Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Everything Jesus did was intentional, was purposed and was for the glory of the Father.
Can you think of things that Jesus was intentional about?
Are there things you are intentional about?
Are there things you should be intentional about?
Intentional - Meeting with Nicodemus
Intentional - Meeting with unlikely woman of Samaria
Intentional -healing at pool of Bethesda on Sabbath
Intentional - claims equality with God
Intentional - provides witnesses
Intentional - feeding the masses
Intentional - deliverance from storm
Intentional words to the people.
So to keep things in context here is what I hope we can do tonight
Review context from last week (Jn6:26-28)
Demand a sign (Jn6:28-33)
I am the bread of life (Jn6:34-40)
Keeping things in context
What they want and what He offers are two different things
You seek Me but for wrong reasons (v.26)
They sought for another free meal, to be filled
You labor but for wrong things (v.27)
They are worried, labor for the temporal and before them is the One who wants to give to them eternal that came from the Father.
You ask, but the wrong question (v.28)
They ask a question about physical work, and This is where we are picking up tonight.
Demand a sign
They want more proof than what they already had, let’s look and see what the passage says.
What observations do you make of this passage?
What did the people think they needed to do (v.28)?
They thought they still needed to labor, to work, there was something they needed to do, labor for, to do the works of God and they wanted to know what it was?
Jesus just tell us what we must do for you go give us this miracle bread like Moses did and be our miracle king like we think You are.
What did the people need to do according to Jesus (v.29)?
All they needed to do was believe, that is the work of God.
They did not need to do, they needed to trust!
Commentator Mcclaren says “The priest says ‘rites and ceremonies.
The thinker says ‘culture and education,’ The moralist says, do this, that and the other thing,’ and enumerates a whole series of separate acts.
Jesus Christ says, ‘One thing is needful. . .
this is the work of God.’”
Today it is still the work of God when He moves in you to come to believe in the One who was sent, in Jesus Christ.
What did they demand of Jesus (v.30)?
Show us a sign so we can believe you?
Had they forgotten they just go fed the day before with a few fishes and loaves?
Had they forgotten getting in boats to follow, others running around the lake to find Him?
Jesus responds to the demand how (v.32-33)?
They wanted daily bread, manna like Moses gave.
daily provision so they did not have to labor for it.
Heck He just told them not to labor for food that perishes (v.27)
You need the true bread from heaven, the One the father sent.
They still were not buying into that, and it brings to remembrance from the story of rich man and Lazarus from Lk16.
In the story of the rich man and Lazarus the man begged that Lazarus be sent back from the dead to bring belief to his brothers.
lk16:31 “31 “But he said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’
Jesus responds to the demand how (v.32-33)?
It wasn’t Moses who gave it to you, it was the Father who provided daily, and provided bread from heaven now, true bread out of heaven.
Bread that gives life, life to the world!
I’m the Bread of life
There is bread that nourishes our body and our life.
Then there is the bread of life that gives us life, and life eternally.
Any general observations?
What is it that the people ask for (v.34)?
They ask for bread
I mean when you are hungry, we think food will satisfy us, and it does, temporarily, but Jesus is speaking more than temporal, He is speaking eternal.
They were taught by the Rabbi’s that when the Messiah comes he would rain down bread from heaven like Moses did.
So that is why they are asking for the sign.
Jesus boldly makes statement (v.35)?
What does He say, what does He imply?
He makes the “I AM” statement.
That He is the bread of life.
He is what they need.
- - - by the way this is the first “I AM” statement found in gospel of John.
He also states there is a condition to meet too.
they must “come to Me”
There is the promise also, all wrapped up in this one verse.
If you come to Me, you will not hunger, you will not thirst.
- Jesus explains to them that those who come to him in belief, in faith, those who are willing to receive Him for who He is will never hunger or thirst spiritually.
He was hoping to get them stop looking down, but to look up, look up, from the earthly, to the heavenly, from the physical to the spiritual, from the temporal to the eternal.
FF Bruce says “What they wanted, he would not give, what he offered, they would not receive.”
Man, I can’t pass up another good quote, this time from Spurgeon
“Faith in Christ is simply and truly described as coming to Him.
It is not an acrobatic feat, it is simply a coming to Christ.
It is not an exercise of profound mental faculties; it is coming to Christ.
A child comes to his mother.
A blind man comes to his home, even an animal comes to his master.
Coming is a very simple action indeed, it seems to have only two things about it, one is, to come away from something, and the others is, to come to something.”
What does Jesus say about their belief (v.36)?
You have seen Me; you have seen the signs, wonders, in fact that is why you are following, but yet you do not believe in Me.
What is the purpose of signs and wonders done by Jesus in the gospel, oh, and where do you find the answer?
There is an instruction and a promise found in (v.37), what are they?
Come to Me
The ones who Come to Me will not be cast out.
How does one come to Jesus? - by faith!
Continued belief.
Verses 37-40 shows both divine sovereignty and human responsibility.
God gave the Son (divine sovereignty) but man must come to Him (human responsibility); this is not work it is accepting!
There is a theology that this is pre-selection, predestination, predetermined plan that only certain ones were given by the Father and only those are saved and none will be lost, or cast out.
And in looking at this verse by itself you could conclude that.
When we look at the whole counsel of God we cannot conclude that.
Jesus tells you the will of the Father, what is it (vv.38-39)?
For Jesus to do the Fathers will, is the will of the Father
Jesus did not have His own agenda, He was fully surrendered to the Father and only carried out the Fathers agenda.
To fulfill the Fathers will.
< .5
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> .9