Finding peace in the chaos

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One of my. Most favorite songs right there.

It is well, Brian. Open this up, please.

You are alive today and you're hearing our prayers are hard right now in the now.

Preaching the word of God, father and help us? Receive it. Marked out as you lead us and guide us bothering. Philippians 4 if you want to turn there. That's kind of where we'll be today.

I don't know why this this song has been running through my mind. Almost all week. And Rhonda said we sang this last week so I didn't want to push the issue or anything. So I'm a week with you can't sing the same song back to back in you. I think in Baptist Churches, I'm not sure he can't. But this song just keep, I can't get rid of it. I'm going to tell her. Okay, she's not here. So I'm going to tell her we can do that. Okay? For mission to tell her. But I am, I don't know why this has been rolling around in my mind all week. I know couldn't get rid of it, I guess. But it goes like that. I'm not going to think. I'm just going to read them to you when peace like a river. Attendeth my soul. when Sorrows like sea Billows, roll whatever my lot thou Hast taught me to say, It Is Well with My Soul. It Is Well with My Soul. It is. Well, it Is Well with My Soul.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way. when Sorrows like sea Billows, roll It Is Well with My Soul.

Dial message today, is in a kind of a series that were in stress less. Finding peace in the chaos. Finding peace in the chaos. I hope this is being encouragement to you. I I I normally don't normally say anything about jotting down some notes. But about halfway through, I want to, if I remember, I want to encourage you to write down just for for notes, okay? Just on the back of your your bulletin, they are somewhere. And the reason is, I don't do not want you to forget these four points. It is so important that we understand these four points and like I said, we're not there yet, it'll take me a little bit to get there, you know, me, takes me a while to get going there. But when I get there, I do want to disturb would just ask you to. I mean, if you don't have to, I'm not going to make you do it, but I think it would be a benefit to you. I don't know about you, but so many times anymore, when I hear something or I go to sleep, I did something just drain out of my mind. I don't know why they just, they just leave me. I don't know if you have that same problem, but it sure does me. So, I have to write stuff down to the so I can at least remember in the problem is if I can remember where I put it, what I wrote down that's that's the other part of that issue, okay? All right. Philippians 4:6 and 7 is just going to read it again and will refer back to hear quite a bit, I think. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication. With Thanksgiving. Let your requests be known to be made known to God. And the peace of God. Which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. That's that. That's one of my favorite verses to

There have been. Over 1.2 billion, Google searches on how to manage stress. Can you believe that 1.2 billion how to manage stress? We talked a little bit about that last Sunday. Did we not? How stress can affect us, physically? It can affect us. Mentally, that can affect us, spiritually, can it not? It is a big player in in our lives. And then people are wanting to know how to get rid of that. And it's not so much. They want to get rid of the stress of life but they're looking for something else. Also, something to to replace the stress. If you would And they're looking for a thing known as peace. They want peace. People want to have. Peace within themselves.

People want to have the peace of God. Inner self.

People want to have peace as they live out their lives.

And I want to have peace in the world. They're searching for peace. And today, hopefully, when we get there, I want to give you four things. That I believe the Bible teaches us how we can have peace and I promise you're not a one of them has anything to do with Oprah Winfrey or dr. Phil, I promise you. Okay. It has everything to do with. Father God. And that's where real peace will come from.

So what is this piece? What is FIFA. I think you can see it up there on the board. A sense of divine favor. Greater than your confidence in God. And ground in your relationship with him. It is divine favor. In him in our relationship to him. Just leave it up there. Duckster The world will tell you peace. That is not a definition of Peace. The world. What day is the definition of peace. Is the absence of conflict If you're not having any conflict, you are at peace. And that and that the only way you'll ever have peace in this whole world is saying to be absent of any kind of conflict in any kind of struggles. Well, if that's the case. Who can have peace in this whole world, I mean, that's impossible in it. I mean, just living life. I mean some days, I struggle just getting up and trying to eat breakfast, some days. I mean, there's always kinds of stressors out there. That tries to take away our peace and if you look at that definition again, it is a Divine favor, Divine talking about God it is at Divine favor that he gives to us, because we are his children and we have a relationship with them. Peace comes from God, God is the source of peace in your life. Did you know, that peace comes because we have a faith in our Lord and savior. Peace comes because we have this abiding presence and everyone of us as Believers of the holy spirit in our life. I'm here to tell you today, you maybe never heard this. But as Christians as born-again Believers, we really do, have the opportunity to have an Indescribable piece. A peace, that surpasses all understanding a piece that makes no sense in the life of a Believer or the life of this old world. we truly truly, truly can have that kind of piece but part of the problem of of getting that kind of piece is you and I

Never got to look at that today unshakeable piece that can never be taken away from us. If you ever seen a person who has that kind of Peace, amongst the struggles of life, Have you ever seen that person? Who who you just know, is really battling something, whatever that something might be, and you know that they are and yet they seem to be completely calm. They have their, their walk around with their head up. They seem to be at peace with the world and what's going on and it in your mind, you think how they do that? How can they do that? How can I have peace amongst this storm? And I are about you, but I thought about that sometimes when you think about what he must be really strong people. They must have really strong abilities to overcome the stresses of why. They, maybe they might even have a huge support system. Something is causing them to be able to Hanover come, why circumstances? And I'm here to tell you has nothing to do with your ability. Has nothing to do with your strength. That has nothing built by the built, if you to pull up your bootstraps, But have everything to do. When God himself. As he provides us. Peace. And where do we get that? Peace, that surpasses all understanding. We have a whole book full of promises that we are called to trust in that. We are call to stand on. We are called to believe his word. And when we do that and we understand his promises that he's given to us and we understand the promises that that he tells us that says he'll gun loves you. And we stand on that promise and it wouldn't wish that on a promise. That that it says that God wants the best for you. I want the best for you and I stand on that promise. I said that says God has the power to bring about the best for you. It had amazing Christians that is promises from his word to us. That we really can't do that. We can know that he loves his, we know that he has the best horse and we know without a shadow of a doubt, his ability in the power to make it happen in your life. And yet we walk around stressed out all day. Yeah, we walk around thinking that we, we've got to have come up with some sort of a piece that that if we can never grab ahold of Christian, we can grab a hold of it. We can live in peace. You say in Jan and John 14:27, Jesus has something to say about peace. Did You Know It? He said it in in John 14:27. Peace, I leave with you. My peace. I give to you not as the world. Do I give to you, not as worldly peace, let not your heart be troubled. Neither Let It Be fearful And Jesus was telling those Folks at that verse right before, he's fixing to to be crucified. And he said, I want to give you my peace. The world stuff that's week stuff. Don't let your heart be troubled. Don't let it be scared all the time. He said, I want to give you a piece, we have Christians can have that piece. Did you know that? We can have that piece? It is available to it. We just got to take it. And John 10:10 Jesus talks about peace. In a sense that he says, you know, I have come, but I want to give you an abundant life. I want to give you an Abundant Life. The enemy comes to steal kill and destroy. I get there, but Jesus said not at don't. I kind of give you life and life more abundantly, but you see, we have an enemy out there that wants to take that away. We have animated wants to steal your joy. We have an enemy wants to crush your hope where my anybody wants to take away everything that you've got this, that's any good at all. In the enemy says, I want to destroy you and destroy everything that you might think is good. And Jesus said no no no no no no no no. I'm greater than him. I'm greater than him. You want a bundle? I'm a bunch of Life. Jesus would say is is in me. Not in this whole world. You say, we can have a bunch of life because he's promised us an abundant life. Will how come I don't have it? Well, what can I do to get it while I'm fixing to tell you this second. And then eat. And then we go back to that verse that. We just read. The have Divine peace, we must be obedient and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and Minds in Christ. Jesus. You say Christians we have it isn't amazing stuff. We have we have the ability to have within ourselves. The peace that only Jesus can give to us. If he's not talking about unbelievers, he's talking to you and I he talk about Chris and we have the Peace of Jesus and he said I want to give you that piece. I'm going to give you an abundant life and I want to give you some peace. That makes no sense. That the world will go. You not supposed to be happy right here. You're not supposed to be calm right here, you're not supposed to be grateful right here. And Jesus said, no, no, no. I want to give you a peace, that surpasses all understanding that makes no sense man who who would not want that in this whole world and it's available to us at the grasp of our fingers, if we're just willing to take it. How do I get that kind of peace. How do we get that peace that surpasses all understanding in this is right here is where I would wouldn't mind having to jot down for things. Okay. You don't have to but I want you to remember this. Because I know how life is. I know he wants if he wants to give us peace and then he said, now you don't need peace and you don't deserve it. But yeah, you do because Jesus I won't give it to you. First thing we see here in our in our steps. A being a person that has the peace of God that lives within us. The first one there. That's kind of simple in it. You got to know God Vanessa, First Step you must be born again. Jesus said you must repent of your sins. Jesus would say you have got to have a relationship with. You will never have peace without knowing the God of Peace. You'll never have lasting. Peace, Eternal peace. Decades of Peace, if you would Without knowing God for his son. Jesus Christ. You cannot have the peace of God without knowing the God of Peace. You say? Sin separates us from God. Did you know that Spain has separated us from God? Bible talks about a Chasm there that that if if, if if we don't give her heart Life of Christ, we are separated from God and we know this, do we, not that God took on human form in the, in the form of Jesus and he left Perfection of having and he came down to this little ball out there in the universe. Jesus says walked on this Earth for 33 years. Lived a perfect life. And he came in order to provide salvation for anybody that would take it. They Crucified him. And When They Crucified him, what what, what were they doing? That. He was just paying the price of our send that. That's all he was doing. They buried in three days later. He rises up from that Old grape. Conquering conquering death in the Bible, says he now sits at the right hand of the father.

We must have a relationship with Jesus in order for us to be able to know the god of the universe. That is the first requirement. You'll never have peace without first having Jesus Christ in your life. You got to know God before that. And if you have Jesus in your life, did you know something that you can literally have the piece that he's promised in his word? Who would not want that? You got to know Christ. You got to have Jesus in your heart. And then peace is available to you if you never accepted Christ as your lord and savior, I'm going to tell you this. With all of you'll never have peace, like, you can have in this whole world You'll never have peace for an eternity. Because you be separated from holy God, forever and forever. Do you want peace in this world? You want. Peace for eternity. Give must accept Christ as Lord and Savior. So, that you now have a relationship with the god of the universe who hung the moon and the stars and all those billions of light-years away. Stars. The one who knows the number of hairs on your head. The one who knows the number of cells in your body.

Still loves us. Does he not? And we can have a relationship with him. The first thing I want encourage you with, you got to know God, there is son Jesus Christ. The second one they are that I want you to stay real quick. You must live in constant fellowship with God?

You must live in constant fellowship with God? in verse 46 of Philippians, he said be anxious for nothing yet and they push this little phrase in their butt in everything. But in everything.

Paul is urging us to be in constant communication with God. When you look up the word, everything. The definition of Everything is Everything. That's deep a game that meant that I'd I didn't go to Seminary but I figured that one out. Everything means everything. may I got to rephrase that, everything means Everything.

When, when the big things in life happen to us, Yeah, we'll take it, those things to the Lord.

When the good things happen in our life. Well, we probably don't take him to the Lord. When the bad things in life happen to us, do we take him to the Lord? Do we communicate with God? A whole bunch everyday. Do we take the the minor little details, the things that you and I can handle on our own. Do we take them to the Lord? I just that even the little things. Do we take him to the Lord? God's were said we were supposed to take everything. My prayer supplication and Thanksgiving. Are we willing to do that? Taking everything to the Lord means that we are aware of God's presence? In our lives all day.

It means inviting God into every part of our life. It means communicating and having fellowship with him on a continuing basis during the day.

I want you think about that? I think the problem that, that many of us as Christians have

Is we kind of think of God as a nap? But app on your phone. I mean, I've got some apps on my phone and and I know you do too. And we treat him as an app. What what do you mean by that? Don, well, I got the weather app on my phone and every time I want to know what the temperature is that usually in the morning, It's going to be 60° today. Well, is it going to rain today? Know how windy is it going to be for? I go out for a run now, it's too windy and I got to go and I checked my app, my weather app and I look at it probably in the morning or one time a day, I close the app and then I forget about it. I got all the information I need on this on my weather app. Don't don't need to look at it yet because I'm already looked at it. Can I see some type of Christians? That's the way we do. We have a god app. In our lives. And we and we come on Sunday, mornings and, and, and we open the god app. And we come for an hour or two and we see you in a little bit and we pray a little bit and we listen to a message a little bit. We walk out the back door and close the god app. And we don't open the guide app again until next Sunday. We open up the God app in the morning we maybe we have a little devotion or a little prayer time or whatever. And we'll get finished with the guy that in the morning. We close it. We know when I open it again until the next morning.

Or maybe we just don't open a god app, until something really bad happens in our lives. I need a God at now boy letter. I got to get that one opened up. I need some help. And we leave a guy that close until something bad happens.

Let's not communicating with the Lord, on a continuing basis. You want to have peace in your life, you must be able to take everything to him. You must be aware of his presence. You must be able to speak to him. 24/7. You got out of going to need a help here on this thing. It at work. I need a little help here with this relationship. Thank you for that tree is beautiful. God, I just want to just say thank you Father for blessing me today. Get them. Thank you for getting me up today. And we keep this presence in our mind constantly and we keep a god app open. If you would, I want to encourage you to keep the god app open. All day. But if you got an issue at at work, Bingo bango. I want to say a quick prayer about that. You got an issue at home safe, quick prayer about that. See, that's what it means to be praying with friend. Without ceasing is, as you understand. And, you know, and you feel it, the presence of God in your life and we keep that app open instead of closing to get after we use it in the morning. You want to have peace in your life. You keep the god app open as you communicate with him all the time. You want peace? You give everything to him and you can continue to communicate with him over the course of a day. When the stressors of life, and stress starts to build up, we have an opportunity, we have a choice. Do we look within the solve that stressor Or do we look up? Man what a fringe benefit. We got as Christians because if we just know God and we want to communicate with him, he has promised us that he will give us his peace when the storms of Life coming. Even if even if It doesn't appear that you're working. I know for a fact that you are thank you Father. The third key is here, that would encourage you to write down. To experience. God's peace. You must completely be honest with God.

You must be completely honest with. That's an easy one in it. No. It's really not. Is it God knows everything, done e x 10 to hide things from God. Well, I say we all just point fingers at me. There's sometimes I had to I don't want it, I don't want to be in agreement with God that I thought that. Or I said that. Or I looked at that. And it's easier just to kind of just gloss over that. An NFL guy, just forgive me of my sins but that's a, that's a good one. You want to be deep cleaned in your life. You list those sins, one by one? You can't hide them from God. God already knows. and if you want this piece in this life you got to be completely honest with him God I yet I said that I said that God I did that guy looked at God I know I failed you I know and you verbally speak that

And you're going to be deep cleaned. Not just cleaned. You see that's what we have to do if we want peace we got to be completely honest with him and I thought of Adam and Eve after they fit into the fruit. What did they do? They went off to visit in the garden hid themselves. Why they hide themselves? Because they were afraid. They were afraid of what God might say. They were afraid that God might be mad at him. They didn't want to visit with holy God because they had now broke that fellowship with holy God and I didn't want to see him. Didn't want to speak to him for sure. Didn't want pray to That's why we get sometimes, as believers. I just was going to pass over that one. No big deal. and God said, I want to be completely honest with me,

you say when we sin as a Christian, And we don't want to. Get right with God, if you would, we don't want to confess that we want to kind of hide that because we're afraid that God might not love us. That he might be mad at us. I want you to say that's completely, not false. I'm completely false. God bless us when we fail. God loves us when we come short because we are his children. if you're a boy, or your daughter does something wrong, and, you know, it

Do you still love them? What course you do? There might they're my children. I still love them. Might have to thump him on the head once or twice but I still love them. Still loves it. Romans 8:35. says, if it will separate us from the love of God, what tribulation will distress? What persecution will famine? Will Peril will the sword will nakedness separate us from the love of God? Of course the the implied answer is no. Romans 8, 3839 goes, even further than that or talks about the love of God, even when we fail him, In his first day of his for, I am convinced Paul will write. I am convinced that neither life nor death nor angels nor principalities.

Nor things created or things to come, no power, no height nor depth nor any other created thing. Will separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.

What a powerful powerful to versus right there. Nothing. If you're a been born again, if you are a child of the God, can separate you from the love even though you don't want to deal with it, even though you don't want to confess it. He still loves you. You want peace in this old world man. You got to be honest with the father. Honest with the father and I promise you he will deep clean you. At that point he will forgive you and he will cleanse you 1st John 1:9 and what a great thing you want. Peace is another step that you have to do is to be completely honest with God. Because you know what he knows. Anyway. But he wants you to confess in the working. Fast means to agree. The fourth one real quick and I'll be back done. Be intentional about being thankful. Be intentional about being, thank you. Thank you Father. Thank you, Father for him is for 6, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving,

He said, I want you to be thankful. I want you to be thankful in all situations of life. Well, I know, I don't want to do that.

I don't want to do that. I just got a phone call at 8. Said, I got cancer or I got some illness right, or there's been a lot somewhere.

And he says be thankful and everything. Can we do that? It's a God's a big God. And God wants the best for us. Had to stop and just think about that concept.

but being thankful even even amongst that the difficulties of life, the positive side of that statement is that you get to watch God's faithfulness to you. You get to watch, you get to see his faithfulness to you as he brings you through the struggles of life. Because we can see that we can see him working. We can see his faithfulness and we can see him doing. For my good and for his glory. We can honestly say, thank you Father. Or what's going on in my life? That's what it means to be thankful for everything. Not thankful for the cancer but thank you for you father. As I watch you Faithfully minister in my life.

That's a big deal.

What does it look like? Father, got this issue in my life, I don't have the resources, I don't have the ability, I don't have the strength to deal with it. The phone I want to just give it to you. I'm going to lay it at your feet. And I'm only thankful that you are in control that you are sovereign. I'm going to be thankful that I could see you working in my life. I can see your faithless, I can see the promises that I'm standing on right now and trusting in and believing coming to operation.

Man you want peace in your life. That's how you get it. You had me again, to have a heart. Have gratitude, you have an attitude of gratitude.

So, there are four ways. And I believe you got to do all four of them. If you truly want to have peace, I was going to urge you, man. If you written those down and you got them, whatever, I'll give them to you later. I would suggest to you if if you try those for a month, To the best of your ability. I honestly believe God will bring you peace during the hard times of life. There's not a doubt about it because you see all four of those are biblically. Accurate. Knowing god through his son, Jesus Christ. Having a heart that says I want to communicate with you. God, 24/7. When I'm at work, when I'm at play, when I'm at home, when I'm with other people, I still want to communicate with you. dad, I promise, I will be honest even if honesty hurts Because I can't hide. I can't hide nothing from you. God you already know what? Anyway. What does God want from you? And I The Bible says, I don't need your burnt offerings. I don't need your burnt sacrifices.

Psalm 51 says, all I want is a humble and a contrite heart. and we, when you have to humble yourself and you say God I did this and this and this and this and this I promise you. Deep cleaning will take place in your life.

And then I'm going to have a heart of gratitude. Knowing that you are to control knowing that you want the best for me. knowing that whatever, however you solve this, Is good for me. And great for you.

Can we have peace? Amongst the chaos. Yeah we can. Christian. Let's just for the dress, that's not for the outside work. He didn't promise that to anybody else that kind of piece. I heard you, urge you to look that list over and follow the list. And just not see if God won't bring peace to you in the midst of the chaos.

And we bow our heads and close our eyes for the invitation time.

I hope I hope God spoken to you. I hope he has. Said something to you. I hope he's able to either encourage you about the you can't have peace no matter what. You really can I want one? When you begin to doubt all of that, that you really can't have peace. That's just the enemy saying, you can't. God said, yeah, you can't cuz here's my promises promises, Christian. You can have the peace that Jesus talked about.

Do you need to commit that to the Lord? Then I would just do that right now, you did business with that. Just got here is what he said. Probably, this is what I want to do. Father, help me to commit to those four. father, I if I commit to those four, I believe and I trust and I have faith in that you're going to do what, what you said you would do if I just did these for Yeah, you can have peace in the chaos. You pray, Our God has let you

Talk to the Lord. Listen to the Lord.

Humble and contrite, to be mended.

Price of downtown. By the way, thank you that we could come to you at any time and any place for the way. Thank you that we can come with open arms. I just pray that you would just burn it to our hearts that message that you have for us today. The father, we really be a people that seek peace and that we will be a people that that wants your piece and that we had is available to us. And we have no excuse father, when we don't have fees because you told us how to how to go about it. So glad we just thank you for that. Father, we thank you for your goodness and your mercy and your love will always. Thank you for the promises of your word. Thank you for your peace. Bechamel surpasses. All understanding that is available to all of us such as born-again Believers. Father we thank you for that. What a great friend and benefits you given to us while I pray that we would grab hold of that. And trusted and believed it and leave it out in our lives. Even if life is hard, when you know, that you are so father. I thank you again for all that you have done in my life in the life of a stripper do with us to wait, you're holy and precious. Babe, guys are just myths. Have a great week babe.

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