Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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One of my.
Most favorite songs right there.
It is well, Brian.
Open this up, please.
You are alive today and you're hearing our prayers are hard right now in the now.
Preaching the word of God, father and help us?
Receive it.
Marked out as you lead us and guide us bothering.
Philippians 4 if you want to turn there.
That's kind of where we'll be today.
I don't know why this this song has been running through my mind.
Almost all week.
And Rhonda said we sang this last week so I didn't want to push the issue or anything.
So I'm a week with you can't sing the same song back to back in you.
I think in Baptist Churches, I'm not sure he can't.
But this song just keep, I can't get rid of it.
I'm going to tell her.
Okay, she's not here.
So I'm going to tell her we can do that.
For mission to tell her.
But I am, I don't know why this has been rolling around in my mind all week.
I know couldn't get rid of it, I guess.
But it goes like that.
I'm not going to think.
I'm just going to read them to you when peace like a river.
Attendeth my soul.
when Sorrows like sea Billows, roll whatever my lot thou Hast taught me to say, It Is Well with My Soul.
It Is Well with My Soul.
It is.
Well, it Is Well with My Soul.
When peace like a river, attendeth my way.
when Sorrows like sea Billows, roll It Is Well with My Soul.
Dial message today, is in a kind of a series that were in stress less.
Finding peace in the chaos.
Finding peace in the chaos.
I hope this is being encouragement to you.
I I I normally don't normally say anything about jotting down some notes.
But about halfway through, I want to, if I remember, I want to encourage you to write down just for for notes, okay?
Just on the back of your your bulletin, they are somewhere.
And the reason is, I don't do not want you to forget these four points.
It is so important that we understand these four points and like I said, we're not there yet, it'll take me a little bit to get there, you know, me, takes me a while to get going there.
But when I get there, I do want to disturb would just ask you to.
I mean, if you don't have to, I'm not going to make you do it, but I think it would be a benefit to you.
I don't know about you, but so many times anymore, when I hear something or I go to sleep, I did something just drain out of my mind.
I don't know why they just, they just leave me.
I don't know if you have that same problem, but it sure does me.
So, I have to write stuff down to the so I can at least remember in the problem is if I can remember where I put it, what I wrote down that's that's the other part of that issue, okay?
All right.
Philippians 4:6 and 7 is just going to read it again and will refer back to hear quite a bit, I think.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication.
With Thanksgiving.
Let your requests be known to be made known to God.
And the peace of God.
Which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
That's that.
That's one of my favorite verses to
There have been.
Over 1.2 billion, Google searches on how to manage stress.
Can you believe that 1.2 billion how to manage stress?
We talked a little bit about that last Sunday.
Did we not?
How stress can affect us, physically?
It can affect us.
Mentally, that can affect us, spiritually, can it not?
It is a big player in in our lives.
And then people are wanting to know how to get rid of that.
And it's not so much.
They want to get rid of the stress of life but they're looking for something else.
Also, something to to replace the stress.
If you would And they're looking for a thing known as peace.
They want peace.
People want to have.
Peace within themselves.
People want to have the peace of God.
Inner self.
People want to have peace as they live out their lives.
And I want to have peace in the world.
They're searching for peace.
And today, hopefully, when we get there, I want to give you four things.
That I believe the Bible teaches us how we can have peace and I promise you're not a one of them has anything to do with Oprah Winfrey or dr.
Phil, I promise you.
It has everything to do with.
Father God.
And that's where real peace will come from.
So what is this piece?
What is FIFA.
I think you can see it up there on the board.
A sense of divine favor.
Greater than your confidence in God.
And ground in your relationship with him.
It is divine favor.
In him in our relationship to him.
Just leave it up there.
Duckster The world will tell you peace.
That is not a definition of Peace.
The world.
What day is the definition of peace.
Is the absence of conflict If you're not having any conflict, you are at peace.
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