(3 results)
Rev. John Owens • New Life Fellowship • Sermon • • 54 views • 30:07
Liveing out "The Rule." Pauls examples of how we are to live as new creations in Christ.
Scott Edburg • Sermon • • 19 views
I. Developing the Exegetical Big Idea: Subject: being an imitator of God Subject Question: How do Christians become Imitators of God? Compliment: Christians become Imitators of God by walking in love, walking in purity, and walking in light. Exegetical Big Idea in statement form: Paul speaking to the…
GLENN PEASE • Sermon • • 421 views
By Pastor Glenn Pease Many years ago a man invited a friend to come with him to hear Jimmy Durante, but the man refused. He said he could not stand Durante. "But why," asked his friend. "When did you ever see him?" "I've never seen him," he responded, "But I saw a fellow do an imitation of him and it…