(13 results)
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 594 views
The Greeks outside the walls of Troy were unable to storm the city, but after a long war they succeeded by using the stratagem of the wooden horse. Putting some Greeks within the hollow monster, they pretended to flee and left the horse to be dragged within the gates of Troy by the infatuated Trojans.…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 31 views
A child would generally stand on his feet in a gust of wind if he knew it was coming. But when the wind happens to come around a corner furiously, he may be taken off his feet. Mind you are well ballasted by prayer every morning before your vessel puts out to sea, or carrying the quantity of sail you…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 354 views
Men would be less in a hurry to avow their pretended faith if there were no advantages to be gained. The rower in the boat sits with his back to the shore, but is all the while pulling toward it. Many tug the oar toward the world that they pretend to have renounced. How many are like that famous painting…
Spurgeon Commentary
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 34 views
One Richard Denton, who had been a very zealous Lollard, and was the means of the conversion of an eminent saint, when he came to the stake was so afraid of the fire that he renounced everything he held and went into the Church of Rome. A short time after his own house took fire, and going into it to…
Charles Spurgeon • Logos Sermons • Illustration • • 18 views
Before I came to London, a man met me one Sunday in a dreadful state of rage. He vowed he would horsewhip me for bullying him from the pulpit. What had I said? I asked. “What have you said? You looked me in the face and said, “What more can God do for you? Shall he give you a good wife? You have had…
Paul • Illustration • • 43 views
This is not a Sermon, it's more of a Biblical breakdown of Salvation supported by over 100 Bible Verses. Detailed Plan of Salvation Recognize sin and unworthyness The Commandement, God's only Commandement in the Garden of Eden Gen 2:16,17 Commandment broken, disobediance and seperation Gen 3:1-6 Gen…
David B. Brokaw • Illustration • • 34 views
What follows is a brief overview of traditional matters of introduction to James–Jude. I have also provided brief bibliographies listing mostly commentaries. I assume the presence of articles in the IVP dictionaries and in NT introductions. One additional word of preface. James through 2 Peter and Jude…
Illustration • • 658 views
A Aaron, ' = "light bringer" Aharown {a-har-one'} 1) brother of Moses, a Levite and the first high priest Aaron Aaron {ah-ar-ohn'}= "light-bringer" 1) the brother of Moses, the first high priest of Israel and head of the whole priestly order ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Illustration • • 337 views
John MacArthur Basisinformationen zur Bibel Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung Postfach 11 01 35 • 33661 Bielefeld Wenn nicht anders angegeben, sind die Bibelzitate der Schlachter 2000 entnommen. Abkürzungen weiterer Bibelausgaben: Elb.: Elberfelder Bibel, unrevidierte Fassung Lu 12: Lutherbibel von 1912…
Kathleen Boozer • Illustration • • 234 views
#1 — The Conflict In God’s FamilyPlease press the microphone to listen to the talk. Requires the free RealPlayer®. Installation instructions available. “The Conflict In God’s Family” — another look at the Biblical basis for understanding the plan of salvation as God’s provision for restoring peace in…
Robert Long • Illustration • • 3,091 views
Chapter 5 4990 B.C. The Flood–1877 B.C. Joseph 148 Six thousand years had passed since the year of creation. Mankind had slowly multiplied on the earth. Because man had been created with a perfect body, he began with no inherent birth defects. Therefore, the Bible discloses that during this period of…
Illustration • • 294 views
SECTION OUTLINE FOURTEEN (ROMANS 14) Paul discusses the believer’s responsibilities toward those Christians who are weak in the faith. I. No Believer Should Be Judged by Another Believer Down Here (14:1–8). A. We are not to criticize others’ legalism (14:1–8). 1. The rules (14:1–6) a. Don’t judge in…
Leigh Johnson • Illustration • • 129 views
I. Introduction When God created the universe and all within it, God looked and saw that it was good. At some point, however, evil entered the world and corrupted it. People may have different understandings of how this happened, but I don’t think anyone would argue that the world as we know it is the…