The Word of Truth: The Gospel (1 Peter 1:22-25)

We obey the truth when we believe the gospel that Peter declared: Jesus is God’s Anointed, the Savior. He suffered, shed his innocent blood, died and rose, and promised to restore all things (1 Peter 1:3–9). We obey the truth when we believe that Jesus died as a sacrifice for sins and that God “raised him from the dead and glorified him” (1:21). We obey the gospel when our “faith and hope” (1:21) rest in Jesus Christ, who “bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness” (2:24).
This point implies that we can solve many of life’s questions by asking, “What action is in line with the truth of the gospel? What decision is consistent with the gospel?” Suppose someone wrongs you. What response is consistent with the gospel? Anger? Self-pity? Revenge? Forgiveness? A conversation?
If your career is uncertain, if you lose your job or lose income, what response is in line with the gospel? Panic? Shame? Despair? Anger? Or is there a better way to walk in line with the gospel and obey it? The gospel says that we are beloved of God, regardless of our achievements. What response follows that?
We should always seek the path that is in line with the gospel. Looking at life through the lens of the gospel is part of “obeying the truth.” We “obey the truth” when we know we are justified by grace and sanctified by grace. We get right and stay right with God the same way: through the gospel, not works.