(6 results)
Jabez • Sermon • • 71 views
一、不在祝福中失落 二、不在环境中失信 三、在神的丰富中成长 四、神在旧约的作为 五、我们今天的光景 前言 弟兄姊妹平安,最近我们有一些弟兄姊妹在一起读约翰福音,所以这次还是想借着约翰福音,跟大家有一些的分享。今天想要跟大家分享的是约翰福音中大家非常熟悉的一段,就是 约翰福音6:1-15 的那段经文,主要是讲到主耶稣五饼二鱼使五千人吃饱。我们先来把这部分的经文读一遍吧。 1 这事以后,耶稣渡过加利利海,就是提比哩亚海。 2 有许多人因为看见他在病人身上所行的神迹,就跟随他。 3 耶稣上了山,和门徒一同坐在那里。 4 那时犹太人的逾越节近了。 5 耶稣举目看见许多人来,就对腓力说:“我们从哪里买饼叫这些人吃呢?”…
Edward L Palmer • Sermon • • 48 views
Through Christ we have an abundant life, and what sort of life is it.
Jason Alley • Sermon • • 20 views
A tale of three servants, two widows, and one God demonstrates the value of giving God our "little bit." When we don't have enough, He still blesses our surrender of what we have to Him in worship.
Wisdom Literature: Faith Begins to Work
Robert C. Beckman Jr. • Sermon • • 6 views
Start: Entice: What is our purpose in life? What is the goal ? What is our Work ? I don’t just mean our job but the capital-letter big-picture concept of who and what we are. The title given this book in Hebrew is Qoheleth translated as The Preacher . We call it Ecclesiastes and still don’t know exactly…
Jaime A Chica • Sermon • • 2 views
Jesus promises Life that is plentiful Jesus wants us to have plentiful physical health Jesus want us to have plentiful spiritual health Jesus want us to have plentiful emotional health The atonement includes forgiven of our sins The atonement also includes physical healings Isiah 53; 3-4
When You Pray
Douglas Vaughan • Crosspoint Community Church • Sermon • • 21 views • 28:46
When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them. When we look into the crowds, how do we respond? Do we feel compassion for people? Do we drop to our knees in prayer? When Jesus saw the crowds, He made an urgent request to His disciples: beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest. When we pray, let's make certain to honor this most urgent of requests from Jesus.