Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
As the world moves closer to the return of Christ, you can be sure that we will also see increased efforts in Satan to implement his grab at world dominance.
This also means an increase in deception and acclamation.
The closer we get to the end, the more Satan will escalate the efforts of false prophets.
Over the last several weeks we’ve considered the powerful work of the Antichrist.
We’ve considered the nature of his power (Satan) and the extent of his dominion (global).
The deception of this man indwelt by Satan himself will be vast, universal, and repressive.
Those who are alive on this earth will be enamored by this charismatic and evil leader.
So much so, that anyone who dare question his ability, morality, and power will find themselves completely on the outside of all society.
When Hitler came to power, he did so much the same way progressivism is coming to power today.
While the Nazis were focusing on putting Germans back to work in the midst of the Great Depression, they also unleashed attacks on their political opposition as soon as Hitler became chancellor.
On the evening of February 27, 1933, alarms suddenly rang out in the Reichstag as fire destroyed the building’s main chamber.
Within 20 minutes, Hitler was on the scene to declare: “This is a God-given signal!
If this fire, as I believe, turns out to be the handiwork of Communists, then there is nothing that shall stop us now from crushing out this murderous pest with an iron fist.”
Hitler and the Nazis convinced the populace that those who were the greatest threat to Germany and the peace were living among everyone and the only way to rid their society of these ‘national threats’ was for the people to report to the authorities who these threats were.
This also included the Jews.
Much as the Nazis used the populace to keep watch and weed out those who will not comply with their rules, so it will be with the antichrist.
This is the danger we find today with ‘cancel culture’ and how big tech uses censorship in the name of controlling ‘misinformation.’
Now, as the Antichrist rises on the scene at the consummation of the Tribulation, he will demand full global loyalty.
He is described in the first half of this chapter.
This first beast out of the sea, this antichrist, is also called, by Daniel, the little horn, the king of fierce countenance or fierce face.
He is called the willful king.
He is called, by Paul, the son of perdition and the man of sin.
He is a blasphemer who makes war with the saints.
He embodies all the evil powers of all world empires.
His partner is the final false prophet.
The Antichrist is primarily a political and military leader.
The false prophet is a religious leader.
I believe and based on how the world is moving today that the world system is inseparable from the worship of that system.
In other words, the demonic system of the world is synonymous with its religion.
You can see that in environmentalism, entertainment, even in the medical community with the COVID-19 Vaccine and treatments.
The emphasis is always compliance, cohesion, and control.
So the appearance of the second beast in Revelation 13:11-18 is a false imperial priesthood dedicated to assuring there is religious conformity.
The false prophet will come along as the greatest preacher the world has ever heard.
He is called the false prophet in Revelation 16:13; 19:20; and Revelation 20:10.
“The dynamic appeal of the false prophet will lie in his skill in combining political expediency with religious passion.
His arguments will be subtle, convincing, and appealing.
His oratory will be hypnotic, for he will be able to move the masses to tears or whip them into a frenzy.
He will control the communication media of the world and will skillfully organize mass publicity to promote his ends.
He will manage and massage his message with guile beyond words.
He will mold world thought and shape human opinion like so much pottery for clay.”
(John Phillips)
Verse 10 tells us that he arises out of the earth.
the first beast rises out of the sea.
The sea is a symbol of chaos, the world, and the unknown.
The earth (notice it say that he comes up out of the earth, not from the earth) meaning that his origin could be hell.
The difference here may be simply the Scripture’s way of explaining that there is a somewhat significant difference in these two.
Verse 11 tells us The false prophet had two horns like a lamb.
Have you ever seen a little lamb as it begins to sprout its horns?
Two little bumps, harmless.
And that’s his subtlety.
He is going to appear to be a messenger of peace and unity.
But he also spoke like a dragon.
That’s because he is a false christ or false prophet who masquerades himself as if he were a lamb.
Jesus, the Lamb of God, speaks only the truth of God’s Word.
You can imagine that in the midst of Tribulation that people will be desperate for something spiritual- some kind of connection to God to make things settle down here on earth.
Just as Jesus said in Matthew 24, many will be deceived by him.
Look at Revelation 13:12-14
Some point out that this beast forms an unholy trinity: Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
Just as the Holy Spirit’s role is the point people to worship Christ, for convicting of sin, and for illuminating the Word, so does this false prophet direct people to worship the First Beast and its image, perform false signs and wonders, and upholding a false truth.
This false prophets mimics Jesus as to performing signs (John 2:11, 2:23, 6:2), and John uses the same word as used in these verses to describe these signs.
Now, look at verse 15:
This second beast -the false prophet- will serve as chief persecutor of those who will not worship the antichrist.
So much so that people will be expected even worship the image of the beast.
Remember the video of the hologram concert?
It is evident that the world is moving toward the mark of the beast at an incredible rate.
I believe that we are seeing the actual fulfillment of prophecy that was spoken almost 2000 years ago.
The world government will impose upon all of its citizens the necessity of having a mark in order to buy and sell.
We see technology driving the mark in 5 major areas: Border Security, Voter Registration, Healthcare, and Social Services, and Commerce.
Today most identification has to do with what you carry (your passport, drivers license, or other ID’s such as Credit cards) or what you remember (your PIN or password).
The issue with that type of identification is that it can be lost, or stolen, or altered.
That is why the New York Times (Thom Shanker, July 13, 2011 “To Track Militants, U.S. Has System That Never Forgets a Face”) reported the following, “Defense Department spending on biometrics programs is enormous, set at $3.5 billion for the 2007 through 2015 fiscal years.”
According to the official website of the Department of Homeland Security, ePassports already have a biometric identifier: “An e-Passport contains an electronic chip.
The chip holds the same information that is printed on the passport’s data page: the holder’s name, date of birth, and other biographic information.
An e-Passport also contains a biometric identifier.”
Never before have we moved closer to implementing the mark than through COVID-19 and Vaccine Passports.
Bills Gates said he wants to implement a digital certificate to track those who have taken the vaccine.
Today there are still places that demand proof of vaccination in order to buy groceries or other commodities.
The mark is to identify you as someone who is compliant with the system.
Someone who is safe, and not going to cause trouble.
In fact they’ve been using technology constantly to precondition us for using the mark: our credit cards, medical care system, and especially our cell phones using facial recognition or fingerprint technology.
All of these things, however, require us to carry something with us.
The mark of the beast will be a part of us.
A man from Bulgaria, under Communism, wrote some very interesting words.
This is what he wrote, “You cannot understand, and you cannot know that the most terrible instrument of persecution ever devised is an innocent ration card.
You cannot buy or sell anything except according to that little card.
If they please, you can be starved to death.
If they please, you can be dispossessed of everything you have.
You cannot trade; you cannot buy; you cannot sell without it.”
It’s amazing how quickly people will be compliant when they cannot eat, drink, or make money.
For common purchases to be made whether it be a loaf of bread, tank of gas, a visit to the doctor or anywhere that money is to be spent for goods or services, you must have your ID.
For anything to be sold or exchanged there must be the mark.
Many will receive the mark during the tribulation and surrender all of their rights to Satan and his beasts so that they may continue to do their business.
When they receive the mark they will have a temporary relief that comes from being able to buy and sell.
The emergence of 5G, Quantum Computers, and AI we are becoming a society of an Internet of Things (IoT) all working together to regulate us.
This is the heart behind the Mark of the Beast and his compliance for all people.
All of this is being put in place right now.
The ability to discern what is happening is divine wisdom.
In the days of the Antichrist John says that people (tribulation saints) will have wisdom as that the number of the beast is a number of a man - 666.
Many a commentator, pastor, and believer have spent incredible resources trying to guess who it is by using different number combinations.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9