08. Working Together
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Philippians: Joyful Living For This Earthly Life • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 46:38
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Thanksgiving: A time where we tend to express our gratitude outwardly a little more.
Paul is expressing in our passage today how grateful he is for two specific men and his church family.
It would be easy to dismiss these verses as Paul’s personal expressions of fondness and move right past them onto “more theological” subject matter. If we did this I believe we would miss a great and necessary lesson that the church today needs to hear and learn!
All around our society and churches we have sad reminders of what it looks like when people are absent or missing:
Single Parenting
Kids w/o mom or dad or even both!
Grandparents not involved in kids lives or placed in parental roles of grandchildren
Elderly lacking family
We see these same struggles play out in churches today when a member of a church family is found to be absent or just missing from their role in the Family of God
In Philippians 2:19-30 Paul articulates well for us the importance of others!!!…
But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition. For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus. But you know of his proven worth, that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father. Therefore I hope to send him immediately, as soon as I see how things go with me; and I trust in the Lord that I myself also will be coming shortly. But I thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, who is also your messenger and minister to my need; because he was longing for you all and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick. For indeed he was sick to the point of death, but God had mercy on him, and not on him only but also on me, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow. Therefore I have sent him all the more eagerly so that when you see him again you may rejoice and I may be less concerned about you. Receive him then in the Lord with all joy, and hold men like him in high regard; because he came close to death for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was deficient in your service to me.
People Matter
People Matter
Today’s message is NOT addressing introverts or extroverts but rather God’s children as a whole.
Paul has been challenging the people to have a mind like Christ
It is VERY CHRIST LIKE to be a people person… People matter to Christ and they should matter to you and I as well
Have you noticed… it is other people that bring joy to Paul
People are at the center of the heart of Christ…
Not only should we be a people person… BUT you and I should desire and pursue working with OTHERS as we pursue our ministry on this earth!
Consider this… Christ (God in flesh) chose twelve to work with Him while on earth
He still wants you and I !!!!
Paul... the bold evangelist, passionate church planter, charismatic apostle and missionary (often thought of individually) … but this is far from the reality of truth! From Paul’s letters alone over FIVE DOZEN names are mentioned… and those where just the ones recorded!
So often we read these names and sometimes skip them all together, failing to realize that this is part of scripture.
I have heard sermons where the one speaking stated, “these are just a bunch of names of people Paul knew...” and then they would skip to the “real important stuff”
What we see in Paul addressing these folks is “BODY LIVING” in example form!!!
Paul focuses on two men specifically here in our passage. Two individuals that serve as examples to us today…
Who is Timothy?… This man who is spoken of by Paul so often in his letters, one who is so often found to be with Paul, there for Paul, and active in the work of Christ!!!???
He is a third generation believer in Jesus Christ (unsure of his father’s faith, who is also gentile)
He served with Paul starting over a decade earlier on Paul’s second missionary journey… in Lystra
Philippi was the first place Paul takes Timothy… this man has a heart for these people
Timothy has a genuine concern for these people… he wont come and check because Paul has sent him, but more so because he is genuinely concerned himself for these people
Consider Paul’s descriptions of this man…
One of kindred spirit… like minded and hearted, having a common cares and concerns (relationship)
Genuine in his concerns for others (shepherd heart)
Verse 21… interested in the things of Christ!!! (his heart)
Faithful… “proven worth”
“he served with me” … a mentor relationship while (working)
Notice the intimacy of their working relationship… “as a son with his father”
This is an investment Paul has given in this young man,
This is a commitment Timothy has given to being taught
Timothy worked for “the furtherance of the gospel”… this is the Lord’s work!
It is Timothy that Paul would send to the Thessalonian believers to encourage them and strengthen them
It is Timothy that he placed in Ephesus… undeniably one of the most strategic locations and influential churches of that time for the furtherance of the gospel and planting churches!
It is to Timothy two letters are written describing so beautifully a pastor’s heart, position, and responsibility within the body of believers
The church today NEEDS TIMOTHY’S… individuals willing to learn from, serve with, and ENGAGE in the work of Jesus Christ
The church NEEDS PAUL’S… those willing to come alongside and mentor, invest, and pass on the work of ministry
I am grateful to have been a Timothy to multiple men, especially Charlie Hornick!
This requires the body of Christ to work together… Paul mentions another man, his name is Epaphroditus...
This man has become a close friend to Paul… he is described by Paul as:
A brother (relationship / closeness)
A fellow worker (cause / focus)
A fellow soldier (commitment / engagement)
Side by side… this man in close relationship has worked for the cause of Christ, facing situations, hardships, and dangers of death as a faithful fellow soldier!
Paul also refers to this man as a minister… service to a need, Paul’s needs, sent by the church family Paul loved so much.
Ministered to Paul’s financial needs, and his physical and emotional needs
The great apostle Paul needed ministering to!
Look at this man’s heart… he longed for his church family with concern for them
Because they heard he was very sick, may even die
In this state… he is concerned for the people in the church!!!
He desired to ease their concern and their stress
Paul here gives glory to God for His mercy… for Epaphroditus’ sake, Paul’s sake, and even for the church family’s sake!!!
Paul would have benefitted from him staying with him
Sends him back with the letter, the report, and to calm concerns
As Paul sends him back he realizes some things that may need addressing in the letter as they would rejoice...
Appropriate Appreciation
Appropriate Appreciation
There would be great rejoicing and appreciation to see Epaphroditus alive and returning with Paul’s thank you
There could also be those who see a flip side (some will always see negative)
Great to see you but you failed in ministering and serving Paul by coming back
Glad you’re alive but you should have stayed (quitter)
Paul is informing and even directing the church how to welcome this one who has served and served faithfully
Rejoice at his return! Receive him with joy
Hold him and men like him in high regard (honor and respect)
This man is not a loser or a quitter but rather one to be shown respect! WHY… ???
Appreciate the work and willingness of the man…
He was working for Christ
RISKING his life, exposing himself to danger and even death… to minister!
On the behalf of the church family!
ALL working together for the cause of Christ!
he ministered on your behalf, now you receive him back and honor him
The church needs Epaphroditus type individuals…
Minister to someone around them even at risk
risk of death
risk of being hurt
risk of being misunderstood
risk of being taken advantage of
risk of people judging
When we minister there is RISK, many choose not to minister due to the risk and they miss the opportunity of the JOY of being a part of what God is doing through His Body, His Church, His Family… HIS PEOPLE!!!
Church, we need to be MORE CHRIST LIKE AND CHRIST MINDED… engaging with people, for people!
Be a good Timothy, willing to learn and grow
Be willing to mentor a Timothy coming alongside them
Be willing to minister to others around you regardless of the risk
It is time that the church have the mind and heart of Christ for the people we minster with and to!