(9 results)
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 8 views
A software developer in India is looking to hire a developer with a minimum 12+ years’ experience in Kubernetes administration and management.” There is a problem though. Google developed and released the Kubernetes software program in 2014. In other words, the software has only existed for half the…
Illustration • • 28 views
Jacob, age 85, and Rebecca, age 79, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding. On the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests that they go in. He addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?" The pharmacist answers, "Yes." Jacob: "Do…
Jarred Edgecombe • Illustration • • 20 views
“I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God: first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. God’s work is not man working for God; it is God’s own work, though often wrought through man’s hands.” Source: Baptist Vision, January 2009.
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 42 views
SALVATION "Actions," the saying goes, "speak louder than words." Ungodly actions can muffle the sounds of righteous words. That's what happened in Stephanie's home. Stephanie grew up in church and regularly heard the claims of the gospel, but never experienced a life transformation until she was eighteen.…
Janet Parent • Illustration • • 15 views
Christian preaching continues to be debased as evangelical pastors resort to all sorts of gimmickry to attract and retain members. Evangelicalism simply refuses to let lost people walk away, says expositor Mark Minnick, pastor of Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Greenville, SC. Minnick contrasts evangelicalism’s…
Peter K Lapsley • Illustration • • 26 views
Song Is Anything too hard for God Marcia Henry 1999 full words of the song are not known yet or filled in Gen 18:14 Jer 32:17 27 Matt 19:26 Mark 9:23 11:22 Luke 18:27 It's out of your hands, You've done all you can do You've given God the problem It's no longer up to you You've prayed the prayer of faith…
Illustration • • 340 views
John MacArthur Basisinformationen zur Bibel Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung Postfach 11 01 35 • 33661 Bielefeld Wenn nicht anders angegeben, sind die Bibelzitate der Schlachter 2000 entnommen. Abkürzungen weiterer Bibelausgaben: Elb.: Elberfelder Bibel, unrevidierte Fassung Lu 12: Lutherbibel von 1912…
Leigh Johnson • Illustration • • 130 views
I. Introduction When God created the universe and all within it, God looked and saw that it was good. At some point, however, evil entered the world and corrupted it. People may have different understandings of how this happened, but I don’t think anyone would argue that the world as we know it is the…
Steve Bramham • Illustration • • 951 views
A Christian Guide to Passover (PESCH) Below is a compilation of several contemporary Seder services that are used today. Because of the passage of time and that Passover was intended to be a family tradition, it is not possible to reconstruct with certainty the type of Passover meal or celebration that…