what I pray for you
Your love would flow from you (a river overflowing!!!) ABUNDANTLY
He prayed for their growth:
Knowledge of who God is more and more intimacy!
Understanding = God’s real nature in a clear way, understand His best!
Understanding what REALLY MATTERS in this life
WHY??? in order to live PURE BLAMELESS lives (YOUR TESTIMONY!!!!)
Not just Sunday or Tuesday… but until Christ returns!
Paul prays for their abundance… FILLED with the FRUIT of their salvation… The fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23
Galatians 5:22–23 NLT
But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
Allowing the Holy Sprit to produce this fruit in our lives produces righteous character!
Imagine this fruit lived out this week
Imagine this fruit lived out in your homes / marriages / work places / schools
Imagine the lost world seeing this fruit lived out…


What does this have to do with me? Paul’s joy and gratitude, the Philippians partnership, this example of prayer???
I would like in closing to challenge you to engage in TWO THINGS:
1 ) I would like to challenge you to participate in a very real way for the progress and forward movement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Tell someone about Jesus and the Intimacy you have
Reach out to our missionaries and encourage them, pray for them, support them
2 ) I want you to be intentional about your PRAYER this week
Tell someone you are praying for them
Tell them how you are praying for them
Imagine the GLORY and PRAISE God will receive this week as His church engages this way…
I want to close by saying what a joy it is to be your pastor, to call you brothers and sister in Christ Jesus our Lord! THANK YOU ALL for allowing me to serve you as His under-shepherd, you are such a blessing and joy!
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