How to Understand This
The composer of Psalm 73 struggled with the age-old problem of the suffering of the innocent and the prosperity of the wicked, and he wrote the psalm after coming to a place of resolution (v. 1). The connections between this psalm and Proverbs and Job (see Comment section) indicate that the psalm is a wisdom poem.
Psalm 72 strikes a high note. It is flush with the hopes and dreams for the future. In contrast, Psalm 73 opens Book Three on a note of confusion and doubt. Life with God will not be lived in an idyllic world, at least for the moment, but in a world where the values espoused in the previous psalm do not always meet with the realities of life
The Reason of the Crisis 1-12
His prosperity
They Are Prideful
What they do in their Pride
The Turning Point in the Crisis 13-17
The Resolution of the Crisis 18-28
The Plight of the Wicked 18-20
The Prosperity of the Righteous 21-28
Psalm 72 prayed that God would act through the king so as to grant well-being and freedom from violence and extortion forever (vv. 3, 4, 14, 17). But often, all one can see is the well-being of the faithless and their exercise of violence and oppression forever (73:3, 6, 8, 12).66 At the beginning of Book III of the Psalter, Ps. 73 restates the convictions of Pss. 1–2 but does so in light of the realism that has characterized the rest of Books I and II.67 “Initially the psalmist was on slippery ground (vv. 1–3), while the wicked seemed secure (vv. 4–12). In the end the reverse is true; the wicked are slipping (vv. 18–20) and the psalmist is stable (vv. 21–28)”; likewise, initially the wicked seem to be doing well “forever” whereas the psalmist is perpetually afflicted, but in the end the wicked come to a complete end in a moment, whereas actually God was continually with the psalmist and was the psalmist’s allocation “forever.”68 The psalm brings out a feature that characterizes many psalms. The change that comes over the psalmist issued not from Yhwh’s having acted but from the psalmist having gained a conviction that Yhwh will act