Students Recite the Lord
Students Recite the Lord's Prayer
Despite threats from the American Civil Liberties Union, nearly 400 students at Pace High School in Santa Rosa County, Florida, stood and recited the Lord's Prayer during their graduation ceremony. The prayer was recited in protest of a lawsuit the ACLU had previously filed against the school alleging the principal asked the athletic director to bless a meal at an awards ceremony. "The ACLU had actually threatened the school that they would be in trouble with the court if any student or any kind of religious message was given at this graduation. They did not want any student to say anything religious, or no prayer," said Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel. "The students would not take this sitting down, and they decided to fight back." Liberty Counsel says they will defend any students if action is taken against them. [WorldNetDaily, Liberty Counsel]
Taken from The Pastor's Weekly Briefing (June 12, 2009)