A Psalm of Thanksgiving Psalm 107
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Exhortation of Praise.
I love the start of this Psalm…
Oh give thanks to the Lord… Why? Because he is good, and his steadfast love endures forever...
God is good isn’t he.. and his love is not bound in human limits…
And because of his goodness, and his love, the redeemed are to let praise and give thanks for him…
But what did they redeem them from? From trouble.. That is a great way to describe sin.. Trouble, sin causes us to get into all kinds of trouble.
And the Psalmist says he saves people from all over, from the east to the west from the north and from the south…
4-9 God delivers those in the desert.
v4-5 describe a lostness comparing it to the desert, where there is no cities, no place to find a home, and hunger and thirst come upon that person, but the Psalmist equates their souls fainting. Man needs more than just food and drink they need God, but these people see that, and see what happens.
They cry out to the Lord, in their trouble, in their sin and he does what he delivers them from what? distress..
And he does that by leading them down a strait path, and I love how the Psalmist puts it he leds them till they reach a city to dwell in. So no longer are they in a place where there is no food or drink or shelter, because the Lord leds them into his dwelling place
And so they become like those at the beginning giving thanks to the Lord for his love, his work, to the children of the Lord.
Because like I just said he satisfies the longing soul, the hunger soul, and fills with food things.. What an illustration for the lost man. He takes what is empty and he fills it up.
God delivers those in darkness.
The Psalmist says Some sat in darkness, and in the shadow of death, prisoners in affliction and in irons. these people as the Psalmist say rebelled against the words of God. ( there condition came from there own sin against God, they became prisoners to it, and fell because of it.. So as a result they cried out in their trouble, their sin, and he did the same thing he did for those who were in the quote on quote desert he delivered them from their distress.
In this section it says he brings them out of this darkness, and the shadow of death, and in this rescue he breaks those chains they have, and they to thank the Lord, and his love, and his works for his children. Because not only does God get them out of the chains of bondage and the doors that keep prisoners in, he shatters them and cuts them in two. God is a God who truly delievers…
17-22 Fools repent and find salvation.
The Psalmist says some were fools. Prov 1:7
7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.
The Psalmist says the were fools because of their sinful ways, and because of their iniquities, and because of that they suffered affliction. They got to a point there they did not even want to eat and death was closing in on them, yet they did as the others did, and cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he did as he did for the others and that is he delivered them from their distress, and they thank him for his love, and his works, for the work he did the children.
And instead of them ignoring wisdom they now sacrifice and tell others of his wisdom, and deed in songs of joy.
God delivers those in the deep. 23-32
Another story the Psalmist shares in one on the sea. And the boats are doing what boats do, and these people see what the Lord can do, that he commands the storms to move, and they courage they had melted away because heaven controls the waves, and they could not control what was going on, the Psalmist says these men were like drunken men, with no real answers, yet they cried out to the Lord and he delivered them from their distress, and he made the storm still, and the waves hush( remind you of anything? )
They were glad because the waters were now calm, and he brought them back to shore, and they thanked the Lord for his steadfast love and his works to the children of man. So they extol the Lord. ( praise him with passion ) in the presence of these people, including the elders.
The Psalmist then goes back to the desert.
Delivers those in the desert 33-42
He turns rivers into a desert..
Springs into thirst
fruit into waste, why because of sin, and evil.
On the flip side he turns desert into pools of water, and parched land into springs.
But he lets the hungry swell and live in cities and sow fields and plant vineyards and get this crop because he blesses it, and in his blessing he multiplies them and does not let their livestock diminish.
when diminishment comes and they are brought low through oppression, evil, and sorry guess what he does he pours out contempt on princes, and makes them wander in trackless wastes, he puts those who are against God on roads that are really roads, and raises up the needy out of affliction and makes their families like flocks. ( family of God )
And those who are upright see this, and are glad and the wicked shut their mouths.
And the Psalm ends with them saying whoever is wise let him attend to these things, and let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.
Think about all the different types of people the Psalmist says the Lord saves…
Also how thankful they are for saving them....