Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
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The way that we make it out in our trials is by going to God's word because the Bible says, if any of us lack wisdom, we simply need to ask you see, typically our prayers when we in the trial is going to get me out, but James needs to be asked God for wisdom, Lord, what are you teaching me in that trial and what should be my action during this trial that I face?
And that's what James calls us to last week, we looked at Temptations, remember count it all joy when you and counter, okay?
These are tests that that we get but hear Temptations is what we put our self into.
This was not something you encountered but that was a trial that you Created.
This is our call Temptations.
That's when we are falling into sin, with giving into our desires, once we break God's law.
What's going to happen with?
There will be consequences.
God will forgive you.
I forgive you for anything that you do, okay?
God will forgive you, but you always still have to deal with the consequences.
You always have to deal with the consequences.
This is all the Temptations.
You brought on yourself and you fall into the Temptations.
God says a
You remain steadfast fall into your Temptations.
God says you better remember who I am because every good and perfect gift comes from me.
So God is saying, hey, I am a good god and I only do good things and God isn't a next time.
You are tempted, don't fall into that trap because we would desire.
Let's to send and send lives to death.
So you have that desire, then now you are being deceived, then you go.
You make a decision to send and then that decision to send leads to destruction.
So James is saying, don't fall for the Trap, don't let your desire destroy you.
And jams tells us last week.
Told us last week that don't let your Temptations If you out.
And today, we're going to look at verse 19 to 27.
Hear James is talking about honoring God by obeying his word.
We need to honor God by obeying his word so far as we honor God of our life.
We honor God in our trials, we honor God and our Temptations.
And now James is saying, we need to honor God by obeying his word.
We honor God by obeying his word.
Father, has we go to your work.
Now, make today not be another waste of time.
The father, may your work goes to our heart changes, transformed into your likeness and be more like Christ in Jesus name.
We pray.
In one sentence, our actions.
Prove what we truly believe our actions.
Prove what we truly believe.
Whatever actions we take in our life.
That's what we truly believe and we will see three things this morning that James will teach us in Jamesburg 1:19 to 27.
It says, we honor God by obeying his word when our faith is not fluffy.
When our belief, dictates our behavior and we honor God by obeying him when our reality lines up with our religion.
We honor God by obeying his word when our faith is not fluffy.
When our believe the taste, our action will be a pure and when our reality lines up with our religion.
So, let's go with the first one.
We honor God by obeying his word when our faith is not fluffy.
You see a lot of us unfortunately our faith is very superficial.
The word fluffy means that is very superficial it's lacking depth or seriousness and for a lot of us often that people would listen to us when we share the gospel with them because they don't see what effects that our God will have an ad in our lives.
So if the gospel does not have any effect into our own lives, our lives.
Look exactly like the people we are trying to share the gospel with then they do not take us seriously.
Like for example, if you see that you have other friends of Warren unbelievers and I feel very comfortable cussing around you.
And every other word that they use is an expletives.
They don't take you seriously.
They don't take your face seriously.
And some of us even use the same words as we talkin to them, don't we?
How can we share the gospel with them?
We cannot see Jim says, the way that we all put on our God by obeying him, our faith cannot be fluffy.
It cannot be a superficial face.
It cannot lock, except it has to be a serious face.
People response to what is real even when they don't listen to you then, but they know that there is somebody real.
There is somebody serious, you see when people when they speaking around you that whenever they would say, like, you know, a cuss word and they don't say sorry to you or all, I'm sorry, then they don't know where you are.
And probably you've never told him where you are, you've never told them, what you stand for then, your faith is is is just fluffy.
Okay, it's not real, it's not serious.
And that is just one example, in the way that our faith is just very fluffy and I can give you countless other examples, we can look at our lives and that's why Jim starts here in verse 9 says know this.
My beloved Brothers let every person be let everybody be quick to hear slow to speak.
Slow to anger.
Any of you have been able to do that perfectly?
The printer is switching to himself this morning K.
All of us will get something this morning.
It says know this.
My beloved Brothers, let every person be quick to hear slow to speak.
Slow to anger.
Hey, you have two ears, right?
You only have one mouth.
Drake's, what does that tell you?
Come on kids.
Tell me.
What does that tell you?
You should listen more than you actually talk.
You with me?
I don't know anybody with a struggle with this.
Florida's beach.
Slow to speak, quick to hear and slow to anger.
And he gave us a reason.
For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God, therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your soul.
So first of all, of all of us here can relate to that, verse 19.
What is coming to all of us?
We all know who struggle, with keeping our mouths, shut our mouths.
And we want to say something or is it like a lot of time you talking to someone and then you keep cutting people?
Did you cutting people?
You not slow to speak, speaking to somebody to explain something on the phone to me.
And then one another, we ain't that to each other.
Then that tells you you have our problem.
You know, and I know that was preparing for the message.
Next time I did better.
Slow to speak.
I quit to hear but slow to anger.
But here in the context of this verse listen, real good here and the context of this verse here, remember we talkin about Temptation K member all the scriptures related together here in the context of this verse you're here, we understand this just just in our natural context and in our day-to-day life, all of us struggle with keeping our tongues together with always have to say something.
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