(3 results)
Ephesians - The Secrets of the Church
Malcolm Lithgow • Renew Discipleship Gold Coast • Sermon • • 33 views • 29:14
When we open our mouths to share the Good News of Jesus Christ here in Australia we are likely to encounter one of two types of opposition. What's going on here? Where is this coming from and what should we do about it? In this fifth part of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, we find some answers, so join us as we join Paul explaining the "difficult mystery of the Gospel."
Trent Granger • Sermon • • 440 views
Give some deep thought to this lesson, because the essence of the entire School of Biblical Evangelism pivots on the illustration given in this chapter. It exposes the motive of the sinner and reveals the pitfalls of the modern gospel message.
The Tree of Life
Pastor Nick • Oak Harbor Christian Reformed Church • Sermon • • 9 views
In this week of the series, pastor Nick takes us back to Genesis for an even closer look at the Tree of Life. Last week, we discovered the biblical authors' comparisons and connections between humans and trees; with this in mind, we will arrive at a more robust understanding of eternal life.
Join us on a biblical adventure following the crimson thread of Christ in the fruit of the Tree of Life through the Bible!