(36 results)
James Huffman • Sermon • • 22 views
So That You May Fully Know Eph. 1:15-23 ebc 6/27/10 In V.3-14, Paul advises the Ephesians what God has done for them and how wealthy they were spiritually. Now Paul begins to bear his heart to them. In V.15, “wherefore” goes back to what he has previously told them. He wants us to understand those deeper…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 32 views
When Our Worship is Genuine Gen. 22:1-14 EBC 9/13/09 The word “worship” means devotion or reverence to a deity. It means ascribing worth to a person or thing. When we “worship” God, we are saying “God is worthy of all my love, my attention and my devotion. He is worthy to receive all that I can give…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 13 views
Forget Us Not—Matt. 27:45 Resurrection Sunday April 4, 2010 Intro: It is proper and fitting that the church pause to remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our liberty as citizens and to guarantee us the freedom to worship as we see fit. Since the Revolutionary War…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 18 views
Promises for the Journey Isa. 41:8-10 ebc 4/11/10 Some years ago Warren Wiersbe was sent this note: Years ago, one of my radio listeners sent me a motto that has often encouraged me: “Look at others, and be distressed. Look at yourself, and be depressed. Look to God, and you’ll be blessed!” This may…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 12 views
What’s In Going to Church Luke 18:9-14 EBC 4/25/10 We have such a great privilege each week. We get to get into our cars and drive down to our local church to worship the Lord. This many times is a privilege we take for granted. Is there any preparation for going to worship? 1-How much time do you spend…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 118 views
Living Our My Responsibility Phil. 2:12-16 EBC 2/21/10 Dr. David Jeremiah- has the following 4 Lines written in his Bible: 1- Do what has to be done 2- Do it when it has to be done 3- Do it as well as can be done 4- Do it every time This is the definition of discipline for Bobby Knight the former coach…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 1,063 views
Staying On the Wall Neh. 6:1-3 10/11/09 EBC How many get discouraged? Courage- mean mental or moral strength to resist opposition, danger, or hardship, an ingrained capacity for meeting strain or difficulty with fortitude and resilience. Dis- a prefix which means to take away. What are some things that…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 11 views
God’s View of Human Life Gen. 1:26-28 EBC 10/25/09 A few years ago we had a major case in Florida involving life and death matters. It was the Terry Schaivo case. It got many people talking about the relationship of life and death. Sadly, we are living in a time when Human life is a cheap commodity.…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 130 views
The Secrets of Holy Living Rom. 12:1-2 ebc 8/30/09 These first two verses give us some practical insight on how to live in this world while we are waiting to go to glory. I have waiting for me a beautiful mansion, where no sin resides but before I go there I have many battles to face and fight. Paul…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 7 views
What a difference God makes Ex. 33:12-23 EBC 9/6/09 Most times God calls us to a job and it is impossible to do that job without a close relationship with God. Moses had such a call. Chap. 32 reveals Moses is had gone into the mountain to receive the Law. He actually brought the law down with him written…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 76 views
Are you a Soul Winner? Matt. 9:36-38, John 1:35-42 EBC 5/2/10 Have you ever thought much about soul winning? Are you ever thought about the population in Heaven if every Christian lead as many people to the Lord as you do. Look at our directive- Mark 16:15- preach- imperative tense- a command. Look ath…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 23 views
Our Tremendous Hope 1 Thess 4:13-17 EBC 3/21/06 Hope (confident expectation) is a powerful thing. The hope of better soothes the soul. G. K. Chesterton said, “There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.” Someone said “hope…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 14 views
Why are we Here Eph. 2:10- EBC 10/25/09 When we understand why we are here then we are just getting to the starting blocks of life. We are here is live life to its fullest and to bring glory to God God's purpose for His children always include sanctification, stewardship, and service 1- Sanctification-…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 12 views
How do You View Jesus Mark 6:30-34 EBC 10/11/09 Some people see God as being so high and holy that He has no time for people like you and me. Others see Him as resembling a doting old grandfather who winks at sin and just kind of watches His creation with amusement to see what will happen next. How do…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 126 views
Getting spiritual victory Rom. 12:1-2 Notes John MacArthur #1-- “The key to spiritual victory and true happiness is not in trying to get all we can from God but in giving all that we are and have to Him. Countless thousands of people today, including many genuine Christians, flock to various churches,…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 22 views
What’s With this Guy Mark 4:36-41 EBC 5/17/09 The disciples asked the same question that mankind has been asking for centuries- what manner of man is this- in today’s vernacular- what’s with this guys. Jesus has always been a man surrounded by controversy. The Disciples beheld His power first hand and…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 13 views
What’s With this Guy Notes Charles Stanley- 1- The word of God is clear that suffering is purposeful. The Lord is conforming us to his image and He does this thru trials. The journey ahead of salvation is called sanctification and involves the process of becoming holy- few things build holiness like…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 16 views
When Discouragement Takes Us Down 1 Sam. 27:1 Ebc 4/6/09 David’s move to Philistia was preceded and prompted by a severe attack of discouragement. He became very discouraged about his situation in Israel regarding Saul’s attacks upon him, and he allowed this discouragement to overcome and defeat him.…
Chad Prigge • Sermon • • 17 views
ADOPTION OF SONS Text: Gal. 4:1-7 Intro: Background of the epistle (Judaizers, Paul skilful in his argumentation; 3 divis. Today a similar situation would be that where someone is saved by faith out of a system of works.) -Importance of doctrine=system of belief (Deflection in doctrine will produce a…
Chad Prigge • Sermon • • 2,187 views
THE PASSION OF ELIHU INTRO: Imagine yourself in a large room filled w/ pockets of people, each group discussing a different topic. As you saunter up to each group, you find some subjects quite boring and others quite interesting (nod of head, contribute an occasional comment). Eventually you come upon…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 362 views
Plugging Into the Source of Prayer Acts 4:31-33 EBC 9/20/09 Ever read and wondered about the power of the early church. The apostles preached and thousands were saved, one day 3,000 and another day 5000. Acts 2:47- People were saved daily. There was a mighty spiritual movement among the early church.…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 10 views
Which Way to Heaven Matt. 7:12-14 EBC 3/15/09 Our lives are filled with decisions-what to wear, what to eat, where to go, what to do, what to say, what to buy, whom to marry, what career to follow, and on and on. Many decisions are trivial and insignificant, and some are essential and life-changing.…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 399 views
It’s a matter of Priorities Mark 12:28-34 EBC 7/16/09 Many times we are accused of not having our Priorities in order. I want you to listen carefully because this is one priority that can’t be out of order. In Mark 12:13-17, a group of Herodians and Pharisees came together to ask Jesus a question. Jesus…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 34 views
God’s Tender Moments John 21:1-19 EBC 6/28/09 Intro: John had been faithful in worshiping with other believers for many years. Then he became lax and stopped coming to the services. The pastor was burdened for his spiritual welfare, so one day he called in his home. The man invited him in and offered…
James Huffman • Sermon • • 83 views
Discharging Our Christian Duty Rom. 13:11-14 EBC 2/15/09 2 Tim. 2:3- Paul gives to young Timothy as description of who he was and his duties. Warreth- to be on active duty, to be in battle Entangleth- to be woven to With the affairs- business, occupation Today, we are winning the war in Iraq because…