(2 results)
Dr.Jeffrey Kran • Sermon • • 10 views
The Faith that is faithful I. Faith and Works issue (start with story about the term “believer”) 1. In Hebrew though faith was active a. read “Our Father Abraham” by Marvin Wilson pp 182 Faith ; Thinking or acting paragraph 1 b. An understanding of the Hebrew term for faith (1) tmx, Ex 34:6-7 can equal…
Paul Hawkins • Sermon • • 13 views
The Remnant and Restoration. [Amos ch.9] Intro: Amos stopped prophesying in ch.7 – was kicked out of the temple in Bethel. In ch.8 he had a vision of summer fruit, the end. What comes after the end? The end of the northern kingdom, also end time judgement – what is after the end? It is not the end entirely…