Christmas • Sermon • Submitted
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· 3 viewsFaith is not for a moment in time, it is lived out 24/7. It is a way of life.
The times of Jesus birth were difficult days. The Jews were struggling. They were God’s people, yet they had lost their right to govern their own people. They no longer served a King of Israel, but an emperor of Rome. They paid taxes, not to their own leaders, but to the Romans. They no longer lived among their own alone, but amid various cultures that traveled to do business with Rome. Roman rule opened many roads and much commerce.
All these new people coming in all served their own gods and had their own religions. Rome kept peace by recognizing and allowing all religions and various gods to be recognized.
However, the Jews were a problem because they were not willing to play the tolerance game. They insisted on doing things their own way declaring it was because God had ordained it to be so. Where other cultures just settled in under Roman rule, there were always Jews causing uprisings because of their religious beliefs.
Under such circumstances, many Jews were very poor and the Roman taxes cut deep into their pockets. The Romans were suspicious of them and treated them with cruelty. The Jews were always the odd ones.
Through it all, the Jews held to one hope. Prophets had foretold of a Messiah that would come. They waited, and waited, hoping against all hope that He would come soon and deliver them from their difficult situation.
Then the day came. He was born. His birth fulfilled all the prophecies. The timing was perfect. Under Roman occupancy, the means were available for the teachings and life of Jesus Christ to be carried to all lands and people groups.
Christmas is a time when we remember Jesus’s birth, but even more. We carry on a new hope. Not the kind of hope that is uncertain, but the hope that comes with confidence that better days are ahead.
All the prophecies of His coming have been fulfilled, but there are other prophecies yet waiting fulfillment. The fulfillment of the prophecies to date give confidence of those yet to be fulfilled.
Times have changed. Our situation is a long way removed from that of the Jews, who still today suffer as there are always others looking to their borders to take control. In our nation, we have our own government. We have prosperity. Even now when things are getting tougher, we still live well. But we have our own set of troubles. We hope to see taxes lowered. We hope to place people in government that will work for the average person in our nation. We are concerned for the rumors of possible wars that may be looming in our near future.
Christmas is a time of rejoicing. As we celebrate Jesus first arrival, we anticipate the second arrival. This one will be permanent. We will never be separated from Him again.
Habakkuk was a young man concerned with the world around him. He asked God and God gave answer.
2 Then the Lord replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.
If you are like me, your anticipation is growing. We can point to various new events, prophecies being fulfilled. Other prophecies about to be fulfilled. We know the appointed time is clicking down ever closer.
The end days are referred to as birth pangs. They begin slowly and build until they are nearly a consistent crescendo. Things have been slowly intensifying for sometime, but they are building. All around the world we see a sudden increase in disasters, political unrest, and evil pushing forward. Even as these things take place, the “Morning Star” is becoming more visible. I believe as things increase, we will see the Holy Spirit at work. Just like Venus as the morning star is seen just before the dawn, if we keep our eyes focused on God, we will see His work being revealed in our day. It will increase even as the evil increases.
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”
In these difficult times, our faith is our strength. Faith is not something we have in a moment of time. Faith is a way of life. Our faith gives us strength 24/7.
Today, as we celebrate first Advent, I pray that your faith is keeping you alert and excited with hope for the days ahead. The Jews in Jesus day witnessed Him in the flesh. I believe we will also witness Him in the flesh within our generation.
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,