Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
It seems like, when kids are around 3-5, they become very interested in the why’s of life.
Why is the sky blue, why is my hair this color, why do the deer eat our garbage?
The question why, can quickly become infuriating becasue after about the 5th why, your running out of answers.
As we get older, many times we begin to overlook the why’s of life, and begin to focus on the what and how.
What needs to be done, and how do we accomplish this task.
When I was first entering the mission.
A very important question was asked.
Why do you feel called to be a pastor?
Ministry can be difficult.
You face many challenges that make you desire to give up.
To persevere you must hold onto the why.
Evangelism is the same way.
You will be shut down by some.
People will get angry at you for what you say.
Why is important, why are you evangelizing?
Romans 15:14-17
The brothers whom Paul is writing to, know God
Bring Glory to God
Paul is desiring that the Gentiles be worshipping God correctly.
That they come to know Him who saved them.
God’s glory is the highest end, the thing that we should be attempting to do.
His glory is what life is about.
We should desire others to come to know God, so we see others bringing Him glory.
Matthew 5:14-16
Your very life is a testimony to God.
If people know that you are a believer, the way you conduct yourself will be the way that they view God.
Our works, the way we live.
The way we conduct ourselves with one another and the people around us.
Let your life bring glory to God.
We want to other people to follow God, so that their lives bring glory to God.
For Our Love of God
1 John 4:7-11
God’s love is amazing
Because of His love, he made the payment for our sins, drew us to himself so we can love Him.
If we love God, we are also to love one another.
The greatest way that we could show our love for God.
Is to bring others to glorify him.
The greatest way we can show our love for others.
Is to bring them to God and save their should.
All around, evangelizing is love.
You must remember this!
Evangelizing will be hard, it will be hurtful, you will be beaten down and broken.
You will be ridiculed.
Remember, that this is the greatest form of love that you can show them.
For Our Compassion For Others
Matthew 9:35-38
Jesus goes into the cities and villages, what does He see?
People who are lost.
People who are broken.
People who are hurting emotionally, who are hopeless in this world.
People who need God, they just don’t know where to find it.
Jesus has compassion on them.
He sees the need, but desires the workers; to go do the work.
When you see people suffering, with:
Anger, bitterness, jealousy
Frivolous spending
Lazy attitudes
Broken relationships
These are all symptoms and products of sin.
These are not physical issues, but spiritual.
If it is a spiritual issue, it is God who has the answer for that issue.
This means, you have the answer, you have the cure.
Do you look on with compassion, or do you ignore it, thinking it’s someone else’s problem.
If you struggle with these.
Come talk to me.
Or come to bible study, Sunday school, Evening Service.
Those are the times that we teach how to properly handle the sword that is the word of God.
We Are Commanded
Matthew 28:19-20
Not a suggestion, but they are being told to go!!
There are some that have the gift of evangelism.
They can strike up a conversation with anyone at any time and before you know it they are teaching the person that man is sinful and they need Jesus.
If you have that gift, AMEN! keep doing it.
Not everyone has that gift.
But you are still commanded to evangelize.
This may be more of an intimate relationship.
A close friend or maybe even a parent, spouse or child who doesn’t know Jesus.
But we are to have compassion on them and teach them.
We are called to make disciples, not converts.
The two are not synonymous.
A disciple is one who is being trained, not just turned loose.
You teach them how to pray.
You teach them how to study their bibles
You teach them how to apply the bible to their lives.
Some of you, need to be discipled.
Find someone who is older more mature in the faith.
Have them teach you.
Render to God the Things He Deserves
Luke 20:22-25
What is Jesus getting at?
The one who’s image it was created in, is the one to whom you give what is due.
The coin was Caesar.
Mankind, was created in the image of God.
Since we are created in the image of God, man should be rendering…something unto God.
That thing is worship.
God is not worshipped as He should be.
By Evangelizing people we are bringing others to offer worship to God, for He deserves it.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9