Worthy of Worship
God is worthy of all worship and praise and the first step in worship to the Lord is repentance and the second step is to respond in faith.
Whenever a monarch of the British Empire ascends to the throne of England, the royal coronation is traditionally held at historic Westminster Abbey, London. This dramatic service has been the venue for every British ascension since 1066. On this solemn occasion, the sovereign-to-be proceeds to Westminster Abbey to the playing of “I Was Glad,” accompanied by the acclamations of the Westminster Scholars, representing the shouts of approval of the people. The sovereign, seated in the coronation chair, is anointed with oil, followed by the crowning with St. Edward’s crown. This is the most solemn moment of this august occasion.
The sovereign then rises from the coronation chair and moves to the throne, the first time the crowned king or queen is visible to the gathered dignitaries. This is when the monarch takes possession of the British Empire. The sovereign, now crowned and visible, is ready to receive the homage of the people. The archbishop speaks to the congregation three separate times, “I present to you [the sovereign’s name]. Will you do her/him homage?” The people, seeing their sovereign now robed, crowned, and enthroned, respond three times with shouts of acclamation, “We will.”
Psalm 95 is a passionate call to the people of God to praise the Lord, who is sovereign above all supposed gods, who are but lowly idols of gold, silver, wood, and stone.