(4 results)
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 14 views
For years a small village in the Alps has offered a yearly vow to God asking Him to protect them from the advancing glacier nearby. The vow was established in 1678 was simple. The people of the village pledged to live virtuous lives. In exchange they asked God to spare their homes and livelihoods from…
Jim L. Wilson • Illustration • • 5 views
SINGING New research suggests drivers who enjoy a sing-a-long while on the road concentrate more and fall asleep less than drivers who remain silent behind the wheel. The study conducted for a British insurance company found 63 percent of safe drivers—those who had not been in an accident for four years…
Illustration • • 337 views
John MacArthur Basisinformationen zur Bibel Christliche Literatur-Verbreitung Postfach 11 01 35 • 33661 Bielefeld Wenn nicht anders angegeben, sind die Bibelzitate der Schlachter 2000 entnommen. Abkürzungen weiterer Bibelausgaben: Elb.: Elberfelder Bibel, unrevidierte Fassung Lu 12: Lutherbibel von 1912…
Steve Bramham • Illustration • • 950 views
A Christian Guide to Passover (PESCH) Below is a compilation of several contemporary Seder services that are used today. Because of the passage of time and that Passover was intended to be a family tradition, it is not possible to reconstruct with certainty the type of Passover meal or celebration that…